Correct way to end response
So Response.End() is harmful, how do I flush the response and terminate it? Is this the correct way: resp.Flush(); resp.Close(); ...
So Response.End() is harmful, how do I flush the response and terminate it? Is this the correct way: resp.Flush(); resp.Close(); ...
I'm running into an issue where reading from a HttpResponseStream fails because the StreamReader that I'm wrapping around in reads faster that the Response Stream gets the actual response. I'm retrieving a reasonably small sized file (around 60k) but the Parser which processes the response into an actual object fails because it hits an ...
Friends and fellow users, We have both 402 and 403 http response codes. Though, 402 is reserved for future use. What is (or would be) the difference between these two. Payment not received should be equal to not authorized, shouldn't it? EDIT:I would like to know the answers on a "Why 402 is required when we already have 403" angle. ...
I know that we can easily base a RewriteCond on any http request header. But can we check (some of) the response headers that are going to be sent? In particular, the Last-modified one? I want to rewrite a url only when the Last-modified date is older than 30 minutes and I'm trying to avoid the overhead of delegating that check to a php...
I want to fill a text field of a HTTP form through java and then want to click on the submit button through java so as to get the page source of the document returned after submitting the form. I can do this by sending HTTP request directly but I don't to this in this way. Very Urgent. You can also paste the code or demo code to explain...
Using WebRequest i want to know if i get a "302 Moved Temporarily" response instead of automatically get the new url ...
I am currently using Visual Studio 2008 for my ASP .NET application. I am trying to server an excel file via the Response object. The problem is I cannot seem to set the title of the file to Japanese. If I set it to Japanese file name, it gets returned as garbage character. I am using a Japanese IE browser in a Japanese WinXP. Response....
Setting Response.StatusCode = 404 doesn't serve content under neither IE8 nor Chrome? It works in Mozilla though I find it strange! Do the simplest of things - empty web application project with empty Default.aspx page. In Page_Load event use the following: protected void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e ) { Response.S...
I am trying add some response headers to some of my webservice calls. I wrote my webservice using CXF 2.1.2 and JAX-RS. I need to return an object and I also want to add some headers to the Response. Without returning a object, how do I add a header to the response and still return my javabean? ...
I have a third party framework that I'm using to write out an excel document and have the user download it. The problem is that the user is attempting to export a large number of records, and it's throwing an OutOfMemoryException. I'm trying to write a test to verify that this is happening in the third party framework and not in my cod...
I am returning a stream in some response setting the appropriate content-type header. The behavior i'm looking for is this: If the browser is able to render content of the given content-type then it should display it in the browser window. If the browser doesn't know how to render the content then it should display the saveas dialog wh...
My application in Django can create some very big SQL queries. I currently use a HttpRequest object, for the data I need, then a HttpResponse, to return what I want to show the User. Obviously, I can let the User wait for a minute whilst these many sets of queries are being executed and extracted from the database, then return this mon...
In a long run command line execution, like uncompressing a large .zip archive, how to redirect the realtime output of unzip command to browser via Django's HttpResponse? EDIT: According to paul's suggestion, I did a search and found this question has answers to how to return a HttpResponse by using a generator.
I need to authenticate a user in a page based on the remember me cookie, inspired by this site: Tutorial for checking spring authentication, I came up with a solution for checking the authentication. Changes made in my application applicationContext-security.xml: <intercept-url pattern='/**AuthenticationChecker.html' access="ROLE_ADMI...
I have tested this in IIS 6.1, IE 7, ASP.NET 3.5 SP1. I have a file download in a method in my aspx codebehind: Response.ContentType = contentType; Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", contentDisposition); Response.BinaryWrite(file); This works great, but if I attempt to modify any of my sever side controls the changes do n...
In a form submission scenario, form is post to "/submit". I want to redirect user to "/sucess" on success and pass render some message to a template at new url. How to do this in Django? render_to_response doesn't do redirect and HttpResponseRedirect doesn't do template rendering. ...
Essentially I want to be able to catch when a user lets their session timeout and then clicks on something that ends up causing an Async postback. I figured out that if I put this code in my Session_Start (in Global.asax) then I can catch a postback that occurred during a session timeout: With HttpContext.Current If TypeOf ....
The following code in one of my views returns unescaped html string which cannot be parsed in frontend since it is an Ajax request. return render_to_response(template_name, { 'form': form, redirect_field_name: redirect_to, 'site': current_site, 'site_name':, }, context_instance=Reque...
I need the html returned using render_to_response to be escaped. I am unable to find any suitable documentation. Can someone point in some direction ? the code is : return render_to_response(template_name, {return render_to_response(template_name, { 'form': form, redirect_field_name: redirect_to, 'si...
I want to generate sample http 401 403 responses in fiddler, how do I do that? is there any sites I can point to get this? ...