
tableView cell height... how to customize it?

Is it possible to modify height of only one cell in a grouped table view? I have a table view with 2 sections of 3 and 2 rows... I would change row height of the second row of the second section... How can I do this? Thanks! ...

jQuery equal heights

Hi, I'm trying to set a height on an h3 based on the tallest version of it's siblings. That bit's not too tricky. But what I need to do is to create it by only certain siblings. I have a list that CSS puts into row's of 3. The last li on each row has the class of 'endRow'. What I need to do, i think, is to find the 'endRow', then use ea...

another CSS height 100% problem

UPDATE: I think there was too many information. Here's my question: how to make the height of #middle 100% of the remaining space in the following exampl: <body> <div id="big"> <div id="header"></div> <div id="middle"></div> <div id="btm"></div> </div> </body> height of #big, body, html is all 100%. Hei...

OpenGL Heightmap

I am working on a project for school and part of it was making a height map. I managed to create the height map as requested, but was hoping to go for a little extra credit and smooth the entire surface. Here's an image of what I have now: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v222/shavus/hMap.png The code that I used to generate it was ...

jquery css height setting not functioning properly

I'm trying to use some jQuery to set the left and right columns of my product and catalog pages (with a class of .columns) to the height of my #detail <div> which has some data pulled from a SQL database. So, I am using this jQuery code: $(document).ready(function() { detailHeight = $('#detail').css('height'); columnHeight = detai...

jQuery conditional problem

I am trying to create a conditional statement on my dynamic product pages on my website, to aid the setting of the height of my columns (both left and right) and the center part (the #detail <div>). I have this bit of code now: $(window).load(function() { detailHeight = $('#detail').height(); columnHeight = detailHeight + 20; $...

Silverlight adjust DataGrid height at run time

I have a Grid of 5 rows. At row 2 and 4 I have a DataGrid. The other rows have a fixed Height. The contents of the tables in the DataGrids is of course dynamically determined, and therefore their height too. As in my particular app there is a relation between the height of the two tables, I want to adjust the MaxHeight of both at run-tim...

CSS: 100% width or height while keeping aspect ratio?

Currently, with STYLE, i can use "width: 100%" and "auto" on the height (or vice versa)... but i still can't constrain the image into a specific position, either being too wide or too tall, respectively... any ideas? ...

Constraining item heights in WPF ListBox, with indicator

I have a ListBox control in WPF which contains items of variable height (predominantly a large text block, so it's also affected by word wrapping). Since scrolling behaves badly when the height of an individual item gets too high (especially when close to the height of the ListBox itself), I want to constrain the max height of the indiv...

CSS: How to define a centered div with endless vertical borders and an initial height of 100%?

Hi there! First question on SOF, please be gentle if this may be a stupid question. :) Havent found a solution, neither here nor on the web. I got some trouble with CSS. I pasted my code at the end of this post but first Ill explain what Im trying to accomplish: I want to build a centered fixed-width content area with endless vertical...

jquery find number of 'li' items in a 'ul' and apply some math to calculate height of 'ul'

Jquery/programming newb here. I'm trying to dynamically assign a height to a ul to force some scrolling. My method is to detect how many items are in the list and then apply some math to calculate a height of my ul (I have tried height(); but it was not giving the right number; the ul is a grid of thumbnail images, displayed inline, show...

jQuery outerHeight doesn't work properly?

Hey, I have a ul li menu. Link's style: #carousel ul li { display: inline-block; border: solid 1px red; margin: 50px 25px 50px 25px; width: 350px; height: 300px; } jQuery's code: var height = $("#carousel ul li").outerHeight(); document.write(height); And it says height of the element is 302px ! Why? It's may...

google gadget dynamic height not working

I'm trying to get a google gadget I created to auto-set it's height, but the gadgets.window.adjustHeight() function call doesn't seem to do anything. I also tried it like this: gadgets.util.registerOnLoadHandler(function() {gadgets.window.adjustHeight();}); but still the height didn't change. Here is the full gadget code: <?xml version...

Return height between navBar and keyboard

Hi, I have got a tableViewController with one section and one cell. How can I get the height between the navBar and the keyboard without any toolbar above it? I tried this code: self.view.bounds.size.height but I get the height of the entire view down the navBar... I'd like to get this size to assign it to the cell and to the textView in...

Div inside div not auto expanding (screenshot)

I need the red box to expand with the blue box content, so they are always both the same size. The red box is defined as: .leftMenu{ float:left; width:20%; background-image:url(../images/leftMenuBG.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-color:#BFDAE3; background-repeat:repeat-x; } Can't seem to get it ...

jScrollPane 2.0 height problem in chrome

I am using a div with class scroll-pane (height 100%) within an absolute positioned div. The scroll-pane div contains some text first, followed by an image and followed by some text again. The image height is set to 200px. Problem is! If I view the scrollpane in Chrome (latest Version) I sometimes can scroll the complete content and some...

CSS Content Not increasing with Content

Hi everyone! I have a CSS Question I want this div to automatically expand vertically as more and more content fills it. I thought that omitting it's height setting in the style would do so but it hasn't seemed to fix it. My CSS .box{ -moz-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px; background-color:#433B39; background-image:none; color:white;...

jquery get height of iframe content when loaded

I have a Help page, help.php that I am loading inside an iframe in main.php How can I get the height of this page once it has loaded in the iframe? I am asking this because I can't style the height of to iframe to 100% or auto. That's why I think I need to use javascript.. I am using jQuery CSS: body { margin: 0; padding: 0; }...

Extjs - force panel/grid to be 100% height

Hi, I have a simple grid/panel that is located under a tab. I cant get it to be in 100% height of the parent tab. How do you do it? height:'100%' and viewConfig:{ forceFit: true } wont work. Thanks ...

Vertically centering element (jQuery)

HTML: <ul> <li><a href="#"><img src="image1.jpg" /></a></li> <li><a href="#"><img src="image2.jpg" /></a></li> </ul> LI is (60px x 60px) but the images inside have different heights. I think they can be centered if the margin is set dynamically: margin-top = height-of-li - height-of-img / 2 How do I do that with jQuery. Ma...