
ASP.NET MVC RequireHttps in Production Only

I want to use the RequireHttpsAttribute to prevent unsecured HTTP requests from being sent to an action method. C# [RequireHttps] //apply to all actions in controller public class SomeController { [RequireHttps] //apply to this action only public ActionResult SomeAction() { ... } } VB <RequireHttps()> _ Publ...

wget, self-signed certs and a custom HTTPS server

For various reasons I have created a simple HTTP server, and added SSL support via OpenSSL. I'm using self-signed certificates. IE, FireFox and Chrome happily load content as long as I add the CA to the trusted root CA's. However, wget (even when using the --no-check-certificate flag) reports: OpenSSL: error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL...

RequireHttps Fails On Redirects with Parameters

Besides simply redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS, the RequireHttps attribute also changes my URL's question mark ? to %3F. Unsurprisingly, that breaks things. Why? How do I fix it? scenario: I try to navigate to But let's say I don't have permission to view that page. <HandleError()> _ Public Cl...

https caching of resources used by main php script, NOT the script itself

I'm a little confused here. I read some of the earlier questions on https caching but I didnt get a clear answer. I've got a script sitting on: It generates an html page that refers to images/css/js resources sitting (relatively) at: /css /javascript /images /a/b/img2 How do I enable caching for these...

.htaccess / https redirection, virtual folder access with exceptions

/* THIS would appear to be a duplicate of another question I had asked 10 days back (, but (a) I didnt get any responses to the changes I made to the question, and (b) this question here is a more complex version of the abo...

Link to actions that dont use https from a page that uses https

I use RequireSsl attribute to redirect to a https url if an action is decorated with it. RequireSsl I now need a good way to link back to url that dont use https. This post explains my problem in clear english: link to http I am not shure what the easiest way is. In old school ASP.NET I used secureWebPages on codeproject. To be hones...

Requirements for HTTPS URl connection using Glassfish

What should we do for https connection using glassfish in both client and server side ...

Pass parameter to NSS TLS extension?

Ok, now i have my own function that runs inside or after the NSS_init. This functions return 2 values. Now, my problem is, how to pass this return value to the tls extension inside NSS? I found a file called ssl3ext.c in NSS, but dont have any clue where to start or what to do. So in the end, I have a Http header with additional inform...

Rails redirect with https

Hi everyone, I'm maintaining a Ruby on Rails site and I'm confused as to how to perform redirects to relative URLs using the https protocol. I can successfully create a redirect to a relative URL using http, for example: redirect_to "/some_directory/" But I cannot discern how to create a redirect to a URL using the https protocol. I...

ISAPI Rewrite 3 rule for redirectling http to https for a particular site

I have multiple sites on a single IIS 6 server running ISAPI Rewrite 3 (free addition). I need to redirect just one of the sites to https if the request comes in as http. Example: I need to redirect to . I don't want this redirect to affect or or

Java HTTPS client certificate authentication

I'm fairly new to HTTPS/SSL/TLS and I'm a bit confused over what exactly the clients are supposed to present when authenticating with certificates. I'm writing a Java client that needs to do a simple POST of data to a particular URL. That part works fine, the only problem is it's supposed to be done over HTTPS. The HTTPS part is fairly ...

ssl photos problem

Anyone know of SSL / https support for Picasaweb? I have a web site that uses SSL, but trying to display Picasaweb photos is a problem. IE8 keeps complaining with a pop-up "Do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?" Asking all possible web page users to change their IE8 settings sounds unfriendly (and u...

Call URL from .net without validate the HTTP potocol

I need to create HTTPS call a to remote server that return a data the response of that server dose not include a valid HTTP protocol and i am getting that error System.Net.WebException: The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseStatusLine i all ready did that useUnsafeHeaderParsing but that did not help probably be...

Https Connection problem

Hi, I am getting 'Timed out' exception while trying to establish HTTPS connection through my application. I am able to access same url from browser. Also, I can make HTTP connections successful from my app using WAP2.0 gateway. Below is my HTTPS URL structure;deviceside=true;ConnectionUID=...

Unsecured & secured HTTP

I have an application which uses 2 web sites (so I guess that is 2 applications...). The user logs on via a https website and is then diverted to a unsecure http website application on successful logon (using forms authentication). I (and others) have started getting the message "The current web page is trying to open a site in your ...

In apache, if i go to, the page itself is over https, but all images/links are http://. Is there way to auto rewrite the html so its all https://?

Hi, Im sure ive seen a feature in apache that can rewrite urls so you can point at and it rewrites everything to on the fly. is there a similar thing for https? In apache, if i go to, the page itself is over https, but all images/links are http://. Is there way to auto ...

HttpWebRequest to SLL Uri in Silverlight 2.0

How do I do this? It seems the SilverLight 2.0 HttpWebRequest does not allow you to set Credentials or set the Authorization header. ...

How to configure JBoss for SSL using F5 Load Balancer

Hi, I am having troubles configuring JBoss for a secure environment. Here's our environment: We have an F5 Loadbalancer which has our domain's wildcard certificate. I have several applications running on JBoss on a server called peanut. From within our firewall, I can run the application as From the ...

Are there any HTTP/HTTPS interception tools like Fiddler for mac os X?

Hi all, I would want to ask you if you know any application like fiddler but for mac os x , i need to debug some requests from google earth in mac os x. i used to do it with fiddler on windows but now i don't know ho to do them in mac. Thanks in advance. ...

Downloading a file over https in IE8, using ASP.NET

I'm trying to make it possible for the user to download an Excel spreadsheet from our site, by having a button that redirect through this: Response.Redirect(string.Format("../excel/ExcelForm.aspx?pathName=&fileNameDisplay={0}&fileNameUnique={1}", "spreadsheet.xls", fileName)); The aspx page just sends back the file through the Respons...