
how to prevent search engine to index only one part of my page

what is the best way to do it ? put it in iframe . set this section after load with javascript ? thanks ...

remove a class element

How to remove a class that has been appended to a div id? Earlier I appended a star to a label,when a checkbox is click. $("<span class='req'><em> * </em></span>").appendTo("#displayPanel #labelstr"+div_id); Now,if the same checkbox is clicked again I want to remove that star. I know there is a remove() option, but what is the proper...

Is it possible to get files from two different servers using HTML or javascript

Hi All, Is it possible to get files from two different servers using HTML or javascript, Lets say File A is in Server A and File B is in Server B.Is it possible to access both the files and display them EDIT: pls post some code ...

What is the best way to inject HTML into the DOM with jQuery?

Hi, I'm working on a calendar page that allows a user to click on a day, and enter an entry for that day with a form that pops up. I'm no stranger to DOM manipulation with jQuery, but this is something I've done before and I'm beginning to wonder if there's a more efficient way to do this? Would building the HTML manually within JavaS...

Doctype and browser speed

Is there any relation between doctype of an HTML document and browser rendering speed? If yes then which one is fastest? ...

NSXMLDocumentTidyHTML doesn't tidy some XHTML validation errors.

I want to grab text from a list of web pages. I've done a bit of experimenting and found that the best way for my needs is via WebKit. Once the source of the page has been grabbed, I want to strip out all the HTML tags, by using the technique in this comment. Here's my code: - (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didFinishLoadForFrame:(Web...

Javascript / jQuery - Parse returned 'data' as HTML for further selecting?

Hi, a webservice returns some data to me. The data is actually just raw HTML (so no XML header, or tags around it, but just a piece of html). <div class="Workorders"> <div id="woo_9142" class="Workorder"> <span class="Workorder">S1005</span> <span class="Pn">30-2</span> <span class="Description">Cooling Fa...

Retrieving values from a checkbox

Hi, I use a php checkbox and I want to retrieve marked values. My checkbox code : <label for="cours">Je suis intéressé par un ou plusieurs cours :</label><br><br> <input type="checkbox" name="cours" value="individuel">Individuel<br> <input type="checkbox" name="cours" value="semiprive">Semi-privé<br> <input type="checkbox" name="cours...

How do you do page performance tests?

I know everyone who reads the question will think "Firebug!" right away. Maybe some will think "YSlow!" and "Google Page Speed!" While I really like these tools, I'm more concerned with how the quickly the page will render in IE 6/7/8. All of the above tools require Firefox. That's all fine and you can definitely test the underlying spe...

Problem uploading multiple files

Here's the code I'm using. I can't seem to see where the problem is - its meant to upload multiple files at out ones. The funny thing is that some times it uploads just one file, and then won't upload anything. Can someone help me look into it please.. <pre><code> <?php /*** the upload directory ***/ $upload_dir= './uploads'; /*** nu...

How can I show and hide a table row using jQuery?

I have a regular HTML table, how can I show and hide a table row using jQuery? ...

Problem displaying the entire string in input box (in php)

I am trying to display a element from mysql table in a input box type=text. The data is a string value. But i can see only the first word of the entire string. but if i echo the element, i get the full string value. My code looks like this: echo "Title: <input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" value=".$row['Title']."></input><br>"; Pl...

How to write a:hover in inline CSS?

I have a case where i must write inline CSS code. And i want to apply hover style on an anchor. How to write a:hover in inline css inside the html style attribute? ...

How to suppress the display of repeating values in html tables which can be sorted?

I have a table in HTML which I am generating from XML/XSL and I want it to suppress repeating values. However, I also want to sort it on the fly by clicking the titles. Without a round trip to the server I need to suppress different values after each sort. Is there a good javascript/css solution. For example Data Date Person Score ...

Creating table inside Datalist

This is my DataList code , I define a table in headertemplate and close it in footerTemplate. The problem is with AlternatingItemStyle and ItemStyle that they don't effect. If i move the table defenition inside <ItemTemplate> it does work. <asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" DataKeyField="ProductID" DataSourceID...

Getting value from input box in html in external Javascript

I have an HTML page and and external JavaScript file. How do I access the value of an input tag from the HTML page in JavaScript? My HTML is as follows: <form name="formxml"> <input type="text" name="xmlname"/> <input type="submit" value="Click me please" onclick="loadxml()"/> </form> In the Javascript file, I was trying: var name =...

How to embed an XML loading .swf with a dynamic link

I could barely find a reasonable title that would explain my issue, let alone try and search for how to fix this. My issue : 1) User uploads a .zip with say: flash.swf images.xml image.jpgs 2) It gets extracted into a unique folder ID ex. /swfs/123456/ 3) Server tries to load the .swf in "index.php" and the .swf tries t...

What values can appear in the "selected" attribute of the "option" tag?

I have some markup similar to the following: <select> <option selected="selected">Apple</option> <option selected="">Orange</option> </select> In this case, "Orange" shows as the selected item. I would have expected making the selected attribute blank would undo its effects. Is there a way to write this without simply leaving th...

need help CSS centering with absolute positioning

I've never been totally satisfied with my various solutions to centering content in a web page. the <center> tag has been deprecated back in the middle of the 18th century, but I fail to see a reasonable alternative. Specifically what I want is to have a parent DIV that is centered, but against whose upper left hand corner I can set thin...

Last Modified Date of a file on a web site

Is there a way to get the Last-Modified-Date of a file on a Web Site? i.e. Here is an example file I have out there: ...