
Hoverable tooltips with AJAX-pulled content on Prototype/Scriptaculous (to act like Twitter's)`

Twitter recently added hoverable multi-media "tooltips" -- when you hover over a username or avatar on your feed, it pops up (in-place) more details on the user (tweets sent/received, location, last tweet). It also includes a "Follow" button. There's a 'more-info' link which will load some more details on-demand. I'd like to emulate ho...

Using Raphael javascript for hovering with arrays

Hi, using Raphael, I'm trying to get a shape to appear when you hover over an invisible area near the shape. The following code does not work - where am I going wrong? Each shape has two Raphael paths associated with it: one for the visible shape, and the other for the invisible area. <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $("...

Applying hover image effect on inline images within divs

I have placed 6 images on a page, each within a div class displayed inline. I have also given each of images an ID. I want to know the best way to have each image change to a different image on hover. I'm thinking I may be violating some rule of hover or something or just be using the wrong syntax. All ideas are welcome. ...

jQuery : How to create a jQuery hover function?

I want to create two functions what fades in and out an element. This is what I have done so far, but the problem with this is that if you move the mouse while you are in the hovered element it starts vibrating :| How should I make it to not vibrate and work correctly? <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function hov...

can't seem to integrate HoverIntent in my existing Jquery hover code

Hello, I started with an easy Jquery script for a horizontal menu: $(document).ready(function() { $("ul#topn li").hover(function() { //Hover over event on list item $(this).css({ 'background' : '#1376c9 url(topnav_active.gif) repeat-x'}); //Add background color and image on hovered list item $(this).find("span").show(); //Show t...

liveQuery not reloading DOM until a second after pageload together with .load which causes a short visual error

This is a small issue which started to appear in most browsers (as far as I know) after I added the liveQuery library together with the jQuery .load function. LiveQuery is working just fine but since I have a opcaity effect on my portfolio that upon pageload lowers the opacity down to 0.6 on my thumbs via the following code; // LiveQue...

IE8 CSS Hover Image Not Clickable JQuery

Hi Everyone! I have an image which is has an onmousedown event . When I hover over it, it displays a seperate image. My hover code looks like this: $(".baur").hover( function () { $(".hoverbaur").show(); }, I've been using this cod...

jQuery parsing XML to make slideshow

So I have a very long question for my code. Here are my requirements: Using jQuery XML parsing of images Must be a slide show Opacity on hover and show text in whiter full opacity With these piece i built this code. <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/...

How to specify to do a function in a specific area only, in jQuery?

I have this jQuery snippet: $(function() { $("ul > li").hover(function() { $(this).find("ul").stop(true, true).animate({opacity: 'toggle'}, 'fast'); }); }); This opens every <ul> what's inside in another <ul>, but I want to make this only for : <div id="header"></div> EDIT Here is the structure, I modi...

JQuery thumbnail src rotator on hover (multiple images)

Situation: We've got this DIV with thumbnails who need their src being changed on hover: <div id="moreVideos"> <span class="mb"> <a href="#" onclick="javascript:loadAndPlayVideo('qrO4YZeyl0I');return false;" class="ml"> <img src="http://i.ytimg.com/vi/qrO4YZeyl0I/default.jpg" id="thumb_qrO4YZeyl0I" class="mvThumb" title="Lad...

JQuery hover freezes Flash in Internet Explorer

Situation: Playing Youtube video (flash) on site + thumbnails with a hover effect. Problem: Hover results in the freeze of the Youtube Video when using Internet Explorer 8 (hover and flash works fine in all Webkit browsers & Firefox.) Example: http://listandplay.com/hover/#Search~waka%20waka~~ I've tried to debug the problem with prof...

css pseudoclass:hover not working

I am struggling to get a simplest css hover pseudoclass to work. Anybody knows why the following doesnt work? the css #hidden {display:none;} #show:hover #hidden{display:block;} the html <a href="#" id="show">show</a> <div id="hidden">here i am</div> I really feel stupid asking such a simple question, i did this a hunderd times, b...

jquery hover menu and back button

I have this code, but when I click the back button in the browser the menu is still visible and it's class still is 'show' $("#courses > a,#masterclasses > a,#the-team > a").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); $('#courses > a,#courses-nav').hover(function(){ $(...

hover in jQuery increment fontSize error

ok, I'm fooling around with jQuery and for the life of me can't find an elegant way to fix this error. jQuery('a').hover(function() { jQuery(this).animate({fontSize : '+=5'}); }, function() { jQuery(this).animate({fontSize : '-=5'}); }); The problem with that is that I build up an animation que. I thought i could solve it with...

menu hover and block

Usually, making a a block, you just have to hover on the <li> to highlight.. not on the text... i think a have done it right... but only hovering on the TEXT make the text change color... hovering on the box (li) dont... i have not taken the good technique, or just screw somewhere, i need your pointer please thanks in advance here i...

multi hover highlight

I have a idea, a way to give user feedback i like to hover on a menu, that will highlight an img correcponding to the menu OR theinverse, hover over image will highlight the menu I think it can be done with jquery, but can it be done in pure css or do you have a example or code i can base my idea on thanks ...

Why jQuery hover gets stuck sometimes and how to fix it?

Sometimes when I hover on the elements the dropdown sucks and works vice versa, mostly when I'm already on the element and when the page starts to load, so you should test it with some reloads. Check out : Live Preview Video Screencast : Video Screencast Link The jQuery: $(function() { $("ul > li").hover(function() { $(th...

Any way to stop CSS :hover text-decoration underline on child?

Possible Duplicate: How do I get this CSS text-decoration issue to work? I'm using the jquery toggle effect to show or hide more information about list elements: jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $("ul p").hide(); $("ul li").addClass("link"); $("ul li").click(function () { $("p", this).toggle(300); }); ...

jquery find previous li and change css

Hi all, I'm trying to write up a script that will allow me to change the css of the previous li on hover. Here's the structure: <ul id="mainlevel"> <li><a href="/" class="mainlevel" id="active_menu">Home</a></li> <li><a href="/" class="mainlevel">About Us</a></li> <li><a href="/" class="mainlevel">Products</a></li> <li><a href=...

hover delay - jquery

Hope someone can help. I have the code below which when the user hovers over the name the image and text in the div on the right changes. How can I delay the hover so that when the user swipes across the page it doesnt change the content quickly... if that makes sense <head> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://code.jquery.com/...