
How to use ssl with codeigniter?

How can I have CodeIgniter load certain pages using ssl? I have an apache2/mode_ssl server. I only want certain pages to use ssl. mod_ssl uses a different document root than non-secure pages. For example: https (port 443) would serve pages out of /var/www/ssl_html/ And http (port 80) serves pages out of /var/www/html/. How would I get co...

Need a HTTPS-capable Python XML-RPC server

I already have a very simple threading XML-RPC server in Python: from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn class AsyncXMLRPCServer(ThreadingMixIn, SimpleXMLRPCServer): pass server = AsyncXMLRPCServer(('localhost', 9999)) server.register_instance(some_object()) server.serve_forever() Now I want to make it accessible exclusively over...

Download file over HTTPS in IE 5.5 / IIS 5.0

Hi, I desperately need help with this one. I have a classic ASP website in IIS 5, where I need to stream pdf to users. I am using ADODB.Stream to generate chunks of binary data and using response.BinaryWrite to stream it to client. Now problem is that there is a known feature in IE which sets the Response CacheControl header to "no-cach...

Signed applets having certificate denied sporadically over HTTPS

We self-sign some java applets that we put on our web application, which usually runs across HTTPS. Sporadically we get exceptions in the java console: load: class <our class name> not found. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: <our class name> at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLo...

HTTP and HTTPS Protocols

Hi, my question is related to hypertext protocol. what is the requirements from my side to be able to use HTTPS instead of HTTP in the areas where a user will enter confident information or when there is a registration process. Thank you. ...

HTTPs jquery div in master page

I am using Masterpagse. I am using a slide down div that asks user to log in or register. I would like to HTTPS this div area of the page and not the whole page. This area shows up in all pages since its part of the master page. Does anyone know if this is possible IF so, can you direct me to samples and sample code? Thank yo...

[DOJO] xhrPost : from an http view to an https url

Hi, using Dojo, is it possible to make an Ajax call using xhrPost from an HTTP view to a HTTPS url ? The url must be HTTPS (as defined in Struts). If I simply set "MyCommand" as the 'url' parameter of the xhrGet, I get a 302 error code. If I transform "MyCommand" using javascript to something like "https://......./servlet/MyCommand"...

WCF over SSL - 404 error

Okay, I must be missing something utterly simple here, because I've been googling for days, and looking at dozens of answers there, and here on SO, and i just CANNOT get this to work, no matter what i've tried. The service works perfectly fine when called over plain HTTP. Here's our setup... we have a domain, . ...

WCF HTTPS self-hosted service does not work ("connection to the server was reset")

I have a Self-Hosted (Console App) WCF REST service with the following binding: WebMessageEncodingBindingElement HttpsTransportBindingElement (ManualAddressing=true, KeepAliveEnabled=true, AllowCookies=false, HostNameComparisonMode=Exact) This is exposed over an HTTPS URL ("https://mylaptop/myendpoint") I have a self-signed certific...

PHP Form writing to file in https://

Hiya I'm having issues getting a php form to write to a file hosted with the apache httpsdocs folder. The form works just fine if all parts of it are using the http protocol, but when I secure the form, form submission and the file the results are written to, it fails. Can anyone help? This is the php code: $myFile = "files/data.txt... mvc routes over https ssl

I have a website that uses Routes to do some URL rewriting. Note, I am not using MVC..just the Routes that make MVC famous :P Anyways the site works completely well...and all is well I enabled SSL on the entire site and accessing the site in https, I can get static files..I can access the aspx files directly...but the Routes no longer ...

Logout function for asp-classic site

Is there any way to provide a logout function for a site which uses classic asp, and which uses Windows authentication (i.e. the restricted folders have their permissions set via the server OS, and usernames/passwords are stored in Active Directory)? If it makes any difference, the server is running IIS 5.0. The logout needs to work for...

Rewriting URLs from https:// to http:// in IIS7

I'm trying to rewrite urls from the form: to the form using IIS7 URL rewriting: <!-- http:// to https:// rule --> <rule name="ForceHttpsBilling" stopProcessing="true"> <match url="(.*)billing/(.*)" ignoreCase="true" /> <conditions> <add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="...

How to send parameters on an Https POST with C#

I have asked here how to make the https post, and now that works fine. Problem now is How to send a parameter, name query, wich is a json string: {"key1":"value1", "key2":{"key21":"val21"} } What I'm doing and doesn't work is: HttpWebRequest q = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(Host + ":" + Port); ServicePointManager.ServerCertificat...

http, https & ajax bypass, maybe?

I have a server script that I need to pass data to from the browser without reloading the page (aka ajax). The data is sensitive so should be sent via https. The page however is on the http layer. Because of same domain/protocol restriction, the browser doesn't allow this. I'm thinking of cheating the system a bit by dynamically creatin...

How we can modify https header?

Hi, How can I modify https header? I want to implement an additional information inside the https header. Is there any way I can realize this? Currently I'm focusing on Firefox and Mozilla NSS. Thanks. ...

How come redirect isn't working in IIS 7 ? Http > Https

Hi, I am using Server 2008 with IIS7 and have confirmed the HttpRedirectionModule is installed. But when I define a redirect for as I get Forbidden, access denied 403 error? I can access the site just fine. Does this just not work or what? Thank you, James ...

SSL and mixed content due to CSS background images

I have a web page containing am entry form. HTTPS is enabled via an Apache redirect for all requests matching that page. Unfortunately, because the CSS pulls in external images using 'background-image: url(/images/...)', the browser will generate a warning message that the page contains mixed content. What's the best way to resolve thi...

jQuery Uploadify plugin with HTTPS

jQuery Uploadify plugin uses flash swf to upload files. I have implemented it on a HTTP website but now I want to do the same on HTTPS. It works fine on IE but breaks in FF by returning IO error. It must be flash security issue. Is there any work around to get the flash working over SSL. Any ideas or suggestions are welcomed. ...

Posting HTML Form Values Over HTTPS

I have a website that is currently using https for secure login and transactions. You can't navigate to the to the main site unless you login. I have had a request from a partner who have asked if they can seamlessly navigate to our site from their own web application, without logging in. There site is also using https. I've set up a...