
Auto submit form after x mili seconds of inactive keyboard

In my form I have a set of input boxes where a user can input a value. On change of one of these boxes, the form automatically gets submitted. The problem now is however that a user stays in the last field, takes the mouse and presses the OK button (of another form) without leaving the textbox first. The change event doesn't get trigger...

RSS on the root of my domain

I have added an RSS feed to my website but I can't get google readers and others to pick it up from just my root domain ( they need the full address to the rss feed. How can I get them to pick up my feed without my users needing to add the full RSS feed address? I have added the meta tag below but it doesn't seem to hav...

Nesting optgroups in a dropdownlist/select

I have created a customer c# DropDownList control that can render out it's contents are optgroups (Not from scratch, I edited some code found on the internet, although I do understand exactly what it's doing), and it works fine. However, I have now come across a situation where I need to have two levels of indentation in my dropdown, i....

how to force link from iframe to be opened in the parent window

i need to open the link in the same parent page, instead of open it in a new page. note : The iframe and parent page are the same domain. ...

FF displaying unwanted border

i have a div element that is appearing fine in Chrome but Firefox for some reason has decided to put a border around it. let me share the CSS here: #cpanel { width: 320px; height: 75px; position: absolute; //left: 28%; //top: 32%; z-index: 9996; //visibility: hidden; display:none; } .box { z-index:99...

Why does 'clear:left' also clears right?

I've been struggling to get CSS floating to work (in my head). Note the following example: <style type="text/css"> div.container { width:500px; } div.left { float:left; clear:left; } div.right { float:right; } </style> <div class="container"> <div class="left">leftdata 1</div...

Need Pure/jQuery Javascript Solution For Cleaning Word HTML From Text Area

Hey folks. I know this issue has been touched on here but I have not found a viable solution for my situation yet, so I'd like to but the brain trust back to work and see what can be done. I have a textarea in a form that needs to detect when something is pasted into it, and clean out any hidden HTML & quotation marks. The content of t...

findComponent in iframe

I have a page with an iframe like this: <iframe runat="server" id="rsPrintFrame" src="framedPage.aspx" height="0" width="0"></iframe> I need to get access to a component on the 'framed' page from the parent page, as one would typically do with $find() or Sys.Application.findComponent(). But obviously I can't simply do: myFrame.conte...

Flash AS3 url link to open separate swf in an iFrame

Hello, I'm trying to use my swf Menu to change the Content swf below it which is in an iframe so the menu doesnt have to load each time, but having trouble linking the buttons.. My flash code is: homeButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, homeButtonFunction); function homeButtonFunction(event: MouseEvent) { var targetURL:URLRequest ...

How to clean HTML tags using C#

For example: <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>title</title> </head> <body> <a href="aaa.asp?id=1"> I want to get this text </a> <div> <h1>this is my want!!</h1> <b>this is my want!!!</b> </div> </body> </html> and the result is: I want to get this text thi...

Pre-Loading Images

Is there a way to pre-load images just using html/css? ...

How to get browser width using javascript code?

I am trying to write a javascript function to get the current browser width. I found this one: javascript:alert(document.body.offsetWidth); But its problem that it fail if the body has width 100% There is any other better function or a work around? ...

Time Input Field

I am building a form to accept a time value HH:MM, how can I filter the user input and show the colon in the text field? I guess I'm looking for some kind of filtered input box. Thanks ...

Is there a way to detect a click anywhere on a page except for a certain region?

Here is my problem, I'm designing a website that allows you to select a certain item from a list by clicking on it using the onClick attribute. I would like to be able to deselect the item by clicking anywhere else on the page. I tried doing <body onClick="deselect()"> but then if I click anywhere on the page it deselect my item (even wh...

How to make an item "draggable" using html?

Is there a way to just use html to make an item draggable? (not just classifying an element as draggable) ...

Why are escape characters being added to the value of the hidden input

<body> <div> <?= $_POST['msg'] ?> </div> <form id="frm" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name='msg' value='{"field0": "Im a string", "field1": 84, "field3": "so am I"}' /> <input type="submit" value="test" /> </form> </body> When the form is posted, the following string is displayed between the div tags. {\"field0\...

Http and file uploading - How does it really work (under the hood)

Ok this may seem like a bit of a noob question but one many Web developers I know dont have a full understanding of. Basically how does a file uploading from a web page file input box to a webserver (hosting a .net site for example) with a FileUpload control's uploaded event? My understanding was that a post was made to the server requ...

Why not always use enctype="multipart/form-data"?

When building HTML forms why do we not always use enctype="multipart/form-data"? ...

how to add event for all elements except which have a certain class?

I want to add mouse over event on all elements on the page except which has class "no_inspect", i want to add this event after loading all page elements, i tried to write it like that: $('*:not(.no_inspect)').mouseover(MouseOverEvent); but its not working, seams something missed. UPDATE Not working means: The event is attaching to...

Should We Mask Passwords?

From Jacob Nielson's "Stop Password Masking": Usability suffers when users type in passwords and the only feedback they get is a row of bullets. Typically, masking passwords doesn't even increase security, but it does cost you business due to login failures. What do you guys think? ...