How would the infix and stack priorities be extended to include the operators <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=, !, &&, and ||?
When parsing an infix expression, for example: P + (Q – F) / Y#, each symbol has a priority which is relevant to their order of operation. / and * have a higher priority than + and -.
Here are the priorities I have/underst...
Hi I'm Having a logical error
Now I provided the following as input
the Salary i input the salary 30000
the No. Child 9
so the so the net salary will be
the family bonus + salary - tax
(750) + (30000) - (3000)
but my program count them as
(1500) + (30000) + (6000)
my program doubled ( accumulate ) the family...
Hello, I'm trying to complete the last part of my Haskell homework and I'm stuck, my code so far:
data Entry = Entry (String, String)
class Lexico a where
(<!), (=!), (>!) :: a -> a -> Bool
instance Lexico Entry where
Entry (a,_) <! Entry (b,_) = a < b
Entry (a,_) =! Entry (b,_) = a == b
Entry (a,_) >! Entry (b,_) = a...
HI I got this coursework question to solve.
This is the question:
Design a program to simulate vehicles at an intersection.
Assume that there is one lane going in each of four directions, with stoplights facing each direction. Vary the arrival time of vehicles randomly in each direction and set up a regular frequency of the light cha...
I'm working on an assignment that is telling me to assume that I have a singly linked list with a header and tail nodes. It wants me to insert an item y before position p. Can anybody please look over my code and tell me if I'm on the right track? If not, can you provide me with any tips or pointers (no pun intended)?
tmp = new Nod...
Is a tournament graph the same thing as a directed complete graph? And, do all vertices in a tournament graph have the same number of edges?
I am writing an algorithm to find the dominating set of a tournament graph. Is the minimum spanning tree of a directed graph equivalent to the dominating set of the graph? In other words, if I find the smallest MST for the tournament graph (by iterating through all of the vertices), can I then say this is equivalent to the dominating set...
I'm doing a basic homework assignment which looks like this:
While input <> -1
input = CDbl(InputBox("Enter numbers to add, enter -1 to stop"))
values = values + input
End While
It works fine until I press 'cancel' on the input box. Then the string input is "", and I get the following error:
How would you use set! in a simple procedure f such that evaluating (+ (f 0) (f 1)) will return 0 if the arguments to + are evaluated from left to right but will return 1 if the arguments are evaluated from right to left?
hello guys,
I would like to know how can we improve the scalability and quality of services of current web servers?
The solutions of it should not have been implemented in the current web servers.
Any help regarding it will be appreciable.
I need a method to return a random string in the format:
Letter Number Letter Number Letter Number
What do the terms mean in each of the above languages? Why do the languages differ (wherever they do, if at all they do) in this respect?
I have an assignment that asked:
Indicate what you think your MTU size is and why?
My MTU size is 1024 because i can only send 996 and then adding the 28 bytes, i get 1024.
I undersatnd that.
But then they asked:
Explain why your MTU size has been set to this value?
I really don't have the answer.
Can someone help me?
I have an array (arr) of elements, and a function (f) that takes 2 elements and returns a number.
I need a permutation of the array, such that f(arr[i], arr[i+1]) is as little as possible for each i in arr. (and it should loop, ie. it should also minimize f(arr[arr.length - 1], arr[0]))
Also, f works sort of like a distance, so f(a,b) ...
I am given an integer (lets call it x) and I need to generate an array of arrays, where each subarray is a list of elements which are one of a given set of integers, and the sum of all of the elements of each subarray is x. The array of arrays needs to contain all possible distinct subarrays of this form.
For example, if x is 3 and the ...
For my programming class I have to write a linked list class. One of the functions we have to include is next(). This function would return the memory address of the next element in the list.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Set {
int num;
Set *nextval;
bool empty;
I'm trying to create an algorithm in C# which produces the following output strings:
...and so on...
What is the best way to accomplish this?
public static IEnumerable<string> GetWords()
//Perform algorithm
yield return word;
OK this is going to sound hilarious but still
I have a class like so
class TermNode
public string Name;
public string Definition;
public List<TermNode> Children
So this is a N-Ary non sorted in any way Tree. A node can have 0-N children
OK so given this data structure how will you fill up a tree View with it
Assume you ...
For our school project, we are tasked to define a design document describing the architecture of a PHP application.
We are free te decide what to include in the document.
Our professor suggested, lots of (UML) diagrams.
He also asked us to consider class diagrams, but with care, as PHP is not fully object oriented.
My question: Is a...
if a graph has a Euler cycle do the biconnected components have Euler cycles as well?