
Flex 4 fileReference selected image file dimmensions (width and height)

Hello! I use a fileReference.browse() to select an image file from the harddrive. How can I check the Width and Height of the selected image file please? Thank you! ...

JTable change the row height dynamically

i am having trouble changing the height of the my rows dynamically, is there a method i need to overload? --Edit-- Sorry for the short post it was my first ....My problems was really to do with changing the row height depending on the content. So what i have done so far is made a inner class that implements TabelCellRenderer. This is...

netStream Client.onMetaData not recieving width/height

hello, i search the forum but i cant find answer i am streaming flv video,everything works fine, but client i have added to netStream is recieving(via onMeatData function) only this parameters canSeekToEnd, audiocodecid, duration, videocodecid, if is not posibble get width and height from metadata how i can get them? thank you for ...

Auto resize height div according to dynamic child div

Hello All, Begginer in javascript, I'm trying to make a system tabs. All work fine, but when i want a tab with moveable content (in this exemple, i tried with a accordion), the height container div don't resize to child content. $(document).ready(function() { //Tabs init $('#mask').css({'height':$('#panel-1').height()}); $('a[rel=pan...

Jquery Dynamic element height to cover browser height

I have layout as follows. Height of resizeable element is to kept such as it will cover entire browser height. Few points Layout should work with browser resize. Top elements and Bottom elements are optional i.e. some pages may include them. Using Ajax to load content, which can come at Top elements or Bottom elements header, footer...

iPhone TableViewCell with dynamic height crashing.

I've been trying to create a TableViewCell consisting of 2 UILabels in the first row, and another UILabel in the second row. The layout of frames & labels works correctly in the simulator. However: 1) The height is not dynamically increasing / decreasing with each cell 2) The Table crashes whenever it is scrolled in the simulator Ca...

facebook like box stream height

How to control the facebook like box stream part height alone. Its normal to reduce height of whole box but if tries to control it fans images are not shown. The css .fan_box .page_stream{ ...,width:300px} to .fan_box .page_stream{...,width:150px} i'm asking because the stream box inside iframe ...

UILabel height?

I have an uilabel setup with IB and with this code: // setup label sv.text = @"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nat...

jquery set height AFTER load

I am having a little trouble setting the height of an element that I am loading in dynamically. I use the jquery load function to load an external (dynamic) page into a div (#cbox) on my current page. Because this subpage is dynamic, I can't know beforehand what the height of the content is. I want to get the height, once content is loa...

CSS make bottom container height 100% of visible space

http://jsfiddle.net/n8YsM/ How do I make the div id blue take up the remaining visible space after the container div. Also this div should have no content. ...

How to dynamically increase the height of a <div /> based on the contents?

I have a div on a page that I need to put content into. Sometimes the content is a few lines high, and sometimes the content is more than the screen height with varying sizes in between. There is content below the div so I need that content to be pushed down appropriately, so the content below is always right below the div. Basically...

jQuery .height() problem with chrome.

I've been using jQuery Height function. But there was a problem in getting the correct height of my div element. This div element's height is set to auto, which means the div's height depends only on the elements inside of it. When I tried using the .height() in my page, I got the following result: Chrome: 1276 px Firefox: 1424 px But...

how to get width in pixels of view with android:layout_width="wrap_content"?

I have view, which have layout_width="wrap_content". If i use view.getWidth() in code, it returns 0. :-( How can I convert width of view "wrap_content" to pixels? ...

set extended ImageView width and height programatically - android

I have a custom class that extends ImageView that I'm programatically putting on to a RelativeLayout. I want each one of these images to be a specific width and height. I've tried setting the width/height in code with LayoutParams and with setMaxWidth/setMaxHeight...neither seem to be working. Here is the code from the constructor of ...

Some wpf Font_Combobox questions

Hello folks, I have this code: <ComboBox Width="100" ItemsSource="{Binding FontList}" x:Name="fontComboFast"> <ComboBox.ItemsPanel> <ItemsPanelTemplate> <VirtualizingStackPanel /> </ItemsPanelTemplate> ...

HTML setting table height to 100%

I’ve tried doing this, but it seems to just be ignored. I found a few articles saying that if you wanted to do this then you had to make sure that the parent object was also 100%. I have the following: <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head runat="server" style="height:100%"> <title>Untitled Page</title> <asp:C...

XHTML HTML element with 100% height causing scrollbars

In my CSS file I use this: html,body{height:100%;padding:0;margin:0;border:0;} Which causes a vertical scrollbar to appear on IE8, Chrome 5 and Mozilla 3.6, all latest version. Also, the document is empty, it only has the html, head and body tags so nothing is going out of screen to cause that. Setting overflow:hidden; on the html e...

What's the difference between img width&height property and CSS width&height?

The HTML tag img can have width and height property, while it can also have CSS style width and height. <img src="xxx.img" width="16" height="16" style="width: 16px; height: 16px"></img> What's the difference between the HTML property and CSS attributes? Should they have same effects? ...

Why this IFrame is not taking complete page height?

I am using Iframe to display google.com [ or say any website ]. I have used height=100% but even then my Iframe size is just half the page. Please let me know why it is happening. Here is the link: http://jsbin.com/anola3 ...

DIV background does not span 100% for entire body

I'm posting this because I am going crazy. I have a page where the content is centered in the page and must span from top to bottom no matter the content, with two columns. So I have a content div with a left child div and a right child div. The code is the following: <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> html, body { mar...