
Run cucumber tests on heroku

I am thinking of running my cucumber tests on my rails app when it is running on heroku. Is this a sane way to check for differences between development environment and deployment environment? Does anybody have any experience of this kind of scenario? Rake -T tells me "cucumber rake task not available (cucumber not installed)" even thou...

Heroku file upload problem

I've been having a problem uploading a CSV file to Heroku and processing it. It works fine in my local environment. Just do be clear, I don't need to save the file on Heroku, just access it during the request in order to convert it into a string for processing and importing into the DB. What I want to do is: Upload CSV file Strip out ...

Getting PG Error hard to debug when using delayed_job on heroku

I am trying to use heroku and appear to be getting a Postgres error but don't have enough information to know what to fix. The error is below, and it looks like it is trying to run delayed_job: > PGError: ERROR: value too long for > type character varying(255) : UPDATE > "delayed_jobs" SET "updated_at" = > '2010-09-12 01:06:59.354515'...

Ruby Sinatra - connect to mongoDB on mongoHQ failed

Hi all: This is just for my weekend project/study, I am very new to Sinatra and MongoDB. I've installed the gems for mongoDB, such as: mongo, mongo_mapper and mongoid. When I tried connecting to my database on MongoHQ from localhost, it encountered such an error: Mongo::ConnectionFailure at / failed to connect to any given host:port ...

How do I pull heroku data into a local SQLite3 database? Running into problems

I'm trying to make a local backup of the data from my Rails app, which is deployed to Heroku, and running into problems. I followed the instructions here: http://docs.heroku.com/taps and installed Taps. I get two types of errors. I created a SQLite db locally and tried pulling data with this command: (sudo) heroku db:pull sqlite://...

close to messing up my db on heroku: mysql error on db:pull...

I think I am close to mess up my db on heroku I am trying to download the remote DB on heroku by heroku db:pull I get the following message: news_items: 100% |==========================================| Time: 00:00:01 /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sequel-3.13.0/lib/sequel/adapters/mysql.rb:169:in `query': Mysql::Error: Duplicate entr...

DB locale/collation on Heroku

We're developing a swedish web site using hobo and rails. We want to host the site on Heroku but we're having a problem with the sort order of results from the DB. Does anyone know if there's a way to specify the collation for the underlying standard Heroku DB? ...

How do I protect my private keys when using github, heroku, and developing locally?

Currently, I put the keys I use to access other API's and the like in the environment.rb file. That way it is available both when I run locally, and also on heroku. However, I'd like to start to make my code available publicly via github so i can get some help. What are the steps I need to do to make this happen, particularly so that ...

heroku db:push failing (randomly?) w/ "duplicate key value violates unique constraint"

I'm trying to push a large database (1.6 GB over 8 tables) to Heroku via db:push and having strange issues. It keeps failing, at different points in the transfer process, with: HTTP CODE: 500 Taps Server Error: PGError: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "letters_pkey" letters is a large table (1.3 M records) b...

Undefined method auto_upgrade! when pushing Sinatra/DataMapper app to Heroku

Does anybody know the magic incantation required to get a Sinatra application that uses DataMapper up and running on Heroku's Bamboo stack? The Bamboo stack doesn't include any pre-installed system gems and no matter what combination of gems I try I keep getting this error: undefined method `auto_upgrade!' for DataMapper:Module (NoMetho...

How to pull plugin from github on heroku?

Gemfile: ... gem 'paperclip', :git => '[email protected]:mdrozdziel/paperclip.git' ... While pushing the app I get the following error. The repo I am linking to is public. Fetching [email protected]:mdrozdziel/paperclip.git Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/home/group_home/.ssh/known_hosts). Permission denied (publi...

Heroku, Rails 3 and sqlite3

I experience the same scenario as described here http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/217022 when I try to deploy my Rails 3 app to Heroku and sqlite3 is defined in the gems file. /usr/ruby1.8.7/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.0/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:64:in `require': no such file to load -- sqlite3 (LoadError) Any clue why this is?...

Is it possible to do credit card payments from a heroku server using activemerchant?

I'm building an app that needs to accept credit card payments with something like active merchant. In terms of security, is it possible for it to live on heroku and use authorize.net (or similar) as the payment gateway? What if it needs to store the credit card numbers? Edit Would not be forwarding users to authorize.net. ...

Postgresql full-text-search on heroku

Hello I want to use full-text search using postrgresql but the problem on heroku, i can not think of a way to have custom dictionary using my language (Greek). on my pc I did CREATE TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY greek_ispell ( TEMPLATE = ispell, DictFile = greek, AffFile = greek, StopWords = greek ); and setup the sharedir using the custom...

git remote doesn't seem to be working at all

I'm following along with the railstutorial.org, and when I get to the "git push heroku master" part, I get the following error: fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git So I do some googling, and see a common troubleshooting trick is to try "git remote -v". The problem is, whenever I try that, I get the sam...

Heroku logs show sql error after deployment

Making good progress on rails now, but hit a snag on heroku deployment. After committing to git and then doing git push heroku master, I've gotten an error twice in the heroku logs when I try and open /users/sign_up Started GET "/users/sign_up" for at Mon Sep 20 14:39:05 -0700 2010 Processing by Devise::RegistrationsCon...

How reliable is Heroku for a sensitive app?

Hi, How reliable is Heroku for a sensitive app? Can they be trusted for a very important app? Have you used it for a long time? What's your opinion? Thanks ...

How do I add API keys and other secure stuff to heroku?

I read somewhere but cannot seem to find where to add secret keys into Heroku without needing to put it into the source code git repository? I guess that helps keep it secure when I am pushing into github. How do I do that and does that make sense to do? ...

Why am I getting a PG error on heroku when it works fine on my local rails environment?

I am getting the following error: ReportsController#return_search (ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) "PGError: ERROR: syntax error at or near \"FROM\"\nLINE 5: ...OUNT(contact_postalcards.id) AS postalcard_count, FROM \"cont...\n It works fine locally, but when I push to heroku I get the error: What do I need to change so it will work...

Why am I getting a resource not found error when setting workers on heroku?

This is a snippet of my code trying to turn on the number of workers on my heroku instances: heroku = Heroku::Client.new(ENV['HEROKU_USER'], ENV['HEROKU_PASS']) puts "created the client" heroku.set_workers(ENV['HEROKU_APP'], 1) puts "set workers to 1" I stored all the values, HEROKU_USER, HEROKU_PASS, and HEROKU_APP as a heroku config...