
Secure connection between iPhone application and web server?

Hi, I am about to start to developing an iPhone application that should login and communicate information securely between the app and a web server. I haven't done much development in this area before, so I have done some research and would be very thankful for any input on how to handle this in the best/easiest way. Currently, the peo...

Forcing users to access the site with www. and https

I am trying to write an .htaccess rule that appends www. to the domain and s to http if required but I can't seem to find a rule or set of rules that works for each case. The cases are... \ - should just work \ - should go to \ \ - should go to \

Java Secure Webservice

Hey all, I am attempting to convert a http webservice to https. I added the tags to the webservice. @SecurityDomain(value = "jboss-ssl") and @WebContext(contextRoot="/path/one", // already here urlPattern="/X", // already here authMethod = "CLIENT-CERT", // added transportGuarantee = "CONFIDENTIAL") // added But wh...

PayPal MassPay and AddressVerify: Which SDK do I use?

I'm getting some rather conflicting information from PayPal. I've spent 2 hours on the phone with them today, and posted my questions on their forums, and I have not received one single solution. So I am turning to SO since people here actually know what they're doing. I am trying to add the AddressVerify and MassPay APIs to our websi...

IBM WEME J9 Invalid Padding Exception

I am using the IBM Websphere Everyplace Micro Environment JVM on a Windows Mobile 6 device. My application uses HTTPS connections and I have everything set up appropriately to use the J9JSSE package for SSL/TLS. Some messages that are being transmitted on the HTTPS connection are getting through just fine, but others are causing an exc...

Keytool set hostname

Good Morning, I am just attempting to use the java keytool but I cannot figure out how to set the hostname. This is what is how I am attempting: hostname[username:/this/is/a/path][640]% keytool -keystore server.keystore -genkeypair -alias hostname Enter keystore password: Re-enter new password: What is your first and last name? [U...

How to make a website secured with https

Hi all... I have to build a small webapp for a company to maintain their business data... Only those within the company will be using it, but we are planning to host it in public domain, so that the employees can connect to app from various locations. (Till now I have built web apps that are hosted internally only) I'm wondering whe...

What do I need to do to make Excel access a Web Query via HTTPS?

I'm trying to implement a page that allows Excel users to use the data it provides via the Web Query feature provided by Excel. It's all working out pretty nicely, as long as I use HTTP (even BASIC user authentication works). As soon as I switch that over to HTTPS Excel won't download the data anymore (it's even a fully official SSL ce...

Do I need an SSL certificate if using a secure webservice?

Hi, I'm using a third party web service. In order for my users to be able to access their third party account, they need to log in. I provide the interface for them to log in to the third party site from my site. My question is, do I need a SSL certificate if the webservice already provides one? The webservice has a special Login metho...

Ruby: Checking if URI is HTTPS?

I would like to check if the URI will need SSL authentication: url = URI.parse("") # [some code] if url.instance_of? URI::HTTPS http.use_ssl=true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end However, those few lines throw the following error.. /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/uri/common.rb:436:in `split': bad URI(is...

Inspect HTTPS traffic from SWF files

Is there a way to inspect HTTPS traffic from Flex applications compiled to SWF files? I'm trying to use Fiddler for this, have added DO_NOT_TRUST_FiddlerRoot to my Trusted Root Certification Authorities so my IE now can access other HTML sites that would normally complain about untrusted certificate. However, the HTTPS traffic from the ...

Java web service over https - How to add a self-signed certificate into a client api?

I have a "Hello World" web service created with axis2. I would like to write a client api which could use this service over https with a self-signed certificate. I have a self-signed certificate myCertificate.cer and a keystore containing it. Here is my client api : public class MyApi{ public Object callMyService(){ Axis2TestStub stu...

https in default-target-url spring security

Hi, we are using spring security into our systems and our server is using the https scheme. However the application is running on http not https, so the server, being apache, is the https handler. whereas the application is running on http behind a firewall. Working code: <form-login login-page="/Login.html" authentication-failur...

Download file over HTTPS using .NET (part 2)

On a regular basis I have to do the following manually in a web browser: Go to an https website. Logon on a webform. Click a link to download a large file (135MB). I would like to automate this process using .NET. Some days ago I posted this question here. Thanks to a piece of code by Rubens Farias I am now able to perform the above...

Concurrent loading of .js files via https

We're looking at splitting our .js to be served from two domains with the intent that that would enable concurrent loading. Question: Can we a) use subdomains for that purpose and b) will that concurrent loading also hold true over https? For instance, we'd like to request two files as such: https...

IIS Rest over HTTPS only

I've asked a similar question here: And it doesn't look like it is possible on the code side. Is it possible to set up an entire service to be callable over HTTPS only? I've configured a service using the follow...

Can't Deploy or Upload Large SSRS 2008 Report from VS or IE

So far in this project I have two reports in VS2008/BIDS. The first one contains 1 tablix and is about 100k. The second one contains 3 tablixes (tablices?) and is about 257k. I can successfully deploy the smaller report from VS and I can upload it from the Report Manager in IE. I can view/run it from Report Manager and I can get to t...

SSL Connection from Java client

Hello everyone. I'm creating a Java client program that will be sending sensitive information to a Tomcat server. So I need to use SSL Connection so information will be encrypted. I need to use self-signed untrusted certificate but having problems making connection from java client. I have successfully setup Tomcat 5.5 to use SSL and ...

Problem accessing delicious api with ajax

I'm using the following jQuery code to try and access the delicious api, but it's not working. If I go directly to the api url in the browser it returns the xml as expected, so the url is correct. Anyone got any ideas what's up? Could be that it's https, but teh jQuery documentation doesn't explicitly forbid this. $(document).ready(fu...

tclsoap and ssl

Can anyone provide a working example of using tclSOAP with SSL? The links referred to in the official docs aren't working I'm unsure how to configure the transport protocol. ...