I think I want to use pythons built in calendar module to create an HTML calendar with data. I say I think because I'll probably think of a better way, but right now it's a little personal. I don't know if this was intended to be used this way but it seems like it is a little pointless if you can't at least making the days into a <a hr...
I'm using the jQuery Fancybox plugin to create a modal window with the link's href as the content, and the title as its caption. I'd like to be able to have a clickable link in the caption (in this case to lead to a larger map) but I can't put an <a> tag into the title attribute. How might I go about putting this link in through Javascri...
I creating a program which send newsletter with a background image. It works fine on Office 2000-2003, thunderbird, but the background image does not show on Outlook 2007. I read that Microsoft changed the rendering engine and did not support the background css property (it is possible but only applied to the Body).
Is it achievabl...
For some kind of menu I would like a box of 300 pixels width, with the items in it aligned to the right. I came up with the following code which works just fine in IE and Chrome, but not in FF :
<div style="width:300px;" align="left">
<div align="right">
<img src="images/item1.png"> <br/>
<img src="images/ite...
How to set blank default text on input field and clear it when element is active.
I've been wondering if I can use <p> </p> (just space in paragraph) instead of <br /> ...
Because I love to keep my code semantic and thought if this is right has been bothering me for a while now. I have seen WYSIWSG editors (TinyMCE) use this, but I still rather ask then do it wrong.
I've to parse over a piece of HTML.
It looks a bit like:
<td class="blabla"> <table><tr><td><table><tr><td></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>
<td class="blabla"> <table><tr><td></td></tr></table>
I need to extract each td with class blabla, but ea...
I have html and css as below -
.title {
display: block; background-color: red;
<a href="#">
<span class="title">Text</span>
I could see that the SPAN spans to the 100% of the available width (coz of dispaly: block). Like below
| Text ...
I've got a website that has a form that the user can type in. I want it to be the replacement for a 3rd party website (Autotask) form with the same fields. Normally I'd just have the action in my form go to where the 3rd party's form points and then have all the same id/name values for my own fields, but there are several problems with t...
I'm trying to focus an existing tab when the content reloads. The usual window methods don't seem to work.
Here's whats happening: On page_1 I have a link like...
<a href="page_2.html" target="page_2">Go to my other page</a>
If the tab doesn't exist, when the link is clicked it opens a new tab and takes focus. (Perfect)
If you then g...
Hi All
My PHP script generates a table with rows which can optionally be edited or deleted. There is also a possibility to create a new Row. The PHP is activated through jQuery Events.
Now all works well, I can edit delete and create an Item. After each action which makes use of the PHP script the HTML table gets updated.
But when I ...
Given an HTML page I would like to get all the 'x' files that are embedded in the HTML file or are linked by it, where 'x' equals:
Images (JPG,PNG,GIF...)
Documents (Word, PowerPoint, PDF...)
Flash (.flv, .swf)
How do I do this?
So images are easy to extract because they are either linked to with a link ending in a (.png|.jpg|....)...
Hi guys,
I have been having the following problem, i think it's probably due to the fact that my approach may be misguided, but hopefully with your help i can sort this out!
Basically, for my site i have a search provider (who has been paid, so i am not breaking any terms of use). When the search form is subbmitted i am directed to the...
I have a list of check boxes. For the check boxes that are selected, I change it's name before submitting. In FF the function works. In IE I get:
A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly. If it
continues to run, your computer may
become unresponsive.
Do you want to abort the script? YES/NO
Not sur...
First of all, I found this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/659602/objective-c-html-escape-unescape, but it doesn't work for me.
My encoded characters (come from a RSS feed, btw) look like this: &
I searched all over the net and found related discussions, but no fix for my particular encoding, I think they are called hexadecima...
On my web site I have XMLs with my page contents (automatically generated from my DB) - which are displayed using XSLT. The problem is this: I'd like to have some formatting within some of the XML tags. For instance, if I have an XML containing an article in a
format like this:
<header>Cool article</header>
Does anyone know a cross-browser, reliable solution for catching presses of the tab-key in a textarea field, and replacing (in the correct position) 4 spaces? The textarea is being used to input an essay, and needs this feature.
Note: I tried using FCKEditor, among others, which did not catch tabs and had a bunch of features I didn't n...
How do I make a foreign key field in a form read only but still allow this field to be recognized as valid once the form is submitted? According to W3C, disabled fields are left out once the form is submitted....using the code below, I can set the field as disabled, thus readonly, but my form doesn't go through
def __init__(self, ...
I have an .HTML file that has many photos attached to it for displaying a photo gallery. I'm replacing old photos with new ones, and I'm thinking there must be a more intelligent way than simply copying and pasting repetitive file names.
I would love to be able to replace and increment a file name on each replace, starting at ...
I have an image that, depending on the screen resolution, drops down out of sight in my CSS flow layout because I have set its width and height to static values.
Is there a way in a CSS flow layout to have the image automatically resize while someone is making the browser window smaller. I have seen this done in a html-table layout and...