
[PHP]Warning: Cannot modify header information

I have a simple code: header("Location: http://www.wp.pl/"); end this code return: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/plik.php:1) in /var/www/plik.php on line 2 I don't have any BOM, whitespaces etc. before "php" declaration. What's wrong? ...

headers not allow the email not send

Hi everyone, I have create a script of form processor which is working properly in some servers but now it does not allow to send the mail form the server. If I removes the headers the mail is send here is the code $unique_id=md5(uniqid(rand())); $this->boundary='-----='.$unique_id; $from=($type==1)?((km_str_casecmp("[|re_Email|]"...

sIFR links not working on chrome

Hi all, sIFR is used on a site developed by us for replacing some headers and links. The links are not working on Chrome, on everything else it's ok. With right-click on the sIFR link Chrome displays the right Flash-internal menu with 'Follow link' option and it leads to url we wanted. Just the normal single-click doesn't work. Demo: h...

Adding headers to proxied requests in IIS7

Hi everyone, We are using IIS7 UrlRewrite and wish to proxy a URL to another URL, but also adding a header en-route, so that SSO will work properly in the target. We want to add a header called Jespa-Connection-Id to a proxied request. The value for this would be: {REMOTE_ADDR}e:{REMOTE_PORT}e This value is not being passed through, ...

RSS via Ubuntu Apache PHP - content delivered but not recognized by reader

This is a little difficult to explain so please bear with me : Using FF as my RSS reader to test, I am migrating a site which has an RSS Feed component to it; on the old server (apache on fedora 7) the PHP delivers the RSS, and the content is parsed and displayed in the browser. In the new site, (apache on Ubuntu 8.04) the browser r...

Static headers on a listview

I have a ListActivity with obviously a ListView on it. This ListView consists of different sections, each of them have a header. When I display the list of items to the user, first header is on top. If user scrolls, header is hidden and rest of items are displayed. I know how to make that simple header static, always on top, but what i ...

PHP - Check if something was print in the browser

How can I check if something was print in the browser? I've tried headers_sent but it's for headers... If nothing was printed i want to download a file: public function download() { $file = null; $line = null; if(headers_sent($file, $line)) { /* generic exception... change that... */ throw new Exception('Hea...

php headers_sent function is not working

<h1>Header</h1> <?php echo 'teste'; // output here echo headers_sent(); // no output here! ?> Why headers_sent() doesn't output in this case? Thank you. ...

Downloadable Mp3 Files from php headers not working

hello there okay so this is the deal i have my mp3 files on my server and each one is in its own folder. in that folder is the mp3 and a php file with the following script: <?php // We'll be outputting a PDF header('Content-type: audio/mp3'); // It will be called file.mp3 header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="mysong.mp3"...

Including headers from custom framework in XCode

Am I supposed to adjust FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS or HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS when I add custom frameworks to the project? I have MainProject.xcodeproject that links SomeFramework.framework that's simply dragged from "Products" in SomeFramework.xcodeproject to "Link with Binary Libraries" build phase in main project. Framework contains all req...

HOw to group header files in header subfolders under the general header files folder using Cmake

Hi I am building Cmake based build system. I would like to group header files in folders (VC++ can do it) under the general folder Headr Files. Similar I would like to group the corresponding .cpp files in folders under the Source Files directory. Unfortunately I could not find any instructions of how to do it. Please help. Dimitre ...

How many header files are there in c++ standard?

In C89 there're 15 header files: <assert.h> <locale.h> <stddef.h> <ctype.h> <math.h> <stdio.h> <errno.h> <setjmp.h> <stdlib.h> <float.h> <signal.h> <string.h> <limits.h> <stdarg.h> <time.h> What about the c++ standard? ...

How can I control the way gcc/g++ automatically includes headers?

I've run into trouble in the past when I've tried porting some C++ code written on Mac OS X to a Linux system, or trying to compile code written against an older version of gcc/g++ with a newer one: It seems that some (older?) versions of gcc/g++ would automatically include some header files for you. For example, code that uses printf ...

Where to put include statements, header or source?

Should I put the includes in the header file or the source file? If the header file contains the include statements, then if I include that header file in my source, then will my source file have all of the included files that were in my header? Or should I just include them in my source file only? ...

csvreader.fieldnames not recognized as an attribute of a csv reader object in python

I am trying to extract the header of a CSV file in Python by using the CSV module. The CSV file is quite flat, and looks something like: This, That, The Other 1, 2, 3 I am doing the following: Read in the CSV file and make the reader object push the reader's iterator to the next line to force it to access the first line at...

should I include a header that is already included via other headers?

I had only just noticed my programs using the string class were compiling without including the <string> header. It turns out that <iostream> includes <ios_base> which in turn includes <string>. Is this bad practice and should I explicitly include <string>? Even if it's just a case of clarity? Is it safe to assume this applies to more ...

Python replacement for PHP's header

How to send a raw http header in python just like header() in PHP ? ...

How can I detect Android phones and Android tablets differently using the user agent header?

For my site I need to be able to tell the difference between when an Android tablet visits and when an Android phone visits. It needs to be detected before the page is sent to the user so using JavaScript to check the screen res isn't an option. At the moment I use this to detect an android device: stripos($ua, 'android') Is there an...

Problem with content/type: image/jpeg in IE

let's assume i have some.jpg file. I have a problem when try to do the following $data = file_get_contents(path/to/my/some.jpg); header('Content-Type: image/jpeg'); echo $data; exit(); this doesn't work in IE.It doesn't show the image (tested in version 8) What is the problem? Thanks much UPDATE the script i've written is the p...

Best way to load content from web

I have an app which displays 10 images and each image is associated with a button and a URL link. I would like to release this app, but be able to update the images and links via the web without needing to do an update to the app. I know that I can pull images from the web like so: NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString: @"http://example.co...