What is default hash algorithm that asp.net membership uses?
Hi all. What is default hash algorithm that asp.net membership uses? And how i can change it? Thanks. ...
Hi all. What is default hash algorithm that asp.net membership uses? And how i can change it? Thanks. ...
I'm trying to add a small level of security to a site and encode some ids. The id's are already a concat of linked table rows, so storing the encryption in the db isn't very efficient. Therefore I need to encode & decode the string. I found this great little function from myphpscripts, and I'm wondering what the chances are of collisio...
I am primarily interested in string keys. Can someone point me towards a library? -A ...
I have a certain object type that is stored in a database. This type now gets additional information associated with it which will differ in structure among instances. Although for groups of instances the information will be identically structured, the structure will only be known at runtime and will change over time. I decided to just ...
According to various sources, attacks looking for sha-1 collisions have been improved to 2^52 operations: http://www.secureworks.com/research/blog/index.php/2009/6/3/sha-1-collision-attacks-now-252/ What I'd like to know is the implication of these discoveries on systems that are not under attack. Meaning if I hash random data, what ar...
I've been looking at Safari 4's Webpage Previews (~/Library/Caches/com.apple.Safari/Webpage Previews/), the image names appear to use a 128 bit hash, but which hash function are Apple using? I found this page, Web Based MD5 / SHA1 / SHA-256 / SHA-384 / SHA-512 Cryptographic Hash Calculator Function, but, comparing some Webpage Preview i...
I was asked to modify some existing code to add some additional functionality. I have searched on Google and cannot seem to find the answer. I have something to this effect... %first_hash = gen_first_hash(); %second_hash = gen_second_hash(); do_stuff_with_hashes(%first_hash, %second_hash); sub do_stuff_with_hashes { my %first_hash ...
I am trying to find a way to save the hash portion of a url and as a PHP variable. This idea is a bit kooky, but bear with me... I'd like to extract the "location" fragment from the following URL and save it as a PHP variable. http://www.example.com/#location However, discussion at this link indicates that the fragment of a URL is o...
I keep printing my hash as # of buckets / # allocated. How do I print the contents of my hash? Without using a while loop would be most preferable (ex: a one-line would be best) ...
Suppose there is a tree, for argument's sake an XML tree. And you want a complete set of root to node paths, however you want to divide that set into groups of i, where i is user specified. So for example a html document: /html /html/head /html/head/title /html/head/title/[text] /html/body /html/body/[text] becomes for example...
I'm building a list of hashes that represent root to node paths in a tree. My functions work but they are incredibly slow over large tree structures - is there a better way? I've tried building the list in one function but I get unique hashes where I don't want them. public ArrayList<Integer> makePathList(AbstractTree<String> tree){ ...
A few weeks ago I lost my passwords for msn and more importent my company email, which change every 30 days or something, they are annoying because of there lengh and a I dont like writting them down. Anyhow I downloaded a so called password recovery tool and it worked well, but then spammed me for days with ads. My question is, how can ...
Use case: the "I forgot my password" button. We can't find the user's original password because it's stored in hashed form, so the only thing to do is generate a new random password and e-mail it to him. This requires cryptographically unpredictable random numbers, for which mt_rand is not good enough, and in general we can't assume a ho...
This question is based on the answer. I would like to know how you can hash your password by SHA1 and then remove the clear-text password in a MySQL database by Python. How can you hash your password in a MySQL database by Python? ...
I want to check if parameter $PGkey is equal to a key with the same name inside a hash table. Further, I want to do it in a format as close to this as possible: while(<PARAdef>) { my($PGkey, $PGval) = split /\s+=\s+/; if($PGkey == $hash{$PGkey}) { print PARAnew "$PGkey = $hash{$PGkey}->[$id]\n"; } else { pri...
I want to store certain objects in a HashMap. The problem is, usually you just use a single object as a key. (You can, for example, use a String.) What I want to do it to use multiple object. For example, a Class and a String. Is there a simple and clean way to implement that? ...
I stumbled across this problem when creating a HashSet[Array[Byte]] to use in a kind of HatTrie. Apparently, the standard equals() method on arrays checks for identity. How can I provide the HashSet with an alternative Comparator that uses .deepEquals() for checking if an element is contained in the set? Basically, I want this test to...
Suppose you were at liberty to decide how hashed passwords were to be stored in a DBMS. Are there obvious weaknesses in a scheme like this one? To create the hash value stored in the DBMS, take: A value that is unique to the DBMS server instance as part of the salt, And the username as a second part of the salt, And create the concat...
If my table inside the database look like: userid uniqueidentifier username varchar(20) password varbinary(max) When the user submit(to register), I send the user/pass to a stored procedure. The stored procedure create a new GUID(Using NEWID()) then I use the HashBytes(sha1) function of SQL Server to create the password based on t...