
With Amazon EC2 and S3, is it possible to do both transfers to AND FROM S3 through EC2, making it free?

This may be a silly question, but seeing as transfers between EC2 and S3 are free as long as within the same region, why isn't it possible to stream all transfers to and from S3 through EC2 and make the transfers completely free? Specifically, I'm looking at Heroku, which is a Ruby on Rails hosting service run on EC2, where bandwidth is...

Simplifying Flex deployments in services-config.xml?

I am using Flex/Flash to build a UI which front-ends my Rails server application. I am using WebORB as the communication mechanism. My question should apply beyond just WebORB, however. (I think). Specifically, it has to do with the services-config.xml file. I have a local (laptop) dev environment, a remote dev and a remote production e...

Are there other search options for heroku

I am about to launch a beta site, and heroku looks like a great option. The only think that is getting me down is that the only search option is $20/mth for the Websolr add-on. I am sure that Websolr is great, but at this very early point in this project, I rather not light up that expense. Are there any free search options to couple ...

how to connect to postgresql using url

I had asked an earlier question which did not get any replies. Basically I get an error invalid database url when I try to do heroku db:push So I figured I can try explicitly providing the database url. so I tried heroku db:push postgres://postgres@localhost/myrailsdb but that gave error: Failed to connect to database: Sequel::...

Is it safe to ignore the "Has no specification file" warnings

I recently ported my gem management to bundler, to get my app to play nice with heroku. Upon doing so I started to see the following errors (though my app is running fine): config.gem: Unpacked gem environment.rb in vendor/gems has no specification file. Run 'rake gems:refresh_specs' to fix this. config.gem: Unpacked gem environment.r...

How do I model a 15-minute time-out with limited cron access (on Heroku)?

My team is currently using Authlogic for user authentication, which disables a user's account after 6 failed_login_attempts. I want to re-enable such a user's account after a 15-minute time period. The problem is that we are deploying to the Rails cloud host, Heroku, which offers only a one-hour cron job and a daily cron job. I seem to n...

Heroku vs EngineYard: which one is more worth the money?

I looked this up on Google, but wanted more opinions before I committed to either service. Has anyone had experience with either (or maybe both) services? Are there any advantages or disadvantages that stood out about either one? Particular areas of interest are: Security Stability Scalability. Price ...

How does this ruby statement breaks down into for manual assignment?

Hello, I have the following statement - Mail.defaults do pop3 'mail.server.com', 110 do user 'user' pass 'pass' end end How can the default variables be assigned manually? I have the above running fine on localhost - but it breaks and give a NoMethodError pop3 when I push it up to Heroku. ...

Heroku and Rails 3 beta

How to deploy rails 3 beta project on heroku? When I try to do it I get this error: -----> Heroku receiving push -----> Gemfile detected, running gem bundle ! Heroku push rejected, "gem bundle" failed, please check your Gemfile for errors. ...

Heroku and ip mask

Hi, I'm building a shopping site which uses a service which allows credit card payments (tranzilla), the service is requiring an IP or IP mask from which it will allow requests (by sockets). The problem is that I'm using heroku as hosting, which is decentralized... Is there any way to do this? (except buying the custom ssl add-on, which ...

Heroku with caching

I'm using page caching within my application. Everything works fine locally. But after I push changes to heroku server. Caching expiration won't work. I use sweepers to track and expire cached pages. Here's config for caching in the production.rb config.cache_store = :memory_store #config.cache_store = :file_store, 'tmp/cache/' I trie...

How many Rails apps on 1 Heroku dyno?

I just can't find how many apps you can host on heroku with one dyno? I plan to host a lot of small apps with little traffic. Thanks for your answers ...

activerecord and mongo / mongo-mapper bridge

I have a project which I have used Active Record and which I'd like to add some new features using MongoDB. Rather than re-invent the wheel and re-write my entire site, how can I integrate 2 models together, one which use MongoMapper and the other ActiveRecord (postgres). I've found that others have done it successfully, but no example...

Storing Amazon S3 credentials in .bashrc environemental variables causes Rails app to fail

I appologise in advance for the length of this post.... I'm developing a rais app that uses paperclip to store stuff on Amazon S3. The app is hosted on Heroku. I'm developing on Ubuntu Karmic. The problem that I am about to describe occurs in development (on my localhost) and production (on Heroku). The standard way of passing S3 cr...

Running Jobs when DB is free on Ruby on Rails Heroku

I have a ruby on rails app that uses Heroku. I have the need to run things like import/export tasks on our db that lock up the whole system since they are so heavy on the DB. Is there a way to tell the system to only run these tasks when the database is not being used at that second? ...

displaying errors in rails app. page 500 on heroku apps

I am deploying an app on Heroku. Though the experience of deploying is good but I am having pain in fixing stuff. Very first thing is that autoincrement IDs are all messed up between heroku db and my db. So before deploy I have to delete all data from my local app and then push my DB to heroku. If I don't do that then while trying to a...

How do I use migrations to create a postgres sequence?

How do I use migrations to create a postgres sequence? I have created a migrations file with the following executes: execute 'CREATE SEQUENCE "ServiceAvailability_ID_seq";' execute <<-SQL ALTER TABLE "ServiceAvailability" ALTER COLUMN "ID" set DEFAULT NEXTVAL("ServiceAvailability_ID_seq") SQL However, when running rake db:migr...

View remote Git revision on Heroku

For deploying to Heroku, I use git push heroku master. But how do I see which revision I pushed up to heroku? (I'm often in doubt if I pushed the recent version up) For those not familiar with it, Heroku's create script generates a remote git repository that you push to. Upon push, the code is deployed magically. Heroku adds a remote r...

Issues upgrading bundler to 0.9.4 with Rails 2.3.5

Hi guys, Heroku made all its apps upgrade to the latest version of bundler (0.9.4). I followed all the instructions found on the README (including the upgrading instructions). But once I upgrade my application no longer runs. For example i get NoMethodError (undefined method `acts_as_taggable_on' for #<Class:0x1b7f614>): My Gemfi...

Recommended Wiki that can be deployed on Heroku?

I'm looking for recommendations for a Wiki that can be deployed on Heroku. ...