
100% Css-layout with header and footer

I'm trying to create a layout with a header and footer (both of which have a fixed heights) and a content-div between them that is fills the remaining space. Within the content-div I want to have divs with heights that are based on percent values (with the content-div's heihgt as parent). I can't figure out how to do this? Here is an il...

Dynamic Table height. Redundant calculation of row height?

In a table view I use custom UITableViewCells with dynamic height. The layout algorithm is complicated since there are not only dynamic text blocks but also images with different height. When the appropriate heightForRowAtIndexPath is called the teble view cell has not been rendered do far. Do i have to calculate the height twice? Once f...

Fail on setting attribute for canvas from Javascript

Hi all, I have to set the attributes 'width' and 'height' for a canvas element, depending on the available screen resolution. Setting them statically from html works (ex. <canvas id="canv" width="1600" ... ). From Javascript I can't do it. I've googled and searched in SO but I didn't find anything that works. I am using JQuery and I've t...

HTML/CSS: How to make the sidebar and content follow each other

I need a way in HTML/CSS with code only, without javascript or images, to make a sidebar and a content to follow each other, so if I write more text in the sidebar the content's height will be equal to the sidebar's height but the text in the content will remain on the top of the content part and inverse too. ...

HTML CSS take as much height as possible

Hello, I have quite an interesting situation. I have a table with two columns. In The left one, I have a lot of text, it is HUGE. In the right column, I have a marquee with a very long list, longer still than the content in the left column, but, for it is a marquee, the height is quite little. Is it possible to set the marquees height t...

[JQuery] JQgrid set row height

Hi, I am using JqGrid with javascript. I would set the height of each table row but I have not understand how to do. This is my code: function jobList(){ var json=doShowAll(); alert("jobList() ==> php/get_job_status.php?value="+json); jQuery("#jobList").jqGrid({ url:'php/get_job_status.php?value='+json, datatype: "xml", col...

In Android, how can I set a ListView item's height and width?

I want to create an interface that has one or two listviews that ultimately span the entire screen with two rows. How can I change their height so that they take up 50% of the screen, vertically? If it's along the same lines, I'd love to know how to do this regardless of orientation. With regards to width; let us say I have two listvi...

jQuery Fancybox doesn't wait for AJAX content to load before determining its dimensions

I'm using Fancybox to load some content with AJAX. Content: <div class="container"> <h2>An image</h2> <div class="span-16 colborder center clearfix"> <img src="/system/images/apple.jpg"> </div> <div class="span-7 last clearfix"> something here <br> something here </div> <div class="span-24 last"> FOOT...

get height for a div with overflow:auto;

hi, i have a div with height:100px and overflow:auto the content is dynamic. i want scroll the div in the bottom i tried with $("#chat_content").scrollTop($("#chat_content").height()); but if the content is bigger than 100px $("#chat_content").height() returns 100 and the div isn't scrolled on the bottom how can i do? thanks ...

Weird scrolling problem with UITableView

I have a sectioned UITableView which loads data from a plist file. The table uses custom cells with dynamic height to fit the content of each cell. The table loads just fine initially, but after scrolling down and back up, the cells seem to be overlaying one another in some sections. I've attached an image illustrating the issue I am h...

how properly achieve height 100%

How to achieve webpage's content container fluently resize, without specifying height=100% or height=auto ? As some of you know it occasionally works properly this way :/ Just like here : http://net.tutsplus.com/ , designshack.co.uk or on facebook ? On both designshack and nettuts I'm not even able to break up the layout. ...

jquery. how to get each siblings height?

Hello! I think this is very easy question for someone who is more experienced in Jquery. for example we have simple html page with a few divs, and 3 of them have the same css class 'sidebar' Each of this 'sidebar' divs have different content and different height. I need to compare this divs height and find the longest one. I know h...

Gwt VerticalPanel Cell Height

Hi, I have a horizontalpanel with 3 verticalpanels inside. In the verticalpanels there are custom widgets I need all verticalpanels has the same height (even if they have different number of widgets inside) and a button in the empty space. So, I put all panels height = 100% and the buttons height = 100%. The problem is that the vert...

Binding to a ScrollViewer's ViewportWidth and ViewportHeight

I am using the Model-View-ViewModel architecture in a WPF application I am building, and I would like a specific ViewModel to actually be reactive to the size of the view (not a normal use-case of the MVVM approach, I know). Essentially, I have a ScrollViewer object and I want the viewmodel to observe the width and height of the scrollv...

Get Pixel Height of Font in IE7

I need to get the pixel height of a line of text with javascript. I've written a gwt method that works in Firefox and Chrome and does ok with IE8. But it doesn't work at all in IE7. My code follows, if anyone knows a solution I'd appreciate it. public static int getFontHeight() { HTML sizeText = new HTML("Abcdefghij <br/>klmno<br ...

Can't get div to expand height to include content inside

I can't figure out how to get the height of my middle-container div to expand to fit the data inside. I'm getting lost in suggestions like height:100%, etc. Anyone figure out what css I need to add to fix the following: http://www.tippycanoetoo.com/pillows-rugs-throws.html http://www.tippycanoetoo.com/emma-20-5-square-throw-pillow-1.ht...

change height and width of buttons in buttonset jquery

Is there a way to make the jQuery buttonset buttons smaller? ...

jquery height() problem.

This has been driving me mad someone help coz i don't seem to see where the problem is. <div id="parent"> <div id="child"></div> </div> <script> $('#parent').height(300) $('#child').height($('#child').parent().height()-10); //EDITTED LINE </script> the above is the logic of what i need to do. I check the html tag of "#parent...

Adjusting div width and height after rotated

If I have these rules: width:50px; height:100px; -moz-transform: rotate(0deg) and then an event changes the transform to: -moz-transform: rotate(90deg) logically, shouldn't that automatically exchange the width and the height? I need the rotate to switch width and height for accurate position detection. Thanks, Joe ...

Javascript alternative height, width control.

is there away to use a different positioning system for elements. where you don't change the width and height of the element instead you can change it using left,right, top, bottom more or less like the flex controllers? ...