
What do I need to know to create a website that uses HTTPS?

I know ASP.NET, and know why people use HTTPS and I know a bit about IIS, but I have never created a HTTPS website or page in my site. How can I create a HTTPS website? How can I only make my login page HTTPS in a normal HTTP project? Are there any other considerations I need to be aware of when using HTTPS? ...

HttpCachePolicy and SSL

Hey everyone, I have an application that allows the user to download a csv. This works great when not using SSL. However, when using a secure connection I get the "Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet Site". I know that the problem has to do with my HttpCaching policy. The following MS Support document explains the issue...

Example sites with broken security certs

I'm wondering if there are any demo sites which show different cases where HTTPS is misconfigured or broken. Or does anyone know of websites in the wild that display various broken / misconfigured HTTPS cases? ... Perhaps ideas on how to track them down with a search engine? I'm looking for sites which exhibit broken https behaviors, for...

Ruby on Rails HTTPS Post Bad Request

Greetings all. My application works with a remote server. Server uses https authorization of the certificate. I have following code to authorize and sends request: uri = URI.parse("") http =, '443') http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER http.ca_file...

Is there a Firefox plug in which can list unsecure assets which are causing the "Warning: Contains unauthenticated content"

I am developing web pages which reference external links/images/stylesheets etc. I have 1 page which loads fine in HTTPS, but then when I apply different external styles, some of the external styles cause a warning "Contains unauthenticated content" Don't get me wrong, I understand WHAT this means, but I can't see any reference to any H...

Call web service over https

What do I need to call a web service over https in C#? Do I need to get the certificate form the site? How do I use this to call the web service? ...

WSDL over SSL mode.

I have a simple web service that is going to be invoked over ssl mode (https://ipaddress%3Acompany/service/servicename?wsdl). so i created a keystore and truststore with sun jdk tool(keytool) and saved the in the server. But I still get the below error. Using metro webservice

Using a Ruby script to login to a website via https

Alright, so here's the dealio: I'm working on a Ruby app that'll take data from a website, and aggregate that data into an XML file. The website I need to take data from does not have any APIs I can make use of, so the only thing I can think of is to login to the website, sequentially load the pages that have the data I need (in this ca...

How to setup a test HTTPS site under IIS

I have a WCF service that I would like to run on https:// how can I setup a test site on local host for this? ...

C# maintaining session over HTTPS on the client

I need to login to a website and perform an action. The website is REST based so I can easily login by doing this (the login info is included as a querystring on the URL, so I dont't need to set the credentials): CookieContainer cookieJar = new CookieContainer(); HttpWebRequest firstRequest = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(loginUrl...

See what content is not sent over HTTPS

I created a page that is HTTPS only. On my browsers, I always get a warning that the page includes resources that are not secured. I just can't find out why! Looking at the source code seems fine. All img src and javascript tags are using relative path (/images/...). It does not consider href links as resources does it? Is there a way t...

Error opening PDF in browser - what HTTP header values should I use for streaming a PDF over https?

I have a J2EE webapp which is used to download a generated PDF served by an HTTP servlet. When running over SSL in production the users are getting the error message There was an error opening this document. The file cannot be found. in Acrobat when they choose to open the file in the browser instead of saving it to file. If they ...

direct http to https on certain pages?

Hi I have added the below code to .ht access but how can I add another page to this? such as login.php also if the user types in www. they get a "untrusted connection" as the SSL is only valid without the www. how could I fix this? Thanks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /login.html RewriteRule (.*...

How to open a stream to httpS URL

Hi I want to open a stream to a httpS URL and read the data. Kindly let me know how to do it. Regards Chaitanya ...

How should I use https in Ruby on Rails

I'm developing an application in Rails (2.3.4) and there are some parts that need to run over a secure protocol, for example, the login form, the credit card form, etc. How can I do just these pages be https, and all other pages remain http? How can I test ssl in development environment? ...

Multiple certificates for HTTPS on a software NLB'd IIS7 cluster

We're currently trying to set up a HTTPS with multiple certificates. We've had some limited success but we're getting some results I can't make any sense of... Basically we have two servers on our NLB ( and and two IPs assigned to our NLB ( and and we have IIS listening on both of these IPs with...

Selectively cache .js and .png files over https?

We are creating a large secure back office web application in ASP.NET. All access to the site is over https connections, and we'd like to either turn off caching for pages or set caches to expire quickly. However, the site uses quite a few images and largish javascript files/libraries. Is there a way to selectively cache certain fil...

SslRequireCert doesn't work with a WCF-service

I'm currently developing a RESTful service using WCF and WCF Rest Contrib. The service is split into two parts: BasicAuthService and CertAuthService. On the first one the client is authenticated using Basic authentication (over HTTPS) and on the second X509 client certificates are used. My problem is that IIS never requests a client ce...

Django - links generated with {% url %} - how to make them secure?

If I want to give an option for users to log in to a website using https:// instead of http://, I'd best to give them an option to get there in my view or template. I'd like to have the link "Use secure connection" on my login page - but then, how do I do it without hardcoding the URL? I'd like to be able to just do: {% url login_pa...

Connect to site through https

I have some application that should connect to https Site, and receive some. With connection all is ok, but when i what getInputStream() comes Exception: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: Here is the part of code: String query = siteURL.toExternalForm(); URL queryURL = new URL(query); String...