
Accessing an HTTPS web service from Glassfish based web-ap

Hi, I'm trying to access an HTTPS based web service URL from a web/ear application deployed on a Glassfish application server domain. We have obtained the certificate from the vendor that exposes the HTTPS URL What are the steps required for installing SSL certificates in order to access the web service ? (Though I know the outline, let...

Non-Secure Video on https page

Okay, so I have created a webpage for a client who is using https protocol, but wants to stream video from a non-secured source (not YouTube, unfortunately). Best case scenario: I'd be looking for a way to stream the video without getting security warnings for mixed content (especially a problem in any IE). I realize this may be impossib...

IIS, Redirecting and HTTPS

I have an interesting issue with HTTPS ports not being handled properly. It is a relatively small issue and I bet it is pretty simple to solve, I am just not thinking of it. We have a website served with IIS 6, We have a secure portal which is handled via Now we have several...

ASP.NET Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_PORT_SECURE"] and proxy SSL by load balancer

We have some legacy ASP.NET code that detects if a request is secure, and redirects to the https version of the page if required. This code uses Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_PORT_SECURE"] to detect if SSL is needed. Our operations team has suggested doing proxy SSL at the load balancer (F5 Big-IP) instead of on the web servers (assu...

The provided URI scheme 'https' is invalid; expected 'http'. Parameter name: via

I am trying to make a WCF service over basicHttpBinding to be used over https. Here's my web.config: <service behaviorConfiguration="MyServices.PingResultServiceBehavior" name="MyServices.PingResultService"> <endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="defaultBasicHttpBinding" contract="MyServices....

iis 6 native compression not working on ssl

Hello guys, i have a problem where my ASP.NET web application files (.js, .css, .aspx) doesn't get compress when i access it from https. However the files get compressed when i accessed it from http. Any idea what causing this problem?. It over a week and i cannot find any solution from the net. I have ask my network administrator to che...

How to get a *.cer file to add a self-signed HTTPS certificate as trusted for Java

I'm connecting to a HTTPS website with a self-signed certificate using a Java applet. The applet can't open the HTTPS connection - it returns the following exception: PKIX path building failed: unab...

monotouch secure webservices

Hey What are the steps involved in adding a secure webservcie? I can't seem to find a decent guide or anything anywhere. w:// ...

Caching static files delivered over https to IE in IIS?

I have a website that uses SSL to allow users to enter sensitive data, but there is a large amount of static content that I do not want to be served up with each page request - several Javascript libraries combine to make up almost 1MB for example, which is a serious overhead with each request! Everything I've read suggests that there i...

HTTPS and FormAssembly

We are using a FormAssembly page to collect feedback - it's hosted within an IFrame on the side of our site's master page. The thing is, that some parts of our site are HTTPS - viewing and posting the form is ok in HTTPS, but the problem comes with the "thank you" page - we are using the configurable custom thank you page (configured wi...

accessing pdf via https URL

I send out a newsletter email containing URLs to a https website that then redirects to a pdf document. On first invocation of a URL the user is prompted with the typical https browser "security alert" popup, on selecting "Yes" the display of the PDF fails. The HTTP Header on the failed response is: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: ECS/HTTP-S...


"I have ssl data sitting on a server. I want to call on the data and have it displayed on an unsecured page. Id the transmission of this data to the display page secure? And if so can anyone point me to a document that I can refer to, to show our clinet that the "generation" and subsequent display of his web reports is done in a secure t...

Using // in a <script>'s source

Hello fellow front-end web h4X0|2s, I was wondering if anyone had any resources, proof, or personal experience in using the age-old http/https JavaScript hack: <script src="//"></script> Has anyone encountered issues in any of these browsers (IE 5.5+, FF2+, Chrome, Opera 9+, Safari 3+)? Has anybody had su...

How to write URL Rewrite for SSL redirection

I have ASP.NET application on IIS7 that I want to work only under SSL. I followed and wrote following rewriting rule in web.config: <rule name="Force HTTPS" enabled="true"> <match url="(.*)" ignoreCase="false" /> <conditions> <add inpu...

Setting cookie for site in http and https under different subdomains in PHP

Situation: I'm trying run an https store (xcart) under one domain and I want to have access to a cookie it sets in http I'm running PHP on Apache (MAMP), testing in Firefox with Firecookie The existing code sets cookies to I'm not sure if this is xcart related, but setcookie is ac...

Setting cookies for multiple sub-domains

Is it possible to set a cookie for from a PHP file located at I have some code that was given to me, that appears to try and fails at this. I was wondering if this is possible at all. ...

Run jsp in eclipse on specific port and ssl

Hello, I have used Eclipse 3.4 to create a Dynamic Web Project. I have also configured my server to use port 8443 with ssl. If I start my server I can access my test.jsp by going to it's address https://localhost:8443/TestContext/test.jsp In eclipse, I have installed this server and added my project to the server. If I Run test....

aspnet membeship logon page and https redirect

Hello, I have a gridview control that has on onclick event bound to every cell. Once a user clicks on a cell it directs them to a booking confirmation page and passes 3 url variables. This booking page is behind a aspnet membership and thus if the user is not logged in they are served the login page. The login page has a redirect to htt... Cookies and https

Every time we go into https, the cookie fields get lost but not the cookie value. For example: 1) Response.cookies["key"].value = "x"; // after going to https, consecutive request contains this value. 2) Response.cookies["key"]["field1"] = "x" // the cookie exists but all its fields get lost. The cookie fields works perfectly in all t...

Static Map API that supports HTTPS requests and is free

Any options out there? Google Static Maps with SSL (HTTPS) is only available to Premier members. Bing's Open Map API seems to have the same restricts. Any other ideas? I'm debating whether to schedule a cronjob to wget over http and dump the images I need into a folder (named after the content object IDs that reference them), but I'd...