
Push from github to heroku without downloading repo

I have a github repo that I want to push to a heroku node. A 3rd host will be co-ordinating this. As I'm going to be doing this on a large scale I want to avoid having to download the contents of the repo onto the 3rd host. How do I do it? ...

How can I know about Memcache status in my Rails app?

I created a Rails app hosted on Heroku with a Memcache plugin limited to 5 MB. How can I know about Memcache status, free cache left, biggest cache chunk etc.? Can I access this within the app (an admin page for example)? Or using the Ruby console? Also, is there any graphical plugin for this? ...

rails deployment question

I am trying to deploy my first rails app and struggling a bit. My plan is to initially host it on a heroku free account to get a feel for live deployments and do some production testing. Eventually I might move it to a VPS. I use git and do not use Capistrano at the moment. Heroku primarily uses git, which is fine, but git manages the...

I moved my source directory and can no longer push to Heroku

I've been happily using heroku to beta test a Rails app, and recently hit a snag. I prefer Mercurial to git and have been using hg-git to push my app to Heroku. This was working fine until I branched my repo (doing a branch by cloning in kiln, if that matters). My folder structure used to look like this: ~/Code/MyApp And is now: ~/Co...

Webbrick/Mongrel vs Passenger + Nginx for development?

Here is my case: For production I use Heroku. The question is what should i use for development: My alternatives are: Built in Webbrick (or Mongrel) Passenger with Nginx The question Im asking myself is: Why would I use the second alternative when I will upload my application to Heroku anyway. Isnt it better to just use Webbrick/...

simple text to image solution for rails

Before I start rolling my own using Rmagick I though i'd ask as this is probably a quite common use case. I have a few hundred email addresses which I would like to display to the user for each entry however I would like to avoid displaying the emails as plain text to avoid scraping, so I'm looking for some text-to-image solution. It ...

acts_as_list postgres error on heroku.

We are using has_many_polymorphs along with acts_as_list. Everything works fine locally, but on heroku, we get an error everytime a couple of acts_as_list methods are called. Namely those that update a number of records with new positions because of an addition or a deletion of an item in the list. Example of acts_as_list method: def ...

Amazon S3 AWS + Texticle search on Heroku

I'm using Texticle to do full-text search on Heroku. It's working great. I'm now trying to setup nightly db backups to Amazon s3 using this script. When I try heroku rake backups:backup I first get this error: /disk1/home/slugs/245176_566b3d9_4845/mnt/.bundle/gems/bundler/gems/texticle-3a96c70a9fa60921197f0027204a23824435b142-ee972f...

(ActionView::MissingTemplate) Error when deploying app to heroku

I have a 'pages' controller with some static pages instead of using the rest method (show, index etc). The static files view fine on my local machine but when deploying with heroku I get the following error: PagesController#used_cars_south_wales (ActionView::MissingTemplate) "Missing template pages/used_cars_south_wales.erb in view ...

Padrino, compass and heroku's read-only file-system

I really like the way padrino 'just works' with compass but I have a few questions as I'm going to be using heroku (and their read-only file-system) for hosting From the looks of things, the padrino/compass combo only compiles sass if changes have been made to the sass file and a user hits the server. Is that true? If so, then am I ri...

Heroku deployment error

In a windows environment I am getting the following error when trying to deploy to Heroku C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/heroku-1.9.13/lib/heroku/commands/base.rb:32:in ': No such file or directory - git remote (Errno::ENOENT) from C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/heroku-1.9.13/lib/heroku/commands/ba se.rb:32:in shell' ...

How do you do GIS queries on Heroku using the shared database?

I have a table of geocoded locations with latitude and longitude. I'd like my database query to return a filtered list of them, ordered by distance from a fixed point. There are a few options which I've explored: Postgresql's earthdistance contrib is probably closest to my needs; however, I've found no indication that this is install...

A Faster / More Scalable Approach to Twitter OAuth Dance in Rails?

I'm running a Rails app on the Heroku Stack (complete with Memcached, DJ Asynchronous workers, MongoDB persistent storage). Right now we use Twitter Oauth as the only authentication option on our site. (We plan to branch out to FB connect, OpenID, and/or Email/password eventually). Ruby/Rails apps, as you probably know, don't support c...

Paperclip Amazon S3 setup with Heroku

has_attached_file :image, :storage => :s3, :s3_credentials => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/s3.yml", :path => "/:style/:filename" What is this :path => "/:style/:filename"` I also want to to include the style for this attached image, is that what the :path is? the style I want is this: :styles => { :medium => "275x275>", :thumb => "175x155>" }...

Uploading & Unzipping files to S3 through Rails hosted on Heroku?

I'd like to be able to upload a zip file to my Rails application that contains a number of images. Then I'd like Rails to unzip that file and attach the images inside to my Photo's model via Paperclip, so that they are ultimately stored on my Amazon S3 account (configured through Paperclip). I'd like do do this all on my Rails site host...

Taps Server Error: PGError: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint

I could not find a similar question on stackoverflow, so i apologize if its a duplicate. If its already been answered, kindly point me to that. I am moving my app from engineyard to heroku and i am trying to push the db using their db:push command. It works great until it reaches one table where it complains of violating a unique constr...

"0 tables, 0 records" after pushing a non-empty sqlite database to Heroku

I created a small sqlite database on my laptop and it has several records: sqlite> .dump PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF; BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE TABLE "bus_bingo_tile_templates" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "title" VARCHAR(50), "alt" VARCHAR(50), "image_filename" VARCHAR(50), "enabled" BOOLEAN); INSERT INTO "bus_bing...

Why getting error: Object#id will be deprecated; use Object#object_id

On my local development rails environment, I am able to check the output from a SOAP call just fine. I can use response.id to get the value from this packet displayed using the .inspect method: #<SOAP::Mapping::Object:0x15702d0c0604 {}id="dd26ce5f-0cfd-9bbb-3485-4c64c9d6378 4" {}error=#<SOAP::Mapping::Object:0x15702d0bf6f0 {}number="0"...

Heroku error: "Permission denied (public key)"

I keep getting this error. I am using Mac. I generated a key and added it to heroku using heroku config:add key="ssh-rsa [email protected]" But this doesn't work. I keep getting the same error. Short of reinstalling ssh-keygen, what can I do about this? ...

Heroku db:push Sequel::DatabaseConnectionError -> Mysql::Error: Access denied for user 'reg'@'localhost ' (using password: NO)

I have a problem using the heroku db:push command to transfer a MySQL database to heroku. I've tried using the same command for another app with a sqlite3 database and everything went fine. C:\Users\reg\Team-Omni>heroku db:push Loaded Taps v0.3.9 Auto-detected local database: mysql:// Warning: Data in t...