
Utilizing the LinkedList class in SmallTalk?

I'm not sure I fully understand how to use the LinkedList class provided with SmallTalk Visual Works. I am able to create an instance of the class by simple doing: myList := LinkedList new. But how do I add a node. I tried creating an instance of Link class and setting a value but it doesn't seem to be working. myLink := Link new. ...

[Do] While Loop in C#

The question is : Use a while-loop to ask the user for a number between 1 and 10. While the user fails to enter a number between 1 and 10 (inclusive), ask them for another number. My code so far is: int i = 0; Console.WriteLine("Enter a number."); while (i <= 10) { Console.ReadLine(); if (i > 1 && i < 10) { Consol...

Tools and ways to generate HTML help for built-in help system (QtHelp)?

Hello, I'm in the progress of implementing a built-in help system based on QtHelp into my application. Since QtHelp is based on Qt's help collection files, I need to produce a set of HTML pages. Since I won't be writing the documentation alone (a few of my colleagues will write, too), I am looking for the best way to produce these file...

Prolog: Recognize a^n b^(n+1) language for n >= 1

I understand that I need to figure out my own homework, but seeing that noone in the class can figure it out, I need some help. Write a Prolog program such that p(X) is true if X is a list consisting of n a's followed by n+1 b's, for any n >= 1. ...

WPF: How can i scale to fit the content?

hi guys: It gets basicaly to this: I have a canvas container (x:name="Container" - to reffer later to), with some other controls(e.g. I have a Button 30x60 in size) and I want to scale the Container to fit the button, without having to resize anything. (just using scaleTransform) If I set a slider binded to the Container Scale, I can ...

How to add help to winform c# application.

I want to know that how can I add help support to my winform app. How do I create chm file for help and how do I integrate it with the application. I want help for almost every control in my application. ...

iPhone provisioning profile renewal help

Hi, my problem is that my provisiong profile expired a few days ago. I visited the developer's portal and downloaded a new one (made it the same name and everything). I followed the instructions and installed the new one and removed the old. I can now run my app on my iPhone again :) but whenever i try to test my app on my iPhone from...

.NET Provide F1 help to big application

hi. how can i provide F1 help support to .Net application. the application consist of several form with many fields. so i dont want to drop HelpProvider control on each form and set the properties. please tell me any component that can handle this. ...

FBJS/FBML: Display a textbox on click of radio button

I want to use FBML as a canvas and would like to display a textbox on click of radio button. Can anybody out there help me out on this? e.g. if a user selects other as option it should make appear a text box. Is it possible? how? I'm eager to learn more from the responder. ...

I like the x-ray overlay but hate all the images.

ok the X-ray link is and want to have an overlay like it. It is easy to do but without all the images is simple but there is over 2000 lines and I cant keep up with removing its styling extras on-top. I would like some small code so it can go in my main javascript file because I already have 200 + lines min...

What's wrong with my code?

void GasPump::dispense() { bool cont = true; char stop; do{ cout << "Press any key, or enter to dispense.\n" << "Or press 0 to stop: \n"; cin.get(stop); gasDispensed = gasDispensed + gasDispensedPerCycle; charges = costPerGallon*gasDispensed; displayGasNCharges()...

Jquery if statements, selectors

HI all, I am just starting to use jquery, I need to do something that I am not sure is possible. I know to use if statements on jquery is like normal javascript but I dont know how to use the jquery selectors on a normal if statement. The function its currently working, but I am having two problems which I don't know how to fix, (I wou...

How do i compile and run a program in java on my mac?

How do i compile and run a program in java on my mac? i'm new. also i downloaded a program that was sugested to me on here called text wrangler if that has any baring on the situation. ...

Challenges while upgrade to VS 2008/10

Hi, I was previously working in VS 2008 (.net framework 3.5). I have now shifted to VS 2003. I know its not in demand as compared to other .net versions. Please let me know how to keep upgrade with VS 2008/10 (while working on 2003) so that the shift from lower to higher versions is smooth enough. Suggest me the best possible solution a...

Companion sample Xcode project for "Apple Help Programming Guide"?

Does anyone know of a sample Xcode project that demonstrates how to provide user help and which closely follows the guidelines of the "Apple Help Programming Guide"? The guide's revision history shows that one of the more recent new guidelines is to organize help books in a bundle. I'm experiencing some trouble following this guideline....

PowerShell MAML Help Generator

Does anyone know of a utility for generating PowerShell cmdlet help files? Doing it by hand seems a bit tedious... I located: Any updated versions? I can't select a module. I have a binary module. ...

Prolog problem help.

I am trying to learn prolog and have come across a problem that I can't figure out. The problem is to write a prolog predicate that takes all the numbers of a list that are less than a given number and put them into a list that will be returned. For example: input: findNum(5, [5, 3, 5, 6, 4, 5], Y) output: Y = [3, 4] Everything I've t...

PHP javascript problem

i am beginner of shopping cart application. i am installed os commerce downloaded code in my local computer. It is up some extent working, but before checking page i stuck on same page. i am trying to pass variable information to javascript function, it is working. And i required to set java script variable set to session. how can ? i...

Prolog homework: how to parse a list of 'bits' representing a numeric value into a decimal representation?

Okay, so I have another question on a prolog homework problem I am struggling with. The problem goes as follows: Write a Prolog program that will take a list representing the bits of a binary number, and return the decimal value of the integer that the list represents. Example: valueof([1,1,0,1],X). X = 13 So here's what I hav...

Help with using Xcode

So, I'm using Xcode to program with C++. I want to access the C++ tool but I'm having this problem. This is what it looks like when opening a new project. Only for me, I don't have the 'Command Line Utility' option at the end. How can I get the 'Command Line Utility' option to be available. I need it to access the C++ tool. Please...