
Using HTTPS with BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service)

Hi all, I am writing a client application that needs to send a file via BITS to my server. I have everything working for the most part, but I can't get the BITS connection to operate securely with HTTPS. Right now I'm just using basic authentication through HTTP, so the login is being sent cleartext--which is not optimal :-) I would ...

Problem calling WCF service through https

Hello, I have recently implemented SSL on a WCF service. I deployed it on a IIS server, which is on another machine of the network (my developer machine doesn't have IIS, so i can't test locally). Whenever i try to call the WCF service, i'm having the error: "CommunicationException... failed... ask for cross-domain policy... which acc...

Maintaining session accross HTTP and HTTPS in ASP.NET

I have a site with a form which must be served over HTTPS. There is a smaller form which is served on most other pages which acts as a teaser to draw visitors to the main form. When the small form is submitted, in the OnClick of the button, I'm storing the values from the small form in the session, then Response.Redirect the user to the...

Maven Selenium HTTPS

Hi all, I am testing my web application's security and all of my pages are served over ssl. The issue I am having is the certificate is not trusted as firefox starts in a new profile each time. I was reading on OpenQA's site about a jar and importing the certificate, but that is only for Internet Explorer and Firefox should automatica...

Handling both SSL and non-SSL connections when inheriting from httplib.HTTP(s)Connection

I have a class that inherits from httplib.HTTPSConnection. class MyConnection(httplib.HTTPSConnection): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): httplib.HTTPSConnection.__init__(self,*args, **kw) ... Is it possible to turn off the SSL layer when the class is instantiatied so I can also use it to communicate with non-secure servers?...

switching my app from http to https

hello, i'm working on an extranet for my school, in php and mysql, running on apache2 and using friendly urls via mod_rewrite. I'm thinking that since there is potentially sensitive data involved, it would be better to work on an https url rather than http. The thing is: i have absolutely no experience in https. The pros, the cons and ...

.NET Remoting SSL requirement

I need to implement a remoting server in .NET C# and have the following requirements/restrictions for various reasons: Use .NET remoting and NOT WCF NOT hosted in IIS There is no restriction on the version of .NET framework though (can be 3.5 if need be). BUT: The server needs to be serving using HTTPS. I know I can do .NET remoting...

force https in a response.redirect

I want to redirect to a page that and force https: e.g Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx"); I want to redirect to https://myserver/Login.aspx how can i force https? ...

Ignore certificate authority (self-signed) with BITS

Hi, I'm trying to upload a file with a client application using BITS (Microsoft's Background Intelligent Transfer Service) via HTTPS. The development server I'm uploading to/testing with does not have a properly signed certificate for SSL (it's self-signed). This means that the transfer always errors out, as BITS recognizes that the c...

Information about SSL and apache

Every now and then and since the last week more often I get questions about HTTPS & SSL. So no I wanted to get more into it and looking for some good information about the subject. Furthermore, I have develop on XAMPP and VISTA and I am looking for a good tutorial to get SSL working on this environment. Has anyone got good resources o...

Opera web browser: HTTPS server responds with certificate, then client ACK but then no data is sent back

I have a server (which I do not have a lot of control over, it is our production server thus I am hands off) that serves a page for to me over HTTPS. Using wireshark I was able to watch the communication. What I observe is: Opera (the web browser we are using) sends SYN request Server responds with SYN ACK Opera acknowledges ACK Opera...

SSL Certificate only works within Local Network

I am running windows server 2003 standard and have installed the ssl cert as per Godaddy's instructions. Let me know what information you need from me. Attempting to access the website securely outside of our network the page does not load. Thanks in advance! ...

Good pattern for running automated Selenium tests in HTTP and HTTPS?

Hi, I have a set of Selenium tests which run via HTTP - I'd like to run the same tests under HTTPS aswell as HTTP with as little duplication as possible. I guess other people must already be doing this? I use the Java Selenium Remote Control - but I can probably translate a method from another language. ...

what is the use of https?

Hi All. I am a beginner in HTTPS technology :(. I have some doubt regarding the HTTPS implementation. suppose I have a registration form if I want to use this in HTTPS this will become What does this means? How to implement a HTTPS from scratch? how do i g...

Map controls for sites running https

A team I work with is currently in an unfortunate situation. They've spent a lot of time integrating the google map control on their site but they didn't discover that to run google maps on a https site you must license the control (and it isn't cheap) and the same goes for bing maps. So my question is do you know of any cheaper/free ma...

cURL: https through a proxy

I need to make a cURL request to a https URL, but I have to go through a proxy as well. Is there some problem with doing this? I have been having so much trouble doing this with curl and php, that I tried doing it with urllib2 in Python, only to find that urllib2 cannot POST to https when going through a proxy. I haven't been able to ...

Force SSL/HTTPS with Zend Framework and mod_rewrite

I have a Zend Framework application that I want to force into HTTPS using mod_rewrite. I am pretty lost when it comes to mod_rewrite. Here is my current .htaccess file in the root of my application. RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-s RewriteCond %{...

Use https only for certain pages in tomcat webapp

Hello, I have a struts2 webapp running under tomcat6 app server. The mode is https. The entire site is currently being served on https. But what I would really like to do is setup https only for certain operations like purchase and login. Is there any configuration in tomcat that can help me do this easily? Are there any code changes r...

Login to web page using C#

I would like to login to a certain web page, and download few pages as logged in user. I think I theoretically know what to do, based on an answer to this stackoverflow question, but I have no idea, where in the address should I put the login credentials. In the question above, it is quite obvious, but it is not so obvious at Aukro. I'd ...

self-signed certificate issue in IIS 7.0

Hello everyone, I am setting up IIS 7.0 on a Windows Vista box. I am using self-signed certificate (by using built-in Create Self-Signed Certificate feature of IIS 7.0) on a web site. The I can browse from the local machine (the machine with IIS and web site) for the https address, for example, https://machinename/test.html, it works. ...