
C# - Determine if user is moving a window

I am going to be checking if the user is moving any window around (my application does not have an interface) and respond accordingly. What do you think is the best way to do this? Can I determine if the user is clicking on a titlebar? Can I determine if a window is being moved? I then need to grab the hWnd of the window after I know it'...

Global Shell Hook only registering local events

I am trying to use a global shell hook to listen for windows created and destroyed events, but it seems as though my program is only registering the destroyed event for the local thread. No creation events at all, and definitely not the global events that I think they should be. I have spent the last day scouring the googles as well as ...

Is there any possible way to make hook flash to any extension throoght software?

I like to make conference call following this step. 2222 make call to 3333 (phone) 3333 receive phone call (phone) simulate push flash button to 2222 thought AMI/? (software) originate call to 4444 throught AMI (software) 4444 receive phone call (phone) simulate push flash button to 2222 thought AMI/? again (software) 222 333 4444 spea...

Setting application hooks - C#/ASP.NET

Many popular applications such as Wordpress, WHMCS and the majority of PHP forums allow plugins to hook into core application events (such as registration, logging in, create post etc.) by simply specifying a function with a particular name. I understand that these applications are not pre compiled, but is it possible to do something of...

Git post-receive hook acts differently to shell

I'm trying to setup a git repo on my live server to automatically update a subdomain on receive. Using this guide http://toroid.org/ams/git-website-howto. hooks/post-receive #!/bin/sh pwd git checkout -f config [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false worktree = /var/www/vhosts/...

Has Gitorious hooks for CIA commit notification?

As I am running out of my space on GitHub on my free account (yes, I am considering upgrading), I am setting up new git repositories on Gitorious (see also GitHub vs Gitorious). One great feature of GitHub is the post-commit hooks, that allow me to notify the (also great) CIA network... However, I have been unable to find if Gitorious s...

Wordpress Base Path Hook?

What's the wordpress / php hook to link to the base path of the wordpress installation? I want to be able to link to the home page of the wordpress blog, regardless of which directory the theme is installed in. ...

Joomla User creation hooks

Hey! Is it possible to create a hook when a user creates an account? I have googled and found some stuff on hooks and joomla but nothing really concrete. Anyone knows if this is possible? Or do I really have to mess with the code. I just want to create code that is upgrade safe. Thanks ...

How can I prevent Subversion commits without comments?

Hi, Does anybody know how to prevent commits to a Subversion code repository when there is no commit comment entered? Thanks in advance. Kind regards, Maverick ...

Run php functions on selected Wordpress pages

Hi, I am trying to customise a Wordpress theme. I have a function in themes/functions.php that I would like to run on some pages. I need to be to: Detect the page ID to determine whether the function should execute Determine which hook to attach the function to (preferably something like page load. Cheers ...

PHP function or file to run before and after every request

I am wondering if there is a way to specify a php function or file to be called every time a user visits and exits a page on my site. So if a user visits say example.com/ex.php can I have a function called before ex.php is run and after ex.php is finished? I want to be able to record the time it takes to execute php files on my site and...

How to filter messages in Ejabberd

I have Ejabberd up and running with test users, and its working fine. I want to write a module that can intercept messages and modify them, as follows : intercept "messages" send them to a php file get the result from the same php file (immediate) Modify the message stanza and send it down the wire to the recipient The ejabberd docum...

Modifying global system menus

Is there a way in C# to globally add a menu item to all the system menus on all active windows? Perhaps under the "Maximize" command? ...

Git post-receive hook to update a local clone owned by a different user

Hello, I'm trying to set up a git post-receive hook such that when a commit is received, another clone of the repository on the machine gets updated (i.e. does a git pull origin master). I'm using gitosis to serve the repository and as such I believe a post-receive hook will be run as the gitosis user, whereas the repository I want to u...

How to Set a Hook on IE url

I Have a app running background. I use it to get the url on IE if the IE is running... It's better if It is a hook not a loop enum the windows. How can do that? ...

SetWindowsHookEx global keyboard hook not catching all keypresses

I'm writing code that is part of an automation system. I wanted to add a keyboard hook to end the test prematurely, and I did this by using SetWindowHookEx. My code looks pretty much like this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/318804 Here's my SetWindowsHookEx call: hHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, KeyboardHookProcedure, GetMo...

Hook IDispatch v-table in C++

I'm trying to modify the behavior of an IDispatch interface already present in the system. To do this my plan was to hook into the objects v-table during runtime and modify the pointers so it points to a custom hook method instead. If I can get this to work I can add new methods and properties to already existing objects. Nice. First I...

Hooking DirectX EndScene from an injected DLL

I want to detour EndScene from an arbitrary DirectX 9 application to create a small overlay. As an example, you could take the frame counter overlay of FRAPS, which is shown in games when activated. I know the following methods to do this: Creating a new d3d9.dll, which is then copied to the games path. Since the current folder is sea...

Global Mouse Hook + Simulate Mouse Inputs

I'm looking to create a global mouse hook that works in XP/Vista/7 which would allow me to access the X,Y values that the mouse is inputting, and modify those values before they hit Windows... I also want to be able to simulate mouse inputs in between actual mouse inputs... For example, lets say our inputs looked like this: 1: 1,0 2: ...

Visual Studio add-in hook on solution load

Hi, I'm trying to write an add-in for Visual Studio that needs to be run every time a solution is loaded. Eventually I hope to make it a solution add-in so that it only runs for solutions that need it, but I'm wondering if there's any way to have my add-in hook on the user loading a solution? Thanks. ...