
Are REST request headers encrypted by SSL?

I'm developing a client/server app that will communicate via rest. Some custom request data will be stored in the header of the request. Both the server sending the request and the receiving server have an SSL certificate - will the headers be encrypted, or just the content? ...

How can I pre-compress files with mod_deflate in Apache 2.x?

I am serving all content through apache with Content-Encoding: zip but that compresses on the fly. A good amount of my content is static files on the disk. I want to gzip the files beforehand rather than compressing them every time they are requested. This is something that, I believe, mod_gzip did in Apache 1.x automatically, but jus...

Verified channel to server from app on iPhone

I'm working on a game for the iPhone and would like it to be able to submit scores back to the server. Simple enough, but I want the scores to be verified to actually come from a game-play. With the (defacto) prohibition on real crypto with the export conditions, what would be the best way to get information back in a secure/verified c...

Parsing HTTP Headers

I've had a new found interest in building a small, efficient web server in C and have had some trouble parsing POST methods from the HTTP Header. Would anyone have any advice as to how to handle retrieving the name/value pairs from the "posted" data? POST /yeah HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Wind...

Ruby Net::HTTP - Read only x number of bytes of the body

It seems like the methods of Ruby's Net::HTTP are all or nothing when it comes to reading the body of a web page. How can I read, say, the just the first 100 bytes of the body? I am trying to read from a content server that returns a short error message in the body of the response if the file requested isn't available. I need to read e...

Detect browser connection closed in PHP

Does anyone know if it is possible to detect whether the browser has closed the connection during the execution of a long PHP script, when using apache and mod_php? For example, in Java, the HttpOutputStream will throw an exception if one attempts to write to it after the browser has closed it -- Or will respond negatively to checkError...

http client's programming language

I want to write some app, that communicates with web application, and acts something like human user (BOT). What programming language would you suggest to use? Things that app have to do: Send and receive information via http (GET and POST methods) Ability to change any http field (User-Agent, Content-Type etc.). Deal with received d...

How can I add cookies to Seaside responses without redirecting?

I'm making a small web application in Seaside. I have a login component, and after the user logs in I want to send along a cookie when the next component renders itself. Is there a way to get at the object handling the response so I can add something to the headers it will output? I'm trying to avoid using WASession>>redirectWithCookies...

http PUT a file to S3 presigned URLs using ruby

Anyone got a working example of using ruby to post to a presigned URL on s3 ...

How do I read selected files from a remote Zip archive over HTTP using Python?

I need to read selected files, matching on the file name, from a remote zip archive using Python. I don't want to save the full zip to a temporary file (it's not that large, so I can handle everything in memory). I've already written the code and it works, and I'm answering this myself so I can search for it later. But since evidence su...

Temporarily load SSL Client Key for Client Authentication in C#

I am using the WebBrowser control to add a WebInterface to C# app. My desire is to verify that only such app is able to connect to our Web server using SSL client certificates. My idea was to embed the client certificate in the app and just use when connecting via my app. Anybody have a sugestion on how to do this? Or the only way to ma...

How to put up an off-the-shelf https to http gateway?

I have an HTTP server which is in our internal network and accessible only from inside it. I would like to put another server that would listen to an HTTPS port accessible from outside, and forward the requests to that HTTP server (and send back the responses via HTTPS). I know that there are several ways to do this with some programming...

Receiving multipart POST data requests in PHP

I want to receive the following HTTP request in PHP: Content-type: multipart/form-data;boundary=main_boundary --main_boundary Content-type: text/xml <?xml version='1.0'?> <content> Some content goes here </content> --main_boundary Content-type: multipart/mixed;boundary=sub_boundary --sub_boundary Content-type: application/octet-s...

How to choose the max thread count for an HTTP servlet container?

I'm developing a restful Web service that runs as a servlet (using blocking IO) in Jetty. Figuring out the optimal setting for max threads seems hard. Is there a researched formula for deciding the max number of threads from some easily measurable characteristics of the rest of the setup? ...

Is there a more user friendly alternative to Net::HTTP for interacting with REST APIs?

Net::HTTP can be rather cumbersome for the standard use case! ...

What HTTP header to use for setting form field names (multipart/form-data)

I'm passing raw HTTP requests to an apache server (received by PHP). The request is of type multipart/form-data, i.e. the same MIME type used when submitting HTML forms. However, I'm not sure what HTTP header to use for setting the form field name (I'm just assuming it's a header defining this, don't know what else it could be) which th...

How to combine requests for multiple javascript files into one http request?

This concept is a new one for me -- I first came across it at the YUI dependency configurator. Basically, instead of having multiple requests for many files, the files are chained into one http request to cut down on page load time. Anyone know how to implement this on a LAMP stack? (I saw a similar question was asked already, but it se...

"Expires" in http header for static content? how-to

What is the best way to add "Expires" in http header for static content? eg. images, css, js The web server is IIS 6.0; the language is classical ASP ...

What's the difference between a POST and a PUT HTTP REQUEST?

They both seem to be sending data to the server inside the body, so what makes them different? ...

How do you send a HEAD HTTP request in Python?

So what I'm trying to do here is get the headers of a given URL so I can determine the mime-type. I want to be able to see if http://somedomain/foo/ will return an html document or a jpg image for example. Thus, I need to figure out how to send a HEAD request so that I can read the mime-type without having to download the content. Does a...