
Hidden Features of Windows.Forms

Despite the growing popularity Web Applications, and WPF, there's still a lot of work being done in "old-style" Windows.Forms, especially for in-house ("bespoke") business software systems. So, what are the best (and most hidden) features and tricks of Windows.Forms, the things that can help us turn out useful applications faster? (I w...

Hidden features of Qt.

A little is hidden in Qt given splendid documentation. But given vastness of Qt functionality paradoxically many useful features have been overlooked by me (and reimplemented or work-arounded). What Qt functions you wish you have noticed earlier? ...

Hidden features of ColdFusion

Let's try to make this for our favourite technology too, how do you think? Hidden code tricks, unknown usages of known features, application server easter eggs are what are we looking for. So, proposed rules are simple: One feature per answer. Code example, if it is the CFML/CFScript feature. Application server name and version where...

Using new languages in an Apache/PHP/JavaScript world

I am stuck in a MySQL/Apache/PHP/JavaScript world. Is it possible to stay inside that stack yet incorporate other languages and technologies to advantage and increase interest? The idea is to still serve pages with PHP, but they might have been made with another technology or the JavaScript might have been built with a tool rather th...

Hidden Features of XML, DTD and XML Schema

With all of the other hidden features questions on SO, how can we forget XML? What are the hidden features of XML, DTD and XML Schema? ...

What are same *hidden* useful bits of information you can get from the client in Silverlight 3?

I'm wondering whether you can get the client's machine name. I guess you cannot. Its interesting what you can get in the System.Windows.Application namespace. I guess hidden is not the right word, more like "less-used" or unknowns. For example I use the one below to get the current URL var hostName = Application.Current.Host.Source.Ho...

Hidden features of Seam framework

After seeing very usefull features of other languages or frameworks, i would like to know hidden features of Seam framework. I'm constantly developing web applications using Seam, and very often, the documentation it's not very clear or profounded so i think would be nice to hear from others problems they struggled with and solution dis...

Hidden features of Mono?

Mono is a software platform designed to allow developers to easily create cross platform applications. What are some of the hidden features of Mono? ...

Favourite Kohana Tips & Features?

Inspired from the other community wikis, I'm interested in hearing about the lesser known Kohana tips, tricks and features. Please, include only one tip per answer. Add Kohana versions if necessary. This a community wiki. ...

Hidden features of Clojure

Which lesser-known but useful features of Clojure do you find yourselves using? Feel free to share little tricks and idioms, but try to restrict yourselves to Core and Contrib. I found some really interesting information in answers to these similar questions: Hidden features of Haskell Hidden features of Python Hidden features of Java...

Hidden features of JSP/Servlet

I am interested in your tricks etc used when writing JSP/Servlet. I will start: I somewhat recently found out how you can include the output of one JSP tag in an attribute of another tag: <c:forEach items="${items}"> <jsp:attribute name="var"> <mytag:doesSomething/> </jsp:attribute> <jsp:body> <%-- when using jsp:attribut...

Hidden Features IntelliJ IDEA

Just another Hidden features and tips and tricks WIKI. After seeing the hidden features of eclipse, java, spring framework I thought we need to have a list of the features, TIPS for IntelliJ too which is the best and the Intelligent IDE available for java. ...

Hidden features of PyCharm

I know PyCharm is young IDE but id like to know if you guys have found some candy while using it. I know from experience that JetBrains IDE's are filled with candy and can't wait to find it all. Please list your tips, perhaps something you did not first expected to be there. ...

Hidden Features of MXML

What are some of the hidden features of MXML? What existing features are not well known but very useful? MXML being used in Flex Framework became quite popular language because Flash Player is something every PC has and Flash Builder and Flash Catalist are quite popular Adobe programs. Please specify one feature per answer, and read a...

Hidden Features of Visual Studio 2010

Having spent the last couple of months playing with Visual Studio 2010 and enjoying all its benefits; I only just noticed a great new feature that I haven’t seen published anywhere and would probably never know about unless I had just happened to stumble on it like I did. So it has got me thinking, there are probably a ton of new "littl...

Where to find resources for learning C++ features and possibilities?

What is the problem? For quite a few years I've been coding workarounds and such stuff cause I didn't know there was an "easier" or actually the normal way to do something - and I didn't ask either. Recently I've discovered plenty of can't live without stuff like templates, forward declarations and similar stuff. Now, what I'd like is a...

The Guava library for java; what are its most useful and/or hidden features.

I have had a quick scan of the guava api and the new collection types it provides(multimap and bimap for example appear useful) and I am thinking of including the library in the project(s) I work on. However, I also have a reticence to include libraries willy-nilly if they are of no great benefit and learning the features wastes valuab...

Browser Specific HTML Tags and Attributes

There are tons HTML tags, values, and attribute/value pairs that are vendor specific and as a result are either not well-known or are poorly documented. For instance: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> If the browser is IE the page will either be rendered in chrome frame or the latest IE rendering engine. ...