
Unable to upload zip files occasionally

Tomcat server runs in US. I am connecting to the server from China using Java's HTTPURLConnection. Please see the code snippet used in client side and the https connector configuration in the tomcat server side below. <!-- Define a SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 --> <Connector acceptCount="100" clientAuth="false" connec...

Jetty HTTP Client with SSL

I am following the Jetty HttpClient Example, but I am unable to get an SSL connection working. When I connect using a proxy, it throws a "Not Implemented" exception. When I don't use a proxy, it doesn't return anything. HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); client.setConnectorType(HttpClient.CONNECTOR_SELECT_CHANNEL); client.setProxy(n...

HTTPS request via AJAX from HTTP page

Hello Would there be any problems calling an HTTPS page (e.g. a credit card authorisation service i.e. WorldPay) from a standard HTTP page via AJAX? I can't imagine why there would be a problem, the response would be an HTML page which I could then embed in a result pane or such like? ...

HTTPS C# POST 302 Moved

Guys, I am trying to create a script that logins to a webpage and grabs a report - all is working GREAT except - I am getting a HTTP/1.1 302 MovedTemporarily Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2009 13:22:04 GMT Server: Server x-some-id-1: 0J3X3VBBCGNJG9V46G5D x-some-id-2: BtQ4SsDhbryWgiVNFcVpMbt898GuPIBaWuGwAWjvsyI= Set-cookie: session-id-time=1246258...

Does urllib2 in Python 2.6.1 support proxy via https

Does urllib2 in Python 2.6.1 support proxy via https? I've found the following at NOTE Currently urllib2 does not support fetching of https locations through a proxy. This can be a problem. I'm trying automate login in to web site and downloading document, I have ...

Httpwebrequest and Fiddler

Hi Guys, So I have setup a httpwebrequest using HTTPS and the code is working fine when fiddler is running. When Fiddler isn't running - I get a "request timeout" error. Does anyone have any ideas what would be the cause? I have a) Ensured that security policy exists as per if (this.IngoreCertificateErrors) ServicePointMan...

WinInet POST via SSL (HTTPS) with pure C?

Hi, I'm stuck trying to get a WinInet HTTP POST via SSL using ONLY C. I know it's possible. Any good sample code? Thanks so much! EDIT: the following code seems to be working OK under C++ using WinHTTP but I need WinInet: TCHAR szTemp[512] = {0}; BOOL bRet = FALSE; HINTERNET hRequest = NULL; HINTERNET hSession = NULL; HINTERNET hConn...

HTTPS C# Post Problem (with Fiddler)

Hi :) Basically I have this code below & the last step FinalStepGetReportData() throws an exception on return (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); if fiddler is switched off? All else works when Fiddler is OFF except this last step. When I turn Fiddler on the final step works ? Any ideas? I am banging my head against the wall. Th...

Will it ever be possible to run all web traffic via HTTPS?

I was considering what would it take (technologically) to move all the web traffic to HTTPS. I thought that computers are getting faster, and faster, so some time from now it will be possible to run all traffic via HTTPS without any noticeable cost. But then again, I thought, encryption strength will have to evolve to counter the loss o...

Can't display PDF from HTTPS in IE 8 (on 64-bit Vista)

I have a home-grown HTTPS server that serves up simple files (it's embedded within my app). It works great -- been using it forever. Recently added SSL support -- Chrome, FireFox and IE all like it and load pages just fine. The problem I find is when I try to load a PDF file over the HTTPS connection. For some reason, the PDF never d...

Tibco SOAP request over https - SSL certificate verification problem

Hello, I'm using Tibco BusinessWorks to consume a soap web service over an HTTPS connection. The instructions boil down to: Export certificates using a web browser. Use the Tools->Trusted Certificates->Import PEM format to folder within the project. In the SSL Config of the Transport Details tab, point to the trusted certs folder you...

Moving from one https page to another with a different certificate

Hello Imagine a bog-standard Signup page, which captures some user info like Name, Address etc. It has a Buy Now button on it, which transfers to a payment site (WorldPay). Now, the requirement is that everything should be secure, so that means (and correct me if I'm wrong) A) I need to get and install an SSL certificate on IIS. B) I...

HTTPS log in with urllib2

I currently have a little script that downloads a webpage and extracta somw data I'm interested in. Nothing fancy. Currently I'm downloading the page like so: import commands command = 'wget --output-document=- --quiet --http-user=USER --http-password=PASSWORD' status, text = commands.getstatusoutput(co...

How can I reuse server configurations in nginx?

When configuring nginx with a site that has ssl, the examples I find online basically duplicate the location settings. Most examples only have the default root location so it's not that big of a deal, but when you have a few locations and rewrite rules in place duplicating this configuration gets messy to maintain. I've considered proxy...

Handling subdomains and https with .htaccess

In the .htaccess example below, if someone types in a URL like the following... will automatically load the page from's subdirectory under public_html called "ricks-motorcycles". This technique is called Proxy Throughput. RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^ricks-motorcycles/(.*)$

How do I communicate with HTTPS? (Basic Stuff)

I'm not too familiar with networking in JAVA but what i'm basically trying to do is create a couple of threads that will "talk" to each other using HTTPS for security reasons. I'm not sure about the terminology so what I'm looking for is a pointing in the right direction. Hopefully, this should be pretty easy for experienced JAVA networ...

Swiching between Http or Https (based on parent directory)

I have a direcory for the members area. All the files within that directory should be treated by https. All other files outside the specific dir should be treated by http. How can i automate the redirecting from http and https and vice versa? Btw, the links are relative. ...

Simple jQuery code works fine until site is loaded via https://

I have a simple peice of jQuery code that submits a form and hides/shows some on screen information. It works fine when tested, until loaded via https:// upon which it breaks in IE7. It appears to break totally, with none of the script having any effect. I also get the IE warning that "some elements are insecure". Does anyone have any e...

How to use a PKCS#12 certificate file in a .NET WebRequest?

Hi all, I have been issued a PKCS#12 certificate to be used for accessing a simple xml-based web service. When I load the PKCS#12 file into Windows (Vista), I can access the service using my browser. Trying to access the service through an application, without loading the PKCS#12 into the OS Certificate collections , I have written the...

Streaming Video in https

Hello I have an https page, and I've been asked to embed streaming video. Now I understand the normal policy (the files must also be hosted on https) but are there any other gotchas I should be aware of? What if I stuck an IFRAME on the page, and streamed the content into that frame from a normal http source? Would I still get the "s...