
Why Windows Live Spaces Fetch Image Through HTTPS?

I happens to find that, when a live space page is loaded, inline images are fetched by https protocol instead of http protocol. This doesn't make sense. The text part of live space is not fetched by https, why images are fetched with https? I bet the https way to fetch image just make the page loaded slower. Is there any special advant...

Is it possible to fetch a https page via an authenticating proxy with urllib2 in Python 2.5?

I'm trying to add authenticating proxy support to an existing script, as it is the script connects to a https url (with urllib2.Request and urllib2.urlopen), scrapes the page and performs some actions based on what it has found. Initially I had hoped this would be as easy as simply adding a urllib2.ProxyHandler({"http": MY_PROXY}) as an ...

How to send HTTPS posts using php

Hi, I'm setting up a custom e-commerce solution, and the payment system I'm using requires me to send HTTPS POSTS. How can I do this using php (and CURL?), is it any different from sending http posts? UPDATE: Thanks for your replies, they've been very useful. I assume I will need to purchase an SSL certificate for this to work, and I ...

Request methods on https-server

Hey everyone, I don't know whether my title is correctly articulated, but I have following problem: I have a self-written Java webserver, that handles incoming client requests. It works fine with all the request methods (GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS, DELETE, ...). It also works fine with sending files and stuff when I use http. GET and POST...

Monitor a HTTPS connection with URL class (Java)

I would like to monitor a simple url. But when its a https server I get a handshake exception. Its possible to verify state of a https url the way browser use to connect? (without having a local certificate). I don't know how browsers do to get content from a https url but I would like to make it the same way. Without need to store a spe...

Call webservice on outside server from javascript using and C#

I'm trying to test web service calls using an ASP.NET page that creates a form with username and password fields and a "Submit" button. (Both jQuery and the .js file I'm using are included in script tags in the head element.) The "Submit" button calls a function created in the C# code behind file that makes a call to a separate JavaScri...

How To Find Out If You are Using HTTPS Without $_SERVER['HTTPS']

I've seen many tutorials online that says you need to check $_SERVER['HTTPS'] if the server is connection is secured with HTTPS. My problem is that on some of the servers I use, $_SERVER['HTTPS'] is an undefined variable that results in an error. Is there another variable I can check that should always be defined? Just to be clear, I am...

Is this plan for preventing iPhone app client spoofing sound?

I'm designing an iPhone app that communicates with a server over HTTP. I only want the app, not arbitrary HTTP clients, to be able to POST to certain URL's on the server. So I'll set up the server to only validate POSTs that include a secret token, and set up the app to include that secret token. All requests that include this token wil...

Mod_Rewrite Force HTTP On All Files Except One

Hi, Sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find it. I have a folder which when I visit loads in both HTTPS and HTTP. I want all the files in that folder to load in HTTP except for one file. The file I need in in HTTPS is: login.php and this folder is called "forum". Also if it helps: All the files in the folder are *.php. ...

https javascript and firefox

Hi all, I have some javascript which calls some php functions to track webstats ( Everything works fine on http sites, from every browser it is all tracked I have one site that is https - it will track visits from ie, but not from Firefox or Chrome Does anyone know of anything I need to do or set or use to make it work on ...

Https, Php secure login page?

Hi, I am new to php, I can do a simple login page, e.g create form, submit form, process and authenticate in a php page and so on. I read somewhere on the internet, and saw some big companies like banks, google and yahoo, their login form is in "https" not "http". So I try google what is "https" thing. Well, I could not say I fully unde...

What should I do If I want to maintain session between HTTP and HTTPS - Asp.Net

What should I do If I want to maintain session between HTTP and HTTPS.. In my site's public area some pages are HTTP and some are HTTPS but I want to keep common session for both.. ...

Has anyone connected an HTTP endpoint in Cast Iron to PayFlow Pro?

Is anybody out there using Cast Iron to work with PayFlow Pro? We are trying to download our daily transactions and dump them into an Oracle database. My HTTP endpoint won't connect and I'm not exactly sure why. I'm thinking it might need a client certificate, but I'm not really sure where to get that information. ...

Should i declare https in web.config?

I think i am missing something in https... Currently i am using this to redirect the desired page from http to https If Not Request.IsSecureConnection Then Dim serverName As String = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")) Dim filePath As String = Request.FilePath Response.Redirect(("https://" & serverName...

What is https and SSL? How do they work? How can they be used in PHP?

I know the general definition but I need more details on how to implement them in general and PHP in specific, and what exactly are the features I gain from them? ...

Allowing Java to use an untrusted certificate for SSL/HTTPS connection

Hello, I've been working on a program to extract information from a dynamic web application, and the program worked fine until I set my tomcat server to use SSL using a self-signed(thus, untrusted) certificate. The stack trace of the error is: PKIX path bui...

Google maps over https

We are using Google Maps over https using a free maps API key. The Google Maps API FAQ says: "The Google Maps JavaScript API and Google Static Maps API can be accessed over a secure (https) connection by Google Maps API Premier customers. If the Google Maps APIs are used with a free Maps API key on a secure site, the browser may warn t...

Generating PDF, error with IE and HTTPS

I am streaming a PDF to the browser in ASP.NET 2.0. This works in all browsers over HTTP and all browsers except IE over HTTPS. As far as I know, this used to work (over the past 5 years or so) in all versions of IE, but our clients have only recently started to report issues. I suspect the Do not save encrypted pages to disk security op...

How to check user login state for a different site.

Here is the situation. I have a site that only allows one user to be logged in at one time. However, I need a server to scrape this site and put data into the database. However the admin need to be be able to log into this site from time to time. So what I would like is for the server to proxy the admins login so that the server won't ...

Why is HttpContext.Request.Url not matching what's in the address bar?

Ok, so I want to force https/ssl on parts of my ASP.NET MVC site. Found lots of great sources including an ActionFilter here: Whenever I enable the ActionFilter however I end up in a redirect loop. The problem is that if I type into th...