
Flex: Binding to the Height of the UITextField

Hi, I'm having problems binding the height of a UITextField to the y of a VBox and the height of the TitleWindow. I'm trying to adjust the height of the TitleWindow and the height of the VBox so, that the UITextField doesn't overlap the other content. Alternatively, I've tried setting the height of the UITextField to an explicit heigh...

Alert when div height changes

Hey everyone, I've been searching all day for this but i can't figure it out myself.. I have a shopping cart that you can add items to. The shoppin cart is in a drop down so you have to click it in order to view it. Therefore, everytime you add an item to the cart i want to display "+1", "+2" and so on, somewhere and when u click on th...

How to set default height on QTableWidget

I have a widget which I'm putting in a QVBoxLayout. This widget's layout is a QVBoxLayout which includes a QTableWidget. When I display this everything is fine but the QTableWidget only shows a few rows. How can I set the height of the table to a decent value (like 20 rows) while still allowing the table to resize? I've tried calling ta...

TabHost on Facebook for Android

Anyone know how facebook did this: From what I know we cannot change the height of tabhost. I'm guessing that they laid the "Frank Cho" view over the tabhost to give it the appearance of being shorter but I may be wrong. Anyone know what's going on? ...

selecting the true height of a DIV in jQuery

I have a DIV defined with a fixed height. Like this: .w { height: 100px; overflow: hidden; } if I put text in this it will hide everything that goes beyond the 100px. I have a button that shows all text, basically it does this: $('.w').height('auto'); this will make all text visible, but I would like to animate this. And that won...

Delphi 6: TImage Width and Height properties report wrong values?

I'm having a fairly strange problem with a TImage component's width and height properties. As a test, I draw a red dot in (what is supposed to be) the center of the TImage component by taking the midpoint of the TImage's width and height and drawing the dot there so that it is centered (centerPoint2D is a TPoint): // The center point i...

How to get the height of the title bar of the main application windows?

I'm using prism to load views to region. The problem is the loaded view overlapped the title bar of the main windows - the bar contains caption, close/minimize/maximize buttons. How can I get the title bar's height? Prefer to get it right in the xaml codes. ...

Sidebar height equal to Main Content area

Hi, my problem is that I want to have the color of the #promocion area (where the hands animation show) to be equal in height to my Main content area (Fluid, kinda new here and don't know how to do this). I try to do a height 100% in #promocion but doesn't work in IE... Check out my CSS & website just a sec... Thank you for your time....

UILineBreakModeTailTruncation in sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode: is ignored!

Hello, I'm using sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode: to calculate the actual height of a UILabel. However, the height I get is always based on the complete NSString (before it gets truncated). In fact, both sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode: and sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize: produce identical results as if the UI...

Split screen into 4 rectangles with 50% height 50% width

I am having trouble splitting a screen into 4 divs with width and height of 50%. It's no problem to get the 50% width and float them around, but how can I get each of them to have a height of 50% of the screen? ...

CSS - having the same height on 2 different div in the same container

Hi. I have this code : <body> <div> <div id="ROOT" > <div id="ROOT_0" > header </div> <div id="ROOT_1" > <div id="ROOT_1_0> Hi<br /> My<br /> Name<br /> Is<br /> ...

Listbox items become too high for no reason?

Hello the screenshot explains it: Why are do the Items become so tall? I do no positioning myself: <ListBox Margin="6" ItemsSource="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}}, Path=Segments}"> </ListBox> No ItemTemplate either I'm relying on default ToString() behaviour. ...

how to fill div with full height of page in css? (page is taller than 100%) for ajax loading gif background

Hi Guys, ok there are several similar questions but not quite anything that I want. I have few ajax requests on page and I want to show the image in the center of the screen, and its all working OK. Just to make it look more prominent, I wanted to place that image on a div with translucent background, so its more obvious for the end...

JavaScript - onmouseover modify previous element css height

I have two divs, whose heights I would like to control relative to each other. The point of these divs is that when a user mouses over one of them, it expands vertically and the other retracts vertically (smoothed with CSS transitions). Basic markup: <div class="product"> <h2>Product Name</h2> <div class="preview" style="backgr...

DataGridView Row Height Autosize

Hi i am using the DataGridView in the C#.Net 3.5 and i want the height of the all row is set to Autosize.. i have defined the WrapMode = true but not getting the Height Autosize So plz guide me Thanks ...

Binary Search Tree Height

I was asked to build a binary search tree after adding about 20 values in a specific order and I finished and found the size to be 16 and the height to be 4. But part (c) of the question asks me to find the Height (after removal) I am unsure what this means and would be grateful if somebody could clarify what this means. ...

width() and height() for modern browsers without jQuery

I am trying to implement a simple fold/unforld effect for elastic div's, i.e. when actual dimensions of an element are not set through CSS and thus are not trivially determinable. So I need equivalents of jQuery's width() and height() for arbitrary elements; the methods should return something that would be assignable to *.style.width/he...

css 2 column but have full height regardless of div height

Hello, I've tried many 2 and 3 column css layouts but none seem to do what I want and I can't figure it out. What I'm trying to achieve is effectively a two column display with the left side (e.g. 160 pixels wide) having a background of grey, a central section of the page (e.g. 600 pixels) that is white and the remainder of the page to ...

Making the height of list items in a row follow their largest height

In this page: http://pastehtml.com/view/1biylhs.html You can see the book in the center needs more height space than the other two books in the same row because its title has more text. Currently, each book is contained in a <li> and has a height of 175px. I can set their height to auto but it still can't make all list items in the sa...

Parent div expand to child div

Hi, I am having a problem here with expanding parent div to fit child div. Here's my code: <div id="contentBlock"> <div id="content" style="position: absolute; width: 740px; z-index: 4; left: 70px; min-height: 64%; top: 16%; height: auto"> z<br /> z<br /> z<br /> z<br /> z<br /> z<br ...