
Hidden features of Windows Mobile

After finding the list of excellent [hidden-features] questions I was a bit surprised that such a question for Windows Mobile did not already seem to exist. Fire away! ...

Hidden features of Lua

Is there any Lua power user wishing to share a gem of hidden knowledge about this nice language? Any trick that can be useful is welcome, be it for extending C/C++ applications or extending the Lua language. ...

Favorite Django Tips & Features?

Inspired by the question series 'Hidden features of ...', I am curious to hear about your favorite Django tips or lesser known but useful features you know of. Please, include only one tip per answer. Add Django version requirements if there are any. ...

Hidden limitations of Google App Engine?

I've been looking into writing a web app that will run on Google App Engine, but before I commit myself to the platform I'd like to know what, if any, limitations there are. I'm aware of the basic CPU/bandwidth restrictions that Google places on the free service, but I'm wondering more about development restrictions like how BigTable com...

Hidden features of CSS

I have definitely picked up some useful tips in the hidden features style questions concerning PHP and XHTML. So here is one to cover CSS. While easy to pick up, it takes a little while to learn about everything, their default behaviors, properties etc Here are some to start the ball @charset "UTF-8"; /* set the character set. must b...

NetBeans Tips and Tricks

I just saw an Eclipse tips & tricks post and was wondering if anyone had any tips & tricks for my IDE of choice: NetBeans. Here's a few I know and find to be useful: Removing a package: After you remove a package in NetBeans, it sticks around as a grayed-out package in your Project view. To get rid of that, switch to Files view and d...

Undocumented Flash and Flex Functions

What are the undocumented functions of Flash and Flex? I prefer versions CS3 and Flex 2 above. Is there a way to get the whole list? ...

Hidden Features of Nant

Continuing the Hidden Features series for Nant. One of the things I learned recently was <xmlpoke> Allows you to replace text in an xml file. e.g. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/678096/setting-debugfalse-in-web-config-as-part-of-build/678137#678137 Question will be updated to show the top voted answers ...

Hidden Features of OCaml

After being disappointed by the responses to the hidden features of F# question, please allow me to rephrase it: What are the lesser known, or hidden, features of OCaml that every programmer should know about? ...

Hidden Features of Ruby on Rails

As a companion to Hidden features of Ruby. Try to keep it to Rails since the other is a better place for Ruby-specific examples. One per post please. ...

How do I conditionally define tags in CruiseControl.NET?

I am trying to clean up my CruiseControl.NET configuration so that the sections are easier to maintain and new projects are easier to create. For instance, I currently have the following: <cb:define name="project"> <project name="$(name) ($(milestone)) [$(env)]"> <category>$(category)</category> <workingDirectory>$(dir)\$(name)\$(...

Hidden features of the WSS 3.0 / SharePoint 2007 development platform

Like the other "Hidden Features" questions, what are your favourite parts of the SharePoint API and development platform (both WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007) that help you get the job done? Please share your tips, tricks and secrets! ...

Hidden features of msbuild

I have an interest in msbuild this week. I'm cleaning up a lot of extremely complex build scripts. Digging in surprises me with how much it can do - msbuild is sort of a hidden feature of .NET programming in itself. In the SO convention that questions must have answers, in a few days or a week, I'll mark the most useful or coolest hidd...

Hidden Features of RegEx

Continuing the tradition of 'the great hidden features threads seen here' Show us your best / coolest / craziest / "usefulest" RegEx EDIT: It was foolish of me to not be more specific. My intent was to focus on the lesser known or esoteric features of RegEx implementations in any language. For example, .NET supports a variant of name...

Favorite Zend Framework tips and tricks?

Zend Framework, being as flexible as it is, is ripe for plenty of tips and tricks. I know I've seen a lot of quirky, undocumented things that people put in their apps. I'd love for people to share their creative coding tricks using ZF. There is a similar thread to this with Django that I found very helpful, so I thought I would start on...

Hidden Features of HTML

HTML being the most widely used language (at least as a markup language) has not gotten its due credit. Considering that it has been around for so many years, things like the FORM / INPUT controls have still remained same with no new controls added. So at least from the existing features, do you know any features that are not well know...

Hidden features of HTTP

What hidden features of HTTP do you think are worth mentioning? By hidden features I mean features that already are part of the standard but widely rather unknown or unused. Just one feature per answer please. ...

Hidden Features of TCL/TK

I've been working with TCL/TK ,recently started to use TCL/TK with my automation applications and I'm hungry for knowledge. To continue with the long line of Hidden Feature questions, I would like to know any hidden or handy features of TCL/TK or any easy method to achieve some big operations ...

Hidden features of Scala

What are the hidden features of Scala that every Scala developer should be aware of? One hidden feature per answer, please. ...

Are there any "undocumented features" in Silverlight?

I was wondering if there are any features in Silverlight 2 or 3 that aren't documented or are hidden very deep in the framework? Stuff that can be very helpful in some cases, but can be a pain to find. Are there any "hidden" gems? I'm thinking about stuff you normaly don't find in tutorials and in demos. For example, finding information...