
Position iframe content above all content

I need to display an iframe when a user clicks on a link on header of page. How do I make sure the iframe is always on top of all content? CSS z-indexs don't work effectively in this case. ...

Why does document.getElementById('hyperlink_element_id') return the value of the hyperlink's href attribute?

I'm trying to grab the Web.UI.WebControls.HyperLink object itself via javascript so that I can modify its ImageUrl. Here I'm setting the hyperlink's NavigateUrl to the my javascript function call: lnkShowHide.NavigateUrl = String.Format( "javascript:ShowHideElement('{0}');", lnkShowHide.ClientID ) Here's my javascript function: ...

How to create screen scraping? "i want to know just the cycle"

I want to make a screen scraping exactly the same idea as this one What i want know is how to do so? - When the user click on the bookmarklet, it will send to my server the URL then my server will get back to the client page with the scrapping javascript files which will load with the iframe load, the java sc...

Troubleshoot IE6 + 7 only error message.

Hello again, I have built the site: which was as much a learning experience in jQuery and CSS/xHTML but is also a real project and as such should work in most browsers (IE6 is still a problem but IE7 should really not have an issue here). Something that bugs me terribly is getting this error: which only happens...

HTML table with fixed headers and a fixed column?

Does anyone know a CSS/Javascript technique to display a long html table such that the column headers stay fixed on-screen and the first coloumn stay fixed and scroll with the data. I want to be able to scroll through the contents of the table, but to always be able to see the column headers at the top and the first column on the left. ...

silverlight limited to 100% browser height

I am having issues with getting a silverlight control to appear on a page in such a way that it is as wide as the browser but as long as it needs to be. I can't seem to nail down the CSS that enables this. The closest I have gotten is to make the Silverlight control as tall as the browser but no taller. Below is my aspx file: <%@ Page...

Align contents inside a div

I use css style text-align to align contents inside a container in HTML. This works fine while the content is text or the browser is IE. But otherwise it does not work. Also as the name suggests it is used basically to align text. The align property has been deprecated long back. Is there any other way to align contents in html? ...

How to change CSS style of nested list items?

I have a style for styling <a> elements in list items in a #navigation container. This is working fine. #navigation li a { text-decoration:none; background:#bfe5ff; color:#045e9f; width:125px; height:35px; padding-top:11px; display:block; float:left; margin-left:2px; text-align:center; font-size:18px; font-weight...

Optimize jQuery code

I've written this jQuery code that fades in a overlay with some links over an image. What i found out is that it is painfully slow when I add like 10 of these images. I would really appreciate some tips and tricks on how to make this code faster. If you have some tips for my HTML and CSS that would be great too ;) jQuery code $(docume...

What is the best way to develop a widget from a RSS feed ?

What is the best way to develop a widget from a RSS feed which renders uniformly across all websites and browsers which can be embedded easily on other websites without facing any problem? i have tried below approaches but each of them has their own problems Using Javascript: when embedding such widgets into other websites the style...

is it a bug? margins of P element go outside the containig div.

I am using Firefox3 on Ubuntu (And I found a bug in SO while at that :-D) The expected behavior is not to see any margin between the DIVs, while a margin is shown, originating from the P margins. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.or...

Jquery Rounded Corner & Div - Remove Gap?

Can anyone tell me how to remove the gap that is generated in the middle of the div, from the following code: (paste and name test.html) <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head>...

How can I fade in and then set focus in jQuery?

I've got this little snippet of jQuery: $('#showlink').click(function(){ $('#linkwindow').show('fast'); $('#linkwindow input').focus(); } How do I call the focus only after the fade has ended? Sometimes it happens slightly before and I end up with a weird rendering bug. ...

<br/> vs <div/> in clearing

What is the difference <br style="clear:both;"/> vs <div style="clear:both;"/> ?? Also, I thought <div style="clear:both;"/> is a good way of clearing, but is <div style="clear:both;"> </div> a proper way? ...

Why IMG tag of HTML renders null on Firefox ?

<html> <body> <img id="j_id58" width="800" border="0" height="400" src="c:/test/tmp/imageEE3A7BA3F55BC67061FD778F1B0136D6.png"/> </body> </html> Why does this not render any image when I open it on firefox but does it on IE 6? ...

CSS irregular frame around variable-size content?

Apologies for this sketch, but seems to convey my question best: +---------------+----------------+-----+ | div | v.div | d | | | | i | +----+----------+----------------+ v | | v | | | | . | ...

Labeling file upload button

How can I internationalize the button text of the file picker? For example, what this code presents to the user: <input type="file" .../> ...

Is there a way to disable the printing of the additional header and footer information in Firefox?

We were using htmldoc but unfortunately it does not support UTF-8. I tried using the Mozilla Firefox command-line printPDF extension but it placed the URL on the upper right of every page of the PDF which unfortunately isn't acceptable because these files are client-facing. I've also heard of Prince but it simply costs too much. Is th...

Marquee in HTML

how would I go about making a marquee in html? could I define everything i.e. speed, looping, text color, background color, direction, etc. With just html or should I need to know another language to define those aspects? Also could I implement an image in the marquee? ...

rounded corners with transparent background hover effects

Hi, On my website, each menu button has it's corners rounded using the dd_roundies library, and has mouseover, mouseout, and onclick handlers assigned via JQuery. The relevant JS code is: $(function(){ // Add an event handler to the menu items that changes the background colour on mouse-over // and reverts it on mouse-out. ...