
How does one set SSL ciphers when using CFSocket/CFStream in Cocoa?

I recently needed to configure CocoaHttpServer, which we're using in our application with success, to handle HTTPS connections coming from a client application (running on Android devices). This is fine - there is copious sample code which allows for this, and we were able to enable the secure server without issue. In practice we were s...

how do i load the swfs through http so that the client brower can cache them and communicate with the server-side over https ?

The client-side application is a Flex application and communicate with server-side java application using blazeds.As you know,most browsers don't cache SWFs loaded over https,but i want load the swfs through http so that the client brower can cache them and communicate with the server-side over https ? How can i achieve that ? Help me pl...

Images not showing up with https

Suddenly, my images are not showing up on my site when accessing https pages. No change in my code. My host did have to recompile their ftp service with SSL support after my request (so I could ftpes my site). Can't thing of anything else that would affect my SSL cert. Same thing happens on FF and IE and on different computers. ...

HTTPS and Certificates - Follow up question

This is a follow up question on my earlier question. I am trying to do this for a very small company, and would like to rely only on open source resources. Please take into consideration the fact that I am absolutely (100%) new to the world of Securi...

How to send a xml file over HTTP and HTTPS protocol and get result back

i want to send xml file with userid and pass over HTTPs and then send all other xml file on HTTP using POST method and get the response as a xml file back. in ASP.NET (with preferred) The url to which i want to send my xml file is: exect xml file pettern is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="U...

convert HTTP request code to HTTPS request code

I have got following code witch are sending xml file on HTTP protocol and getting response back as xml file from webserver and its working fine with HTTP protocol, but now i need to send such a XML file to HTTPS protocol (not http) and need to get response as xml file from it. the code to send xml file and get response from HTTP is : ...

SSL problem on iPhone

I've added an SSL certificate (from godaddy, but also tried rapidssl) to a website. Safari, and IE can both browse to https:// and report that the certificate is valid, with no warnings. If, however, I try to browse to the same address from an iPhone I get an invalid certificate error. I'm using heroku as a host for the website in que...

Why do I have both HTTPS and HTTP links on site, need them all secure!

I am getting the security alert: "You are about to be directed to a connection that is not secure. the information you are sending to the current site might be transmitted to a non-secure site. Do you wish to continue?" when I try to login as a customer on my clients oscommerce website. I noticed the link in the status bar goes from a ht...

Open source HTTP or HTTPS proxy

I want to log all HTTP requests made by the browser to a file, so I thought I can run a HTTP/S proxy locally and do this. However, the proxies at don't meet my needs - either no HTTPS support or no logging. Do anyone of you know of a proxy that can do both HTTPS and HTTP and allow me to log the browser traffic to a fil...

How can I download files over HTTPS with Perl?

I want to download about 200 different html files over HTTPS and extract the title of the page from each file and put the titles into a text document. How would I go about using Perl to download files using https? I searched google, but didn't find very much helpful info or examples. ...

Is performing login with https but then everything in http all a bit pointless?

So you've performed the login using https to prevent man in the middle attacks and make sure your password isn't sent in the clear. Good call. But many sites then switch back to http for the rest of the session. Once you're exchanging everything in the clear can't a man in the middle begin hijacking your session again? Okay, so they don...

Is it wrong to configure a webserver to map both HTTP and HTTPS traffic to the same document root?

Is there anything wrong with configuring a webserver to map SSL traffic (port 443) to the same document root as normal traffic (port 80)? Using the same document root for both http and https means you need to implement the following: On each page that needs to be secure, there needs to be some application code that redirects the user ...

Lifetime of the SSL session in https

We have an engaged (but friendly) discussion between coworkers about the life time of the SSL session underlying a https communication. When I establish a https connection to a server using a normal browser the underlying ssl creates a session (including a shared secret) using asymmetric encryption, the rest of the communication is encr...

Internet Explorer download notification on HTTPS

I have a Silverlight application deployed on a HTTPS server. My applications generates reports that are saved as PDF files. Whenever a user tries to download a file from my application from IE, he gets a notification under the toolbar asking him if he really wants to download the file. If you agree, then IE reloads the page, sending the ...

Accepting a certificate for HTTPs on Android

I'm trying to make Https connections on the Android phones, using HttpClient. Trouble is that since the certificate isn't signed I keep getting " Not trusted server certificate". Now I've seen a bunch of solutions where you simply accept all certificates, but what if I want to ask the user? I want to get a dia...

htaccess redirect for non-www both http and https

Not sure if this is possible in a single .htacess file, but ideally, I'd like to have: redirect to: redirect to: And anything that is NOT append the www like Is this possible? Thanks, D....

Troubleshooting an SSL flood

Users connect to our webserver via https, and stay on a secured connection throughout their use of our service. A typical user session will establish a small handful of connections to the server (one or two). There are a very small number of exceptions we are trying to track down. Particular users will intermittently have handfuls of ...

Filtering HTTPS traffic?

Is it possible to filter HTTPs traffic? For example via a TDI filter? Or perhaps you need to use a proxy? This product seems to do filtering of HTTPS traffic and I'd like to know how it does it, as well as if this is the only way. How about via the Windows Filtering Platform for Vista and up? ...

HTTP/S proxy starting point

I would like to make an HTTP/S proxy program to filter/deny certain http traffic based on how I parse the HTTP request in C++. Is there some kind of starting point code that I can use with an open license for commercial use? For example if I wanted to do a project on searching I would start with lucene. ...

ASP.NET and The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel

I'm making an httpwebrequest using a public Root authority Certificat file X509. I only have the public key, not the private key. Everything works fine from a Console app but it does not work from an app. I get the error: "The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure chan...