
jQuery, hover active only when the fade in on page load ends

Hi all! I'm pretty a beginner with jQuery! I need to have some divs to fadeIn on page loads, and i can do it. I need to have them showing with different delay and times, and i can do it. Every div has an image that fadeIn when you hover the relative div, and i can do it. The problem is that the animation of the image on hover, start st...

Why do the last 3 <a>´s in the left menu not fill their containing <li>´s?

http://www.briligg.com/toll.html The last 3 list items in the text section only show as links when your mouse is over the far right side of them. That is the only place that triggers the :hover background color change, too. The first 2 work fine. The css validates. There are a bunch of validation errors in the html, but nothing signifi...

How do I disable hover for a link ? I'm using li:hover

I'm trying to disable the hover functionality for a menu. I want it to be enabled only under certain conditions. I've tried using $(".ulColor").removeClass('hover');, but that hasn't worked The CSS code for enabling the hover is : li:hover ul, li.over ul { display: block; } Here is the HTML DIV inside which the menu resides - <div...

.mouseenter() doesn't work on content loaded with jQuerys .load() function

Hi! I have a page, with a navigationbar that loads content, from another page, into a content-div, when a navigation item is clicked. The content from the other page contains a variety of different divs. One of these divs has the style display: none. This div is on top of another div. When I .mouseenter() on the div that is below the h...

changing a button color on hover?

i want to change the color of a button on hover, when a user goes over it. this is my solution, but it deosnt work a.button { display: -moz-inline-stack; display: inline-block; width: 391px; height: 62px; background: url("img/btncolor.png") no-repeat; line-height: 62px; vertical-align: text-middle; text-align: c...

jqGrid - clicking on row removes altclass and hoverrows

We use jqGrid with altclass set and with hoverrows:true. When you click on a row, the altclass class is no longer applied and the hover effect no longer works on the clicked row. How can you stop this from happening? ...

Opera div :hover issue

Ok, so I am developing this page: http://ss.rsportugal.org/ and the menu works as expected in every browser but Opera. What it should do: Mouse over the menu bar which has a black background and is div #menu-wrapper and the menu should drop down. It even works in IE so what am I doing wrong that stops Opera from doing it right? Is it a ...

jQuery Class change not updating until mouse over

I have a menu and each menu item is a span with a class set in css: .newClass {color: red} .oldClass {color:black} oldClass:hover {color:blue;} When you click on a menu item the class is changed with: $(this).removeClass('oldClass').addClass('newClass'); which works fine. When another menuItem is click I change the classes back o...

jQuery: slow 'Webkit' performance - function .hover

Hey. I'm trying to get this script to work smoothly in webkit (Safari, Chrome, newest versions). It runs absolutely fine in Firefox. This code is called in the document.ready function: $('#noScript').remove(); $("#content div.wrapper, #top div.wrapper").hide().stop().fadeIn({duration: 2000, queue: true }); $('#social a') .children('s...

Hover over image to show buttons and don't trigger when hovering over actual buttons

I'm trying to get buttons to appear when hovering over an image. The following works: jQuery('.show-image').mouseenter(function() { jQuery('.the-buttons').animate({ opacity: 1 }, 1500); }).mouseout(function() { jQuery('.the-buttons').animate({ opacity: 0 }, 1500); }); However, when moving from the image to the button (wh...

JQuery theme builder CSS issue

For some reason the hover attribute is not working. When i put my mouse over the button, it doesn't change to the color I specified in the CSS. Here's my relevant CSS: .ui-state-default, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-default, .ui-widget-header .ui-state-default { border: 1px solid #dadada; background: #d7dfff url(images/ui-bg_highlight-...

IE hover/focus/active anchor and span, no javascript

Hi there, currently trying to create the best anchor with background image, hover and active stages. Here is what i have for this moment. It works fine in all browsers except in IE if I press on span (15px left side works fine as it is anchor). Here is example link text . Any ideas? I want to keep current code, no absolutes, no javascri...

Code cleanup - jquery hover menu

I've got a DIV that shows on a hover event, and hides on a hover event on the #main div, but I can't help but feel like I've not done it correctly - more like a hacked together version .. Can someone take a look and provide options for a more efficient way of doing it? The jQuery $(".sign_in").hover(function() { $("#sign_box")....

Hovering rows in a table in Internet Explorer is slow with any doctype

Ok, this one is driving me crazy. I have a html table with about 100 rows. I want the rows to change color when you move the mouse above it. I tried : :hover in CSS, onmouseover/onmouseout events in javascript jquery .hover jquery .mouseover/.mouseout mouseover on the table with e.target etc All work perfectly fast in Firefox, an...

[jQuery] .hover not working in IE8

Hi, I have this css code that works fine in Chrome and Firefox but not in IE8: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $("#button").button(); $("#radioset").buttonset(); $('#ciao,#dialog_link, ul#icons li ').hover( function() { $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover ui-corner-left '); }, function() { $...

IE8: Div hover only works when background color is set, very strange, why?

Situation: Got a div with buttons images. Div needs to fadeIn on hover. Works in all browsers, except Internet Explorer. When I give the div a background color it suddenly works. Check: http://ListAndPlay.com , top left are the controls. The hover won't work in IE, try to add a background color to #buttons and it suddenly works. Quest...

Background color changing problem

Hello everyone! I'm trying to change element's background-color using random colors from an array. There is the code: $(document).ready(function(){ var randomColors = ['#00eeff','#fcff00','#9600ff']; var rndNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * randomColors.length); $("div.anyclass").hover( function() { $(this).css({'background-...

jQuery hover and click function

I have 4 links that change the position of 4 divs inside a web page. I am using the following jQuery script to change the color of the links when I hover them. $('a.menua').hover(function(){ $(this).css({'color':'#2EC7C7'}); }, function(){ $(this).css({'color':'white'}); }); how can i modify this script so that when i clic...

jQuery animate CSS, set back hover state

I have an update button on which I want to pull attention when updating my content. I am doing this with an animation color fade and adding some arrow characters. When the animation is finished I want my CSS :hover states back. Is this possible or do I lose the original CSS and do I have to reset these with jQuery's hover() Fiddle: htt...

jQuery swap z-index on hover

I have a "Learn More" button that when the user hovers over, will display a "more info box" over top of the button that contains a block of text. I am having trouble getting this to work correctly as the more info box seems to be interfering with the hover function. I uploaded an example of what I'm trying to achieve: http://recoverstudi...