
Custom Resizable Handles in JQuery UI

I've been attempting to create a resizable textbox (ASP.NET multiline TextBox / HTML textarea) and use JQuery UI to make it resizable, but seem to be running into a few issues involving custom drag handles. The JQuery documentation on the Resizable method (specifically that on the handles option) suggests that I can set any of the handl...

CSS: Create a DIV based on browser size.

Solved! Finished CSS and HTML at bottom. Ok, so here is the situation. I have a page with a div on the side, on top, and on bottom. The div on the side is on the left at 225px. The div on top is 25px, and the div on bottom is 20px. What I want is a div in the middle of them all, and so it resizes (and is scrollable) based on t...

Embedded CSS hacks vs separate cascading styles sheets

I believe this is not the popular stance but I prefer embedded hacks such as * and _ in the style sheet rather than using separate IE specific style sheets. At first I tried separate style sheets but I found the scope of having the styles for the same elements span multiple files to be painful to maintain. It was not obvious while changi...

CSS / Template question

How do I turn the site I just made (html+css) into a template? I want to be able to have one master template to use for all the pages on my site like I am able to do in dreamweaver, can I do stuff like that outside of DW? I am kinda sorta new to this.... ...

CSS: min-height does not work.

Whenever I add the min0height property to the DIVs to make them 100%, it doesn't work. I have added them to all of the DIVs, including height: 100%; and min-height: 100%; but nothing works. What would I do to make it extend all the way? It just cuts off the background of the sidebar and the background color of the content area. (Forgo...

Frame Buster Buster ... buster code needed

Let's say you don't want other sites to "frame" your site in an <iframe>: <iframe src=""&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt; So you insert anti-framing, frame busting JavaScript into all your pages: /* break us out of any containing iframes */ if (top != self) { top.location.replace(self.location.href); } Excellent! Now you "b...

Links sometimes don't work in IE

I have a webpage that uses sprites for its navigation link. In IE7 sometimes the links are not clickable. It works fine in IE8 and Firefox. Anyone encountered this before? Thanks. Edit To clarify, on my computer, everything works fine. (Vista, IE8, Firefox 3, Chrome, Safari). I had a complaint from some...

Remove the space between checkboxes

I have a form which contains several checkboxes align vertically in a div. I want to remove the space between each checkbox. But I can't find any solutions. <div style="height:100px;width:25px;float:left;"> <input type="checkbox"/> <input type="checkbox"/> <input type="checkbox"/> <input type="checkbox"/> <input type="checkbox...

Discovering which CSS rule is responsible for the format of any element

I want to click / look at on an html element and find out which css rule is responsible for which format property. i.e. I want to know the font's come from body{ } the color from h { } and the padding from #headercontainer Is there a way of doing this? I've tried firebug and cssedit (both of which are very cool) but can't see wher...

Compress Page to Make it load faster.

Is there any way to compress an html page or html output of page to make them load faster. I heard that Google is using that technology someway. Thanks in advance. ...

Which doctype do you use when writing webpages?

I am just curious about the doctype use in Google, Yahoo and Stackoverflow. And I find that the above 3 sites use HTML4.01 doctype: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "" > Many people say that we should use XHTML1.0 doctype but the above 3 sites do not do so. Do you know why? I wou...

Why won't my web browser reflect changes I made on the server?

This is as simple as it gets. My school provides us with a personal storage that can be used for a webpage. Its the standard type deal. Previously, I would make changes to an index.html file and upload in using the 'Secure File Transfer Client' to my public_html folder. I'd hit refresh, and bingo. I u...

Web IDE tool

Does anyone know if it exists a Web IDE allowing to develop web application directly from a web application? The W3School website allows to write small piece of code in HTML or javascript but is there another solution more project oriented? ...

Generic way to detect if html form is edited

I have a tabbed html form. Upon navigating from one tab to the other, the current tab's data is persisted (on the DB) even if there is no change to the data. I would like to make the persistence call only if the form is edited. The form can contain any kind of control. Dirtying the form need not be by typing some text but choosing a dat...

Use of the standby attribute of the object element

Hi, I was just going over the OBJECT element in HTML ( . I've done a few flash projects and a few silverlight, and so would have seen the element in passing. For some of the flash, I would have written some 'loading' logic to let the user know the actual flash body is loading. ...

php count() to help give html elements set attributes

I am building a menu that I want to display in a certain way. However, it is to be populated from a database so it cannot be hard-coded. Essentially I want the 'li' tags to appear in set places when they are created and was hoping that I could set their class using php count() and already having the css set up for them. Basically, the ...

threading and ie7 add ons

i have a ie7 add on, i'm adding html elements to the page being browsed. ie throws operation aborted, and dont nevigate to the page, anyone knows what to do? i work asynchronously with the html elements adding ...

Django EmailMultiAlternatives and HTML e-mail display in Outlook 2003 on Win2003

I'm using django.core.mail.EmailMultiAlternatives when sending e-mails from my django app in an attempt to make sure that the message downgrades to text if the e-mail client doesn't support HTML. Here is my send_email method: def send_email(self, from_address, to_list, subject, msg_text, msg_html): subject=subject.replace('\r',...

Html renderer with limited resources (good memory management)

I'm creating a linux program in C++ for a portable device in order to render html files. The problem is that the device is limited in RAM, thus making it impossible to open big files (with actual software). One solution is to dynamically load/unload parts of the file, but I'm not sure how to implement that. The ability of scrolling is...

HTML comment conventions

I need to use HTML comments to store specific data, but I don't want use comment schemes that already exist, as generated by programs like Dreamweaver <!-- #BeginLibraryItem "/File.lbi" --> or Frontpage. How do I know what comment scheme would be least problematic, or at least not look like other existing comment conventions? PS: I'm ...