
z-index layering for HTML5 video (ipad)

I am using the BrightCove smartplayer code to write an HTML5 video tag into the page. This code replaces the object tag with video tag so that it works on the iphone and ipad, whils still working in browser that dont support The problem I am having is with the layering of this dynaically written in tag. It does not seem to obey the ...

HTML5 video player: dynamically loading videos

So, using a HTML 5 compliant video player, (like Video JS) how would one go about loading a video dynamically, without having to reload the entire page? Imagine, a list of links (something like a playlist), and each link points to a video. When clicking the link, I want to load the selected video into player. Currently, I'm using an Ifr...

"Skip Intro" link over HTML5 video not working on iPad

I am using the "Javascript Fake Click" script to autoplay an introductory HTML5 video on an iPad, which then directs to a landing page. I have a simple "skip intro" link on top of the video element in a higher z-index. This link works in other browsers, but not on the iPad (iOS 3.2.2). I think it may have to do with the click event on ...

html5 video player with age gate

Has anyone come across an html 5 based video player that supports age checking that has a flash based fallback for IE? ...

Reinitialize Kalthura mwEmbed-player-static.js after AJAX content loads

We're using the mwEmbed-player-static.js library to handle playing video on a site. This works fine for a static page where we can load the script and that's it. But if we load the video tag as part of the dynamic content via AJAX, nothing happens. We need a way to reinitialize the player or reload the script. Has anyone dealt with this ...

Plone: How use the html5 video tag with content types?

I have a zpt (zope page template), where I want to use a video tag, something like: <video src="FILE_LOCATION" width="320" height="240" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"' controls></video> where FILE_LOCATION would be a content type of plone. I can use either 3 ways to acces the file: 1) file.download_url #gives me: http://loc...

GPU or hardware-based h.264 encoder with API?

We'd like to stream h.264 video to a browser based on frames generated on the server. The frames would be synthetic, i.e. not coming from another "real movie", mpeg, etc. We'd be generating them separately as part of a simulation, potentially using OpenGL/DirectX to render individual frames. In my naive approximation, we'd have a bitmap ...

Execute functions as HTML5 video plays

I'm trying to get a basic function to execute when an HTML5 video reaches a specific second value. Currently I haven't had any luck and was hoping that I could get some help here. Here's the code I'm using thus far: jQuery(function(){ jQuery("video").bind("timeupdate", function() { if(this.currentTime == "6") { alert("six se...

iPad Safari mobile seems to ignore z-indexing position for html5 video elements

I got a video element on a page that's working fine both in safari mobile and desktop. I have a seme-transparent pull-down menu that's working fine. The problem is, when the menu is over the video element, on the desktop safari i can see the video under the menu (as desired), while on the mobile version the video element stay on the fore...

How can I get pixel data of every frame in a HTML5 <video> element

I'm thinking I'll have to wait for the video to finish loading, then set up an interval (at 1/24 sec.) to get the current frame data, for the duration of the video. But that seems pretty hacky and looks like it might skip frames and such… So, is there a "onFrameChange" listener I can hook on to, so I can get every frame, or any other w...

HTML5 video codec support

What codecs will be supported with the HTML5 video taq? Will it vary by browser, or is there a spec of specific codec that will be supported? ...

HTML5: Real-time sound

Hi, Can HTML5 (or anything in the browser) be used to transmit sound in real-time? Like Skype for example? Thanks ...

Getting buffering progress value in HTML5 video player

In Firefox when I see simple video element in this example (, it has default browser controls. Right after page is loaded video starting to load, and I see how buffering (loading) line is moving to the right side of the default browser controls. I wish to ask how to get this value of a buffer?! Because I have tried ...

what technology combination should I use to make a video player with custom User Interface in the new HTML 5

I am trying to do something simple for now. I am making a video player for autistic kids. The idea being: a video player runs on a tablet (ipad / android). A tap (anywhere on the screen) toggles the video state between play/pause. For now, I'm trying to get it to just work on a chrome/firefox browser + PC combination. I have been readin...

HTML5 video seeking on iPad

Hello, I have an HTML5 video player with a custom seek bar, that's working great on the iPhone (playing inline) and on the browser. It plays great on the iPad too and the seek bar is updated as the movie plays, but for some reason, I can't seek. All of the values are correct and I'm trying to set: myPlayer.currentTime = XX; Unfortu...

HTML5 video works in Firefox but not IE

Hi. The HTML5 video player (JW Player) on this page works fine in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, but not IE: If you scroll through the carousel component, you'll notice the video's width gets "crushed" on IE and the text next to it, visible on the other browsers, isn't displayed. The video slides are 1 and 5 in the...

Watermark a video programmatically

So I am looking for a way to watermark videos uploaded to my site programmatically. I have looked at ffmpeg-php however this will not work as I am using shared linux hosting. I'm wondering if anyone knows of a way that I can programmatically add a watermark to mp4 videos kind of how you do with the GD lib in php. Has anyone successful...

video as site background? HTML 5

I want to use a video as a background instead of an image that automatically stretches to the whole screen (background). I would also like to rotate videos and images.. so that there is a random video/image displayed in any order. It would also be nice to know how to delay video playback, so that the video only plays once 30 seconds af...

Chrome (or chrome frame) sends two or more requests instead of one?

I use HTML5 video tag, back-end is on Java. It works fine in Firefox but in Chrome it sends more than one requests to servlet and finally there is Exception in servlet and it doesn't work. I've read that firstly to make element in DOM and then assign src to it, but still it sends more than one requests. Do you have any solutions for me?...

HTML5 Video Element on iPad doesn't fire onclick or touchstart events?

I'm trying to attach some events to an HTML5 Video element inside my iPad web app but they don't seem to be firing? I've tested this both on the device and in the simulator and get the same results. The events however (for the onclick at least) work fine in desktop Safari. I've also tried swapping the video element for a div and the even...