
Why is the CSS class and jQuery getting stuck when moving the cursor quickly over targeted selector when using .hover(), .addClass() & .removeClass()?

I created an h1 element that gets a class added to it and removed from it with a duration of 300ms when the mouse hovers over and off of it's containing DIV #logo using jQuery's .hover() method in concert with jQuery UI's .addClass() and .removeClass() methods. It works splendidly but only when the user hovers over #logo and stops to w...

How to create an image with "hoverable" areas that show additional information in jQuery or HTML5

Hello friends, I'm trying to create something which I feel should be simple to do in jQuery or HTML5, but am having a tough time finding the resources for it. If anyone can help, it would be much appreciated. Goal- I've got a single image with 16 sections that are hoverable. There are other parts of this image, that are completely stati...

Google Images hoverover zoom in with extra information

I have a GWT application with a thumbnail view of images (they are in a widget panel) , and I would like to show more information about the thumbnail when hovered over via mouse just like google image search .. any examples or code out there for GWT users .. NB: I got to a point were I catch the mouse when its over the image and detec...

CSS background-color precedence

I'm changing the colors of a table rows on hover with jQuery and I've noticed that in the following instances I get different results. The CSS is as follows: .normalcolor { background-color: #dedede; } .reddishcolor { background-color: #ffc59c; } .hovercolor { background-color: #f1e1c0; } Now, I'm doing the hover effect w...

CSS - using :hover on elements other than links...

Hey, For ages now my site has had a catalogue where the small image is directly within a link within a div. The link must only be around the image - but I do not want to use the + selector since this is not supported by some versions of IE (IE6 onwards I think it needs to support). The div has class "ImageHoverSpan" (it used to be a Spa...

jQuery animation for a hover

Hello I'm trying to animate a logo when you hover over the anchor element. When I hover over the logo, an image needs to go upwards and another one downwards when the first one is done. When the mouse leaves it should the other way around, the current element (2nd) should go upwards and when it's gone the first element should go downwar...

Really strange ToolStripButton event problem

Hi all, I am making a CustomControl based on a ToolStripButton control, I am trying to know when the mouse is Hover the button to draw it differently. Here is a quick view of my code : private bool m_IsHover = false; ... protected override void OnMouseEnter(EventArgs e) { m_IsHover = true; Debu...

IE8 only renders the first class-change in a jQuery CSS drop-down menu

In http://www.scherer.nl/nieuw (the /nieuw part will be removed when the site is ready) the drop-down submenu's on the left should shift up their background image when hovered over, so the hovered item becomes red i.s.o. orange. With jQuery I'm using toggleClass to add a class 'hover' to the hovered menu-item. The CSS makes the backgroun...

How to force Opera's hover triggering

Hi everybody. I have a strange problem with hover in Opera browser. Here's the test case: <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head> <title>opera hover issues</title> </head> <style> .item { background-color:pink; border:1px solid red; color: maroon; height:100px; width:300px;...

jQuery hover problem due to z-index

I want to trigger a hover event for an element using jQuery, but I have an semi-transparent png positioned over the element using z-index. Is there any way to tell jQuery to ignore the png and trigger the hover event for the element underneath it? ...

jquery this confusion

The below works fine. However, I have 2 submenus - if I hover over either, both of their children "ul.menu_body" fade in. presumably i need to use "this" somewhere, so the fade only applies to the desired menu. I tried adding $("ul.menu_body", this).fadeIn('fast') but this stops it working altogether - no errors mind (that i can see) ...

jQuery Hover on <li>

Hi, I have a list of elements like <ol> <li class="blah">some text <a href=#">test</a></li> <li class="blah">some text <a href=#">test</a></li> <li class="blah">some text <a href=#">test</a></li> <li class="blah">some text <a href=#">test</a></li> <li class="blah">some text <a href=#">test</a></li> <li class="blah">some text <a href=#"...

Listbox datatemplate - item only selectable by clicking a subelement, not just anywhere on the item

I have a listbox with a datatemplate for the items. The problem is that selecting an item doesn't work by just clicking anywhere on the item; I have to click on a specific sub-element for it to actually work. My item has an image and a textblock. If I hover the mouse over the image or text-block, I actually see the hover-effect. If I ho...

Superfish Hover Issue with IE6 and Apache Logs

Hi, Hoping someone can assist as well as explain the following: I am using jQuery Superfish menu on ie6 and from what I can see from the apache log files for my session, is that whenever I hover over a menu item in my Superfish menu that has sub-menus, depicted with menu item that has a white arrow head image to the right of the menu i...

how does this site do the hover effects?

hi there. Please look at http://shaiya.aeriagames.com/ and tell me how they do their hover effects on the logo as it is not javascript and works in all browsers ...

Hover in IE not working when hovering over full div

I am using jquery addClass code to show/hide elements when rolling over a div. in all browsers it works but in IE it only works when i rollover some text, not the full div. so in this example, if I rollover the showingtext section of the main div, the hiddentext div will show. but if I mouse into the space in between the two floating di...

How can I use jQuery to add a fade in hover effect to my nav items?

I'm brand new to jQuery (and JS in general) and I know it is possible to use it to add a fade in effect to my navigation rollovers. Right now I'm using a master background sprite for the nav, and on :hover I'm just adding a background-position rule to shift the sprite down for each item to get my hover effect. But I'd like to use jQuer...

jQuery .hover() only working in FireFox

I need to add informational popups to several menu items, and Im using jQuery .hover to do so. However this only works in Firefox and does not work in Safari, Chrome or Opera. var Main = function() { //other functions... function _setPopups() { $(".dt_event_title a").hover( function(){ $(".i...

How can I hide a div when not hovering anymore

I am using Jquery to hide show a div. I want to show the div when '.microblogpostwrapper' is hovered and hidden when not hovered. Got the first bit done but can't get it to hide when not hovered. $(".microblogpostwrapper").hover(function(){ $(this).find(".microblogpostactions").show(); }); ...

iPad hover event process

Hi, I am developing a site for Apple iPad. In this, how can I apply shadow on mouseover and how to remove on mouseout? Like HTML a process, or any other way available with Javascript, I am using jQuery here.. any advice? ...