
When to put static function definitions in header files in C?

Hi, I've come across some code that has a large static function in a header file and i'm just curious when it is/is not ok to do this. For example, if many .c files include the header, why not just define the function non-static and link it in ? Any advice or rules of thumb on when/when not to put static function definitions in header ...

how to add expires add for adsense

Hi all, is there any one to help me to know that how to add expires header for google adsense in wordpress ...

How to send SOAP request header in Java?

Hi. I have a WSDL file (the web-service has written by .NET) and i can generate the java web-service client proxy classes and codes in IntelliJ IDEA 7.0.4 by its tool. the web-service has a soap request header , but i can't see any property or method in auto generated Java proxy classes and codes to set the request header. (but when i u...

How to force Visual Studio 2008 to warn about missing header files

I work as the Mac coder on a c++ application which I share with PC coders who use VS2008. When they make changes to a source file that requires an non-included header file they get no warnings, as most of their headers are in a precompiled header. What setting can they use to have them be warned that they failed to add the required inclu...

Image in wordpress header breaks when on other pages

Hello, I have a very strange issue, that I'm hoping someone here can help me with. I have an RSS icon in my wordpress header.php and it works perfectly fine when on the front page but when you visit another page such as, the About page, the image is broken. I'm not entirely sure what the issue is as I don't have a ton of experience in...

flex data grid visibility when empty

Hi, I have data grid that measures the height according to the rows it has, but i need to disappear/ make invisible when i have no data, so the header will not just appear alone. ...

Header-only libraries and multiple definition errors

I want to write a library that to use, you only need to include one header file. However, if you have multiple source files and include the header in both, you'll get multiple definition errors, because the library is both declared and defined in the header. I have seen header-only libraries, in Boost I think. How did they do that? ...

Set Content-Disposition header to attachment only on files in a certain directory?

I've got this this rule in my htaccess file to force linked files to download rather than open in the browser: <FilesMatch "\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$"> ForceType application/octet-stream Header set Content-Disposition attachment </FilesMatch> Is there a way to alter the RegExp so it only applies to files in a certain directory?\ Thanks ...

How to get functions names from Linux headers located in /usr/include

We have most of Gnu C Library Headers in /usr/include I'm looking for a way to open and read an include file and parse it to print all the declared functions which are located inside it. and can any one explain or provide a link talking about this headers formatting. I doing this because I'm trying to do an C Auto completion plug-in whic...

Last-Modified not working for .htaccess

I'm tyring to implement browser caching and follow Google PageSpeed's recommendation about setting Last-Modified to a data that is "sufficiently far enough in the past." I have the following in my .htaccess: <IfModule mod_headers.c> <FilesMatch "\.(json|pdf|swf|bmp|gif|jpeg|jpg|png|svg|tiff|ico|flv|js)$"> Header Set Last-Modified "Fr...

Can't send content-type: text/xml header from PHP at the same time getting the data from MYSQL

Hi guys, i hope you can cast some light on my problem. I need to do an AJAX / PHP / MYSQL application to display posts and stuff on the page i'm writing. I only discovered how to do some simple stuff in PHP after taking some mushrooms but that was years ago and now i don't have mushrooms and i'm just stuck! So here's the problem: i t...

how to set header font color in Latex

Is it possible to change the header font color in Latex? ...

php streaming or buffering mp3 file problem.

I built a mp3 playing website. I use a flash mp3 player to play the mp3 file.It can play, but it can not load the correct time and not stream and buffer the mp3 file located on my server. It can play the mp3 file correctly if the url is from other site, like Google music. I think the important problem is the header output of the mp3 f...

How to create a makefile from a C program?

Hiya, as part of an assessment I have to hand in a code which requires a few non-standard libraries. In order to save submitting the header files and the code I would like to form a 'makefile' with the code and required add-ons sort of 'bundled' together. I have absolutely no idea idea how to go about doing this though and any suggesti...

How to add header for http request

I am new to Restlet development, trying to add headers to do a HTTP request. I tried the following code, but got "400 bad request, the header is not valid" String url = "http://xxxxx"; Client c = new Client(Protocol.HTTP); Request request = new Request(Method.GET, url); HashMap attributes = new HashMap(); attributes.put = ("DeviceID",...

Send no content, HTTP header

Is there a HTTP header that makes sure that no content will be displayed? Even if there is some content in the body? edit: I take the answers as a "no", and accept the fact that headers have no control over the content. ...

"Virtual" and Header Files

I have Foo.hpp and Foo.cpp, i'd like to define a virtual function virtual void setValue(int val){ } Would the following implementation be correct: Foo.hpp #ifndef _FOO #define _FOO class Foo{ public: Foo(); virtual void setValue(int val); }; #endif Foo.cpp Foo::setValue(){ } I realise it would be easier if i kept it...

C++ MSVS dll headers #include issues

Hi, I don't code with lib linking and dll for most of the time, recently when I do, i realized there could be something very wrong with the way i do my #include. Is the following the correct/desirable way to do #include? suppose i have 3 projects (1) dll_A (2) dll_B (3) exe_1. dll_A depends on dll_B, exe_1 depends one dll_A. the way ...

php login: issue with header

I'm trying to make a login page using php, but when I use header() to redirect to another page, my user/pass check on my database somehow fails. Am I doing something wrong? Also, I know I'm missing security guards, I'm implementing in steps since I'm still rather new to PHP. But some tips and suggestions would be appreciated! $dbc = my...

How to use CUDA constant memory in a programmer pleasant way?

I'm working on a number crunching app using the CUDA framework. I have some static data that should be accessible to all threads, so I've put it in constant memory like this: __device__ __constant__ CaseParams deviceCaseParams; I use the call cudaMemcpyToSymbol to transfer these params from the host to the device: void copyMetaData(C...