
rails formtastic habtm in and out

EDIT: looking for this: http://diminishing.org/extending-formtastic-with-a-sprinkle-of-jquery (If this works I'll answer my own question) I've started to create an in and out type habtm (has many and belongs to many) form through formtastic. However I would like it to be more flexible to the user, meaning if you select a name on one si...

rails has_and_belongs_to_many or manual implementation

I'm designing a ruby on rails app for a pharmacy, and one of the features is that there are stores who have pharmacists who work there. In addition, there are pharmacists, who can work at many stores. This sounds like a job for HABTM, right? Well, being the novice I am, I manually designed a workaround (because I never heard of HABTM ...

Rails subset select always returns true

First: Sorry for the ambiguous question, I'm not fully versed on Rails parlance yet. I am trying to search a dataset for a value. If the dataset contains the value, I'd like the app to do something. If it doesn't, the app needs to do something else. The data breaks down like this: I have affiliates and users, each with a HABTM relati...

build relationship from list of ids

Hi I have has_and_belongs_to_many relationship between Posts and Comments and in my edit action I have form that returns me list of ids 1,3,5,8 etc. I want build relationship between my current model and all models which ids are in the list so @post.comments will return Comments with 1,3,5,8 ids In fact I need execute DELETE FROM comm...

CakePHP sub query SQL in HABTM relation

I want to suggest related products by tags and sort order by the most matched. the HABTM model association between Product and Tag class Product extends AppModel { //.. var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array("Tag"); //.. } and vice versa in Tag model. also join-table name is "products_tags". for Ex.sample.. //just sample of Product conta...

Find record, that has ALL associated records

Say, we have a "Person" and "Favorite" models. "Favorite" is what this person likes: "music", "video", "sport", "internet", "traveling" etc. "Person" HABTM "Favorites", and "Favorite" HABTM "Persons" I need to find a Person, that has ALL listed "Favorites. For example, find a person, that likes "music", "traveling" and "sport". How ...

nested attributes and habtm checkboxes working on same form?

Hi I have a task model which has a habtm association with documents, I want the user to be able to upload new documents and automatically associate those documents with the task and also be able to select existing documents to link or unlink with the task I've tried using the nested attributes code and the habtm checkbox code from rai...

HABTM through editing via checkboxes

I have a HABTM relationship between Publications and Categories. In the new and edit views, I have this: Categories:<br /> <% @categories.each do |c| %>  <%= check_box_tag :category_ids, c.id, @publication.categories.include?(c), :name => 'publication[category_ids]' -%> <%= "#{c.name}"%> <% end -%> The model code: class Publica...

CakePHP HTBTM with extra field : Double Logical Relationship : How to construct $this->data in controller on my own

Hi, I have HABTM relation between "Event" and "Category" models. But in the bridge table, "categories_events" table, there is an extra field called "is_primary"; meaning and Event is belong to 1 primary category and many secondary categories. I deployed 1 select box named "primary_event" and checkboxes named "seconday_event[]". When I...

rails validation on accepts_nested_attributes_for and habtm association in an update resets the association

In rails 2.3.8 I am having trouble with validations on a accepts_nested_attributes_for association if I loop through or even inspect the habtm association in validation the lessons are loaded and any updates are lost. For example, I have the following schema: ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20100829151836) do create_table "att...

CakePHP - Calling a model function in a HABTM

I have two tables, Pages and Posts that are in HABTM and are joined using pages_posts join table. My Page model along with the HABTM definition contains a function.. class Page extends AppModel { var $name = "Page"; ...... ...... function callthis() { return $this->find('all');; } } From my Posts controller, I'...

How to display results from a HABTM relationship in a view?

I have a HABTM relationship between a books table and an authors table, joined with an authors_books table. However, I can't find a solution to display the fields firstname, lastname and fullname in my view. book-model: class Book extends AppModel { var $name = 'Book'; var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array( 'Author' => array( 'c...

Need help with hasAndBelongsToMany (HABTM) Cakephp find

Hello, I am trying to query a hasAndBelongsToMany relationship in Cakephp 1.3, but it looks like the SQL query being run is not doing a Join on the many to many table. I have a users table, projects table, and users_projects table. I want to get a list of all projects a user is associated with in a separate Allocations controller. I ha...

validates_associated and HABTM

Article HABTM authors In Article model, i say: validates_associated :authors But, by creating of the new Article, this validation does't happen, because i don't see the errors. Another errors are displayed properly, but this. I render errors so: <div class="errors"> <%= article_form.error_messages %> </div> What's wrong here...

Cakephp retrieve data in HABTM association

I have 2 tables subscribers and distribution list and the relationship between them is HABTM. Now here particular users are associated to distribution list, i wish to add more users, but when adding new users to distribution list, i would like to show users who are not associated with that distribution lists. what condition should i writ...

Getting a wellformed sql-result with habtm relations

Hi there… I need to write an SQL-Query for a csv-export. I have a table "stores", "items_stores" and therefor "items". Stores HABTM Items. Now i want a result that has a column for the items. Like this: | Name | Lat | Lng | Items | | Petes shop | 123 | 123 | Snacks, Pizza | | Mama Pasta | 123 | 123 | Pasta, Pizza | Yo...

cakephp :insert to HABTM

i have some models A,B with HABTM C. C has HABTM with D and F,i have implemented a model and controller to C. cake does not detect C HABTM with D,F. although its in the model definition. when update data in C i manually bind models to work. any one could help! ...

@object.attributes = params[:object] is saving HABTM associations, how avoid it?

Sorry for my english ... I need set some attributes to my object, but, I don't want to save them, I will save them after. @object.attributes = params[:object] @object.save is working with other attributes like name, description ... but when I send habtm_object_ids[] rails save the association at this point: @object.attributes = para...

Why is HABTM generating queries that include an 'id' column?

I have a Role model and Permission model. The Role model: has_and_belongs_to_many :permissions The Permission model: has_and_belongs_to_many :roles The migration to create the permissions_roles table: class CreatePermissionsRoles < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :permissions_roles, :id => false do |t| ...

What's the best way to structure these relationships? To HABTM or not?

Just looking for some advice on how to structure my relationships in an app that I'm making. I have the following models: activity # golf, karaoke event # golf competition followed by all-night karaoke boat party post # write-up of the golf and karaoke event mentioned above gallery # photos from the golf and karaoke event Que...