
Which codepage for html for eurpean languages? UTF-8 vs codepage 1252 in VS 2008

Hi there, I have been developing with some software for javscript that has a parser that reads in my JS and creates a compressed version, it kept failing as by default vs 2008 saves its files in UTF8 from what i see.. there was like a hidden couple of characters at the start of the file.. Forcing a save as 1252 sorted the issue, my que...

HTA's; use other browser to host?

If Microsoft's method for using IE as a local host for HTA's then, can I use any other browser instead? ...

How many webpage on the web make use of JavaScript ?

I would like to know how many web pages on the web are using JavaScript, in percentage. The metric I'm looking is the number of pages having a <script type="text/javascript"> tag. I'm pretty sure someone (like Google) did studies on that and publish the results ! The goal is to have an idea on how much JavaScript is widespread on the w...

css conditional formatting

Hi, I have the below code to check if the user are using IE7...and it needs to over ride the .web_info style. If not IE7 it uses the default style, if its not IE at all it will use the ff_styles.css. This doesnt seem to be working. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../styles.css"> <![if !IE]> <link rel="stylesheet" type="te...

Need some help with understanding existing CSS Layout

I found this great website with different layout examples at And in particular this one: link text (view source for full css and markup) I am just learning css and couldn't find where can I change modify the width of margins (of the left and the middle columns) Every value in this layout is connected to ...

html 5 v/s XHTML

Which is better to learn HTML 5 or XHTML? ...

Is it possible to print DOS characters on a website?

Hi, I would like to print some kind of ASCII "art" on a web page in pre-tags. These graphics use DOS characters to show a map like old maze games did. I didn't find anything in the HTML special character reference. Is there a way to use these characters in HTML ? Thanks in advance. ...

IE bug with TD's tables and whitespace?

Hi there, I have a page that is using tables, in FF etc it works perfect, but in IE7 it causes issues, its basically where the four corners have a td and and img (its a rounded corner form) .. if i remove the whitespace from the document it fixes the issue.. What actually happens is that it messes up the tables.. it puts a thin white li...

CSS - What's the best way of creating a 9x9 Sudoku grid?

I am working on a few projects to improve my HTML and CSS. One of which is a simple Sudoku solver. I need to create a Grid in which to put either Labels or TextBoxes. I want a grid layout exactly like the Grid image in this question. What's the best way of achieving this? CSS... or tables? And how would I go about creating this? ...

HTML popup window refering to its creator.

Supose I create a pop-up in home.html with something like: <a href="somepage.html" target="_new">link</a> How can I make a link IN somepage.html change the content of the browser window/tab that contained the original link (the windows that has home.html)? Can this be done by plain HTML? Or do I need JavaScript? ...

For a left navigation panel with Ajax, should I use HTML frames or a DIV?

I was going to have a left navigation panel which uses an ajax request to change the contents of the center panel of the HTML. Should I use HTML frames or simply a "sidebar" DIV? Does it matter? ...

How to achieve the following layout in HTML + CSS?

I'll start with an ASCII art illustration of what I want to achieve: Category title Title Title +-------+ +-------+ | | | | | | | | | Image | | Image | | | | | | | | | +-------+ +-------+ Subtitle Subtitle Category title Title Title +-------+ +-...

JQuery: Hovering a combo box option element

Gday All, The following code displays a div based on the option that has been selected within a drop down box. $(document).ready(function() { $("#SomeDropdown").change(function() { var theVal = $("#SomeDropdown option:selected").val(); $("#SomeDiv_" + theVal).css("visibility", "visible"); }); }); How do I disp...

Java: How to decode HTML character entities in Java like HttpUtility.HtmlDecode?

Basically I would like to decode a given Html document, and replace all special chars, such as "&nbsp" -> " ", ">" -> ">". In .NET we can make use of HttpUtility.HtmlDecode. What's the equivalent function in Java? ...

Pure CSS Context Highlighting

Hi Guys, Having a few issues here - I am sort of almost there, but now completely stuck and hoping that some of you CSS/HTML Gurus can offer some assistance. I am trying to do a "pure CSS based context highlight with tooltip" - I've pretty much got most of it together apart from the tooltip (lol!). I also wanted the tooltip to "hover" ...

How to implement autocomplete in MVC app?

Hi, Can anoyone lead me to code to implement autocomplete for a textbox where the data comes from a database table server side? This is in ASP.NET MVC application. Using SQL Server. Malcolm ...

Is it possible to center a bunch of floated divs on browser resizing

I have a bunch of left floated divs. On browser resizing, if no space if available some divs can fall under anothers I want to know if is there a way to keep the group centered. Rigth now the div kept left aligned I show you a 'graphic' in hope you can understand me 1.- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +++++++ +++++++ +++++++ ...

mini-screen popups on mouse over

I can't figure out how to phrase this question to be honest. :/ But I'm trying to get the following effect: I was wondering if anyone here could help me try to figure out how to accomplish this effect as seen in the image? :/ The effect, as seen in the image, is that when I hover over an image, o...

Where should the list-style CSS property go?

Should the list styling properties go on the ul element or the li elements? I have never seen lists with different little icons to the left of them (within the same ul), but I have seen the property used on both elements before in my travels. Which one is correct? ...

How to periodically change background-image site-wide?

I am trying to set up an random alternating background that changes periodically across the whole site. E.g. at any given point the random background image would be the same on every page for a period of time. Currently I have background images that change every 30 mins with this javascript: (from here: