
C# WebClient with https

Hello everyone, I want to use https to upload a file using WebClient's UploadData method. And I want to ignore server side certificate verification (always accept server certificate and only use encryption feature of https). I have tried hard but cannot find a similar sample. Could anyone advise me how to implement? Any reference sampl...

looking for WCF basicHttpBinding https tutorial or samples

Hello everyone, I am using VSTS 2008 + .Net 3.5 + C# to develop a console application as a WCF cient, and host WCF service in IIS 7.0 at server side (server using Windows Vista x64). Currently, my WCF client and server works quite well with http. Now I want to add https support and still use basicHttpBinding. Any easy to learn tutorial...

secure attribute on cookies created in javascript

When cookies are created purely client-side in javascript by setting document.cookie(), what effect does the "secure" attribute have on them? In particular: are client-created cookies sent to the server in the "Cookie:" header of subsequent requests? can client-created be modified by subsequent Set-Cookie headers from the server? in t...

C# https connection issue

Hello everyone, I am using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 3.5 to develop a Silverlight 3 application and I need to access some https address on another web server (other than the server delivering the Silverlight application). Here is my code which works with .Net 3.5 console application, But I cannot find class like ServicePointManager when us... check if page is http or https

I have a web application hosted on multiple servers some of which are on https. How can I check from code behind if a page is currently in http or https? ... debug https on localhost

I have to test a method out on my application that should work on https. Is there a way where I can run the application on localhost on https so I can debug it? ...

HTTPS and encrypted database is really secured in shared hosting?

Hi folks, I read all posts on HTTP over SSL. So far, I know how to get the data securely in a Web form. But I miss the part of recover and keep the data in the same way. I need in my Website a form to collect sensible data from customers (may be also credit cards numbers for booking, but no credit card authorization process is required...

Why is https only used for login?

Is performance the only issue? Can't an https connection be used throughout a user's session? There is obviously less redirection happening! I found this related question on http vs. https performance Edit: Ok, I didn't mean 'used only for login'. Rather, what I'm trying to ask is if you come to a point where you need https anywhere on...

Is HTTP header Referer sent when going to a http page from a https page ?

Hi, After a few tests, I'm starting to reach the conclusion that a browser does not send a Referer HTTP header when one clicks to a http page from a https one. What security reason is that for? Is is defined somewhere in the standard? ...

Why is my local WCF client's IP not

I have a WCF client and service using HTTPS over the wsHttpBinding. One common setup has the client and server components on the same machine. The client has to set the endpoint address to include the server's machine name, rather than localhost for SSL reasons i.e. https://mymachine/myservice/service.svc The problem is, that the defau...

SVN checkout over secure http fails with Memory Fault

I built subversion client (1.6.5) along with its required dependency libs on SuSe 10. I am trying to access our central repository server over https a secured URL. But when i run the svn checkout command giving proper credentials it gives me memory fault. What is that i have missed in building SVN or is that something to do with set up ...

Is there a way for IIS6 to do http and https together in the same site?

The site needs to be accessible both from HTTP and HTTPS (in case the client wants the form submissions to be secure or not) The site is hosted in IIS6 and ideally I'd like to be able to just have one website in there and it can handle both http and this possible? alternatively i was thinking maybe creating a "secure" subdire...

Can a SWF (using URLLoader) access HTTPS webservice?

Hi, I have a fla (using ActionScript 3.0) I am compiling in Flash. I am using URLRequest and URLLoader to access a http webservice. var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(""); try { loader.load(request); } catch (error:Error) { trace("Unable to load requested...

Rails' form_tag helper doesn't submit using HTTPS?

I want to protect the login form of my Rails application using HTTPS. After a bit of a uphill struggle I now have the SSL certificate installed and Apache/Passenger set up correctly. My application uses SSL Requirement and RESTful Authentication in combination for the login form. I've noticed using Firebug that the login credentials are...

Restlet-1.1 example\book\rest\ch2\Example2_5 no client connectors for HTTPS

Example2_5 creates a client for HTTPS to handle request final Response response = new Client(Protocol.HTTPS).handle(request); The only related jar in Restlet-1.1 is org.mortbay.jetty.https.jar, which I added to my runtime classpath. Nevertheless, I am getting at runtime [java] WARNING: No available client connector supports the req...

http_referer lost using https

Picture two web pages, both viewed using https. They reside on different domains. How can I (reasonably) ensure that someone arriving at my page came via a hyperlink that resides on another (specific) domain? I only want to allow traffic from that domain. Any ideas on the best way to accomplish this would be appreciated. I tried loo...

Connect to https Site(Server)

I have some java-app, and i want to establish a connection to some https Site, how can i do this, using URLConnection? Should i use trust store, when certificate from this site was signed using a valid certificate authority? ...

HTTPS is Not Encryped? Server will not make a secure connection. Help!

May Not Be Safe For Work Hello All, I cannot get my server to make a secure connection. I created a checkout form here: When entered, the browser attempts to make a secure connection appears to give up and goes to an unencrypted connection. What do you think It could be? I'm using Apache and PHP. ...

Debugging HTTPS ASP.NET site in Visual Studio 2008?

How do other people debug HTTPS sites from Visual Studio 2008? This link seems to indicate that Visual Studio's built in web server does not support HTTPS, but there must be some way to debug these sites, right? If not the integrated server, can IIS7 be set as the debugging web server? ...

Is there a generally available HTTPS POST smoke test?

When debugging an HTTP client, one of your first tests is likely to be a Google search, which lets you see whether your client does non-SSL GETs properly. Everyone knows where it is, everyone can use it, and everyone can see whether it succeeded. My client has a problem with HTTPS POST. I can reproduce it locally with my specially set...