
Hook processes

Does anyone know tools like SpyStudio to hook processes? The features I would like to have are: log function calls on other processes GUI scriptable opensource I already looked at some tools like: SpyStudio Detours DynInst but none really fully satisfies me. ...

What do I have to do to make my WH_SHELL or WH_CBT hook procedure receive events from other processes?

I'm trying to use SetWindowsHookEx to set up a WH_SHELL hook to get notified of system-wide HSHELL_WINDOWCREATED and HSHELL_WINDOWDESTROYED events. I pass 0 for the final dwThreadId argument which, according to the docs, should "associate the hook procedure with all existing threads running in the same desktop as the calling thread". I a...

What are the legitimate uses of global keyboard hooks?

Other than for app launch shortcuts, which should only be provided by the O/S, what are the legitimate uses of things like Windows keyboard hooks? It seems to me that we only have problems with things like key loggers because operating systems provide hooks to do things that should not be permitted by anyone under any condition except t...

Monitoring application calls to DLL

In short: I want to monitor selected calls from an application to a DLL. We have an old VB6 application for which we lost the source code (the company wasn't using source control back then..). This application uses a 3rd party DLL. I want to use this DLL in a new C++ application. Unfortunately the DLL API is only partially documented, ...

Subversion Hook

I am working in a project where there are configuration files, one in number for each of the environments where the application would be deployed. When a developer modifies one of these files, the developer should not be allowed to check-in the file individually, but check-in all the files together or at least the developer should be in...

Hook to WM6 sound

How can i hook to the window mobile sound (driver?) and read the data while it is passing it to the speaker. ...

SetWindowsHookEx, KeyboardProc and Non-static members

I am creating a keyboard hook, wherein KeyboardProc is a static member of a class CWidget. class CWidget { static LRESULT CALLBACK KeyboardProc(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); }; I want to call the non-static members of CWidget inside the CWidget::KeyboardProc. What is the best way to do it? KeyboardProc does not hav...

Keyboard Hook... not getting Lower or Upper case characters

The function below is logging the "0", "z" and the "1" ok... but its not capturing the "Z" (shift-z)... any help would be appreciated... __declspec(dllexport) LRESULT CALLBACK HookProc (UINT nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if ((nCode == HC_ACTION) && (wParam == WM_KEYUP)) { // This Struct gets infos on typed key ...

How can I hook into Perl's print?

Here's a scenario. You have a large amount of legacy scripts, all using a common library. Said scripts use the 'print' statement for diagnostic output. No changes are allowed to the scripts - they range far and wide, have their approvals, and have long since left the fruitful valleys of oversight and control. Now a new need has arriv...

keep a formless application from closing for a keyboard hook

Hello, I am working on a c++ win32 program that involves a keyboard hook. The application is a win32 project with no user interface whatsoever. I need to keep the application from closing without using causing the hook to not work or use up a bunch of system resources. I used to use a message box but I need the application to be complete...

Visual Studio Attach to Process

How is this tool used? Not the debugger, I mean Tools > Attach to Process. Does this mean I have the ability to dynamically link a DLL into another application or am I thinking far beyond this? ...

Keyboard hook w/ C# and WPF for minimized system tray application

I have a WPF application that I minimize to the system tray through this.Hide() and System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon. When it's minimized, I want to have a keyboard hook maximize the application. How do I register a keyboard hook like Windows-Button & T, for example. Thanks. ...


We are migrating from CVS to SVN and as far as I can see, SVN does not have checkout hooks. Rephrase of my question. In CVS the post checkout operation is defined using the '-o' option when defining modules in the module file. This is a behavious I am looking for in SVN. ...

Replacing a Window Class all across Windows

I need to replace one of the pre-defined window classes all across Windows. For example, I would like to replace the "EDIT" class so that my own custom edit box is used whenever any Windows program calls CreateWindowEx with "EDIT" as the class name argument. How can I achieve this? Will a message hook help? I believe a message hook woul...

Using SVN post-commit hook to update only files that have been commited

I am using an SVN repository for my web development work. I have a development site set up which holds a checkout of the repository. I have set up an SVN post-commit hook so that whenever a commit is made to the repository the development site is updated: cd /home/www/dev_ssl /usr/bin/svn up This works fine but due to the size of ...

What is meant by the term "hook" in programming?

I recently heard the term "hook" while talking to some people about a program I was writing. I'm unsure exactly what this term implies although I inferred from the conversation that a hook is a type of function. I searched for a definition but was unable to find a good answer. Would someone be able to give me an idea of what this term...

How can I know which feature is clicked in a Windows Mobile application?

How can I know which feature (menu items, buttons, etc.) is clicked in a Windows Mobile application? I need to create an app which listens to user clicks globally, much like what windows global hooks does and I need to know which part/control of every application the user clicked on. TIA! ...

What is the best way to handle configuration files with git?

Say my application has a configuration files in plain-text. They contain some sensitive information which is required to test the application in my dev environment. I use different OSes to access and work on my projects (win, mac, ... ). I do not wish some of the information in the configuration files to make it to my public git reposit...

Delphi Keyboard Hook

I'm having an interesting problem implementing a global keyboard hook. I wrote a dll which is used to set the hook and then an application (Delphi) which loads the dll and processes the results of the hook. This was done this afternoon on my PC at work and after some testing I figured it was working 100%. I've just tested the same app...

Intercepting the Fn key on laptops

Sometimes when I work on Thinkpads/MSI laptops, the Ctrl and Fn key are swapped (Fn being the leftmost key), and it drives me nuts - I keep hitting Fn instead of Ctrl. I was wondering if it's at all possible to intercept the Fn key. I'd like to write a hook that swaps the Ctrl/Fn keys, but it seems that Fn is not being processed by the ...