
HttpWebRequest SSL Authorization form

I've never tried before, but now I really need to get through authorization on Sprint's site ( Could you guys help me to understand how this actually works? I'm trying to do like this, but obviously I'm missing something. Either something about cookies or ssl or other stuff, I don't know. HttpWebRequest webReques...

Cant open a https website with php and fopen

I am using fopen to retreive the contents of a URL. It works on http URLs but not https URLs Can anyone see why?? <?php //this works fine echo ("<br><br>url 1 is ".OutputURL("")); //returns nothing echo ("<br><br>url 2 is ".OutputURL("

Is it possible to have SSL certificate for IP address, not domain name?

I want my site to use URLs like and for static content to avoid unnecessary cookies in request AND avoid additional DNS request. Is there any way to obtain SSL cert for this purpose? ...

Need some help with HTTPS, certificates and signing

I am quite new to HTTPS and can not get my head around it. Can someone suggest good starting point for learning about HTTPS, certificates and signing? Possibly with a working example in ASP.NET with IIS. ...

How to send HTTPS requests to host with untrusted server certificate in iPhone Simulator?

Hi, I develop an iPhone framework which sends HTTPS requests in order to communicate with a publicly available backend server. Currently I have a big problem regarding untrusted server certificates. The certificate of the backend server is not signed by a trusted CA, so my first approach was to use NSURLRequest's private allowsAnyHTTPS...

getting Windows Identity Foundation "Developer Training Kit" examples to work

I downloaded the "Developer Training Kit" for Windows Identity Foundation and installed it on a newly set up Windows Server 2008 R2 virtual machine. When I open up the example solutions and press F5 to run them, I get the following error: "Unable to start debugging on the web server. The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected...

Object not found - - Error 404

My url is :;m=get_user_notes And I got the following error: Object not found! The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again. If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster. Error 404 My c...

Tomcat HTTPS keystore certificate

Ran into another problem using SSL and Tomcat: I've configured a keystore which contains a key and a certificate (the server certificate I wish to present to the clients connecting to the site). I've done the same for the truststore (I'm going to need client authentication). The problem I have now is that when I connect to my Tomcat ins... Software caused connection abort: connect

I am trying to programmatically (Java) open a URL that points to a modem on the network. I am connected to the network and can ping the device as well as fetch the URL within a browser. However, programmatically, I get the following stack trace when trying to open the connection. Software caused connection abor...

Java Https default retry mechanism

Is there a default retry when using sun HttpsUrlConnection ? If so, how can I cancel it ? ...

HTTPS Authentication and Cookies via Java

I am trying to login and retrieve status information from a HTTPS URL via Java programming. I login through /login.cgi, providing the username and password with a POST request to that script. The script then verifies the credentials and creates a specific cookie (with session information, user name, etc.) and then immediately calls a L...

.NET HttpWebRequest HTTPS Error

Hello I'm trying to fetch data from a https web (i'm not behind firewall or proxy) however even accepting all certificates it keeps throwing System.Net.WebExceptionStatus.SecureChannelFailure with the message shown: Cancelled the request: Unable to create a secure SSL/TLS channel ... i've looked everywhere so you guys are my last chance....

Movable Type Administration to https subdomain

Hello, I have working https protocol on my subdomain. I would like to change current url: to How can I do it? Could anybody help me step by step? I am beginner in this field. I tried Google and also Movable Type forum, but no answer so far. Maybe this could help y...

ASP.NET MVC switching between secure to none secure content.

After logging to the mvc site using a secure connection (https), calling actions using https connection show up with the user logged in but calling actions using http it bahaves as if user didn't log on. Since I need to use a virtual directory for https connections(and can't use that directory for http connection) Https links start wi...

Is SQL Injection possible with POST?

Sql Injection is possible if parameters are passed via GET. But is it possible via POST also. If yes, can https prevent it? ...

technique to support urls with https between local and live development

When I deploy my application, certain urls have to be https. How can I develop locally and deploy, while being able to support urls that have https? Is the only way wrapping the url with a function, that determines if you are local or live? (this is a .net mvc app) ...

Is there any way to force HTTPS on a Controller Action?

Possible Duplicate: SSL pages under ASP.NET MVC I am thinking there might be something like [UseHttps] but I'm not sure, basically I have a few pages of the site that do a check-out and I want to use secure channel for posting credit card number... but JUST for those couple of Actions, any idea? ...

use htaccess to add www with https support

There are a lot of code examples for using .htaccess to add www to a url but they are usually confined to using http. does anybody have an example of how to get it to work in both cases? ...

Call https page via .vbs script fails ... why?

Here's the script. Tried executing by itself ... nada. Tried executing via task scheduler ... nada. If I hit the URL below via IE it works. Any ideas??? ''//Force the script to finish on an error. On Error Resume Next ''//Declare variables Dim objRequest Dim URL Set objRequest = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") ''//Put together ...

How to create Client certificates for Azure?

I have created HTTPS endpoint for my Cloud application (using Self signed certificate). One of the requirements of my application is requirement of Client Certificate. When i run my application i do not see a list of Client Certificates to choose from. Does anyone have any idea on what Client Certificates are required & how they can be ...