
Node.js hosting platform Heroku-like

Hi, I want to create something similar to Heroku (first I was thinking in EngineYard-like but I prefer Heroku) for node.js (I know they already support node.). However, It's for a personal project so it doesn't need to be anything overcomplicated or super expensive. I believe I can learn a lot creating a product like this. Before I sta...

How will Heroku's AMQP work?

I saw that they soon will have an addon for AMQP. I'm about to learn how to use AMQP with RabbitMQ. I suppose that that addon doesn't deal with RabbitMQ. Isn't AMQP just a protocol. Are they using any AMQP broker like RabbitMQ or ActiveMQ? ...

How do I move from development to production with my Ruby on Rails project on Heroku?

I've been learning Ruby on Rails whilst making my first app for a couple of months now, and it's finally ready to start to be used by a few unlucky friends as beta testers. Problem is, I have no idea as to how to move from development to production. The app is on Heroku, and up to this point I've just been pushing the local development d...

How to fail gracefully and get notified if screen scraping fails in ruby on rails

I am working on a Rails 3 project that relies heavily on screen scraping to collect data mainly using Nokogiri. I'm aggregating essentially all the same data but I'm grabbing it from many difference sources and as time goes on I will be adding more and more. However I am acutely aware that screen scraping can be notoriously unreliable....

Create an image with ruby-graphviz, send it to s3 from heroku?

I'm trying to make an image of a graph using ruby-graphviz by @graph.output(:output => "png", :file => "public/images/graph.png") Since I'm using heroku, how can I save the image locally and send it to an s3 bucket, or just send it straight to the s3 bucket? I'd appreciate any help. ...

Getting problem with heroku db:push

Hello, I am making my first test on heroku and I have problem with the heroku db:push. my config : ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) [i686-darwin9.8.0] gem 1.3.7 Is someone can help me ? $ heroku db:push Loaded Taps v0.3.12 Auto-detected local database: mysql://root@localhost/siftest?encoding=utf8 Warning: Data in the app 'mo...

Rails3 and heroku image_path

I'm having a problem where the asset tag time stamp is not being applied when image_path is used. As a result, the image is not displayed. This only happens when I push to heroku. code: <%= image_path 'notebook.png' %> localhost result: /images/notebook.png?1284326123 Heroku result: /images/notebook.png Heroku push output: -...

How should I use git submodules to share code between Heroku apps?

I have a few Rails 3 apps deployed to Heroku that need to share some business logic. Apparently, although Heroku's Bundler support is pretty solid, it can't yet pull from a private Github repo. So instead I'm building a couple of gems, vendoring them into each app, checking them into git, and pushing them up with the rest of my code. Th...

rake aborted! Don't know how to build task 'jobs:work'

Hi all: I'm on Heroku, installed delayed_job and am getting the above error when I attempt to run a background job. I've tried filing a ticket and scouring the net to no avail. Thanks...Chris ...

how to use memcache to speed-up rails/heroku

Heroku supports memcache natively as an addon. my problem is, being a rails newbie still, I have no clue how to use memcache in order to speed-up my most time-consuming request (I know which they are by looking a the newrelic analysis). should we use a gem like 'cache-money' on-top of memcache? does anyone use act_as_cached anymore? I k...

Is there a way to set up simple http authentication for an app on heroku?

I want to set up a private staging server on heroku using simple http authentication. Is that possible? ...

Resque Scheduler on Heroku... Do it remotely ?

Hi! I'm adding Resque-Scheduler in my app on Heroku So... I need ONE alone and distinct worker acting as the scheduler and many doing the jobs. This is how I've done it : I've a distinct Heroku App which does nothing but has 1 resque-scheduler worker, running 24/7, adding Resque tasks to the Redis DB of the "distant" main App. (I do t...

heroku db:pull not working

heroku db:pull postgresql://root:@localhost/db_name After this command display this message /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rest-client-1.6.1/lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb:50: warning: parenthesize argument(s) for future version Loaded Taps v0.3.13 Warning: Data in the database 'postgresql://root:@localhost/db_name' will be overwrit...

heroku deployment testing

I have an app I've been upgrading to Rails 3, I've been hosting it on heroku for the past 6 months (rails 2.3.8 currently) but am unclear how to test my Rails 3 branch before I proceed. The most i could find about the subject in their docs was that I could do something like this: $ heroku create --stack bamboo-ree-1.8.7 --remote trybam...

DB pull from heroku fails with Encoding::CompatibilityError

I'm having some problems performing a db:pull from heroku back to my local development enviroment. My setup is MySQL (5.1.50) from a MacPorts install on a local Rails 3/Ruby 1.9.2 environment under Mac OS X Snow Leopard via RVM, and I've successfully performed a heroku db:push to the production site on Heroku many times. However, on a s...

Problem pushing a master to heroku

I'm follow an online railstutorial Everything is ok but when trying to push the master directory to heroku. When it come to this: Installing rails3_serve_static_assets... done -----> Gemfile detected, running Bundler version 1.0.0 install everything but sqlite3, here it output: Installing sqlite3 (0.1.1) /usr/ruby1.8.7/lib/ruby/site_r...

How to cache HAML files in /tmp directory?

I'm having an issue with HAML where it is attempting to write to a read-only filesystem (on a Heroku-deployed app). I can only write to /tmp and /log. How can I configure HAML to write files to the /tmp directory? Thanks! Edit: Output of actual error Started GET "/" for <ip> at Sun Oct 03 13:19:42 -0700 2010 Processing by Welcom...

transfer db from one heroku app to another faster

Is there a faster way to transfer my production database to a test app? Currently I'm doing a heroku db:pull to my local machine then heroku db:push --app testapp but this is becoming time consuming. I have some seed data but it is not nearly as accurate as simply testing with my real-world data. And since they're both stored on a nei...

Accepting emails into a Heroku hosted application

Hey all! ive got a email setup to forward to mx.sendgrid.new (the sendgrid mail server) then with received emails sendgrid passes them to a specified page (as shown in the 2nd image of the tutorial im following) http://nanceskitchen.com/2010/02/21/accept-incoming-emails-into-a-heroku-app-using-sendgrid/#comment-37 SO what CODE is insi...

heroku rake db:migrate aborting....

heroku rake db:migrate rake aborted! no such file to load -- acts_as_ferret (See full trace by running task with --trace) (in /disk1/home/slugs/310513_b4b7e61_4c01/mnt) how do I fix this? ...