
itunes app store link checker

I am looking for a regex (or other method) that can check and parse app store links. I have an app that can take record these links but I want to check that the format is correct before I accept it. e.g. http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/instapaper/id288545208?mt=8 http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/iq-test-sale/id297141027?mt=8&uo=6 h...

CSS Background Image link

Linking a background image with CSS is giving me so me issues. They seem pretty simple but I can't quite get around them: I have list items for my main menu: <div id="menuContainer"> <ul id="menu"> <a href="#"><li id="home" title="Home" alt="Home">Home</li></a> <a href="#"><li id="current" title="Current Students" alt="Current Stude...

Add link to calendar page in Drupal

I have been trying to pore through the calendar module code and cannot figure out how to do this. It doesn't really help that I don't understand what half of the code is calling for as I am not a programmer. Please check out my issue here. http://drupal.org/node/705350 ...

Address bar input vs. Link

Is there a way to interrogate a request to determine the method of navigation ? (using a LAMP configuration, PHP) In other words... I would like to know whether the entry was hand typed into the address bar, or a link/bookmark was used. ...

How to Adding link in to a PDF whis Coldfusion and itext

I used this technique to insert an image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/697122/adding-a-dynamic-image-to-a-pdf-using-coldfusion-and-itext Now, I need to insert a link to a external URL at X/Y and text inside with itext and coldfusion. Can someone help me do this? Thanks. ...

Link within label - include extra functionality

I have the following code in front that gives a bit of blurb and creates a link which the user can click and it sends them to a page specified. <asp:Label ID="tbxFindOutMore" runat="server" text="If you are already a member, please <a href ='Reporting/Login.aspx' target=_blank style=color:black>click here</a> to login to y...

Sitecore not resolving rich text editor URLS in page renders

Hi We're having issues inserting links into rich text in Sitecore 6.1.0. When a link to a sitecore item is inserted, it is outputted as: http://domain/~/link.aspx?_id=8A035DC067A64E2CBBE2662F6DB53BC5&amp;_z=z Rather than the actual resolved url: http://domain/path/to/page.aspx This article confirms that this should be resolved in th...

Android: dynamically setting links to text in strings.xml

I'm trying to make an app with localisation built in, but I want a way that I can create a web link within the text, the URL being defined elsewhere (for ease of maintenance). So, I have my links in res/values/strings.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> ... <string name="link1">http://some.link.com&lt;/string&gt...

Is it possible to open an html document with word, and have anchor links work within the document?

Hi there, Is it possible to open an html document with word, and have anchor links work within the document? Basically, It'd be nice to do this: <html lang='en' xml:lang='en' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'&gt; <head></head> <body> <h1>Florida Emergency Supplier Network for 2009-2011</h1> <table id='table_of_contents'>...

Get different form depending on option selected from drop down box in Microsoft Access

I have a drop down box on the main form with four location options e.g. town, city, country, village. I have four additional forms that I want to link to each of these options so that if the user selects "town", the "town form" opens for them to enter information. Same for the other options. I'm new to Access so will need very precise...

Showing icon conditionally in C#/ASP.NET

Hi All! I am having trouble with my GridView in ASP.NET, which is listing a few rows of documents. Some of the rows (i.e. documents) are unpaid and need a shopping icon, which takes the clicker to another page completely. Other rows need no icon since they are paid. This is what I have so far, although HyperLink is throwing an error s...

Is it a best practices to wrap a h:form tag in the jsf template page

<p><h:commandLink value="Apply Now" action="register" /></p> when i writing code above, exception below throws: [2/12/10 11:24:29:535 CST] 0000005f renderkit W Component j_id26 must be enclosed inside a form. Is it a best practices to wrap a h:form tag in the jsf template page, and then every page using the template can jus...

How to evaluate Javacript within C#? (need to get all links for a web page, including java-script generated ones)

Hi, Background: I have to download webpages with their resources for offline viewing, however as part of this I have to "rewrite" the URL's for links with the HTML webpage so they work. This is fine more the standard types of links however I'm realizing now that there are some links that are dynamically created by javascript. Questi...

Format li which contain links different from li which contains no links

i have list like that: <ul> <li><a...>...</a></li> <li>...</li> </ul> where both type of listelements are there multiple times in arbitrary order. Is there a way to format those li's differently? (different list-style-image) The only difference is that the one kind contains a link and the other one doesnt. ...

php convert all links to absolute urls

I am writing a website crawler in php and I already have code that can extract all links from a site. A problem: sites use a combination of absolute and relative urls. Examples (http replaced with hxxp as I can't post hyperlinks): hxxp://site.com/ site.com site.com/index.php hxxp://site.com/hello/index.php /hello/index.php hxxp://...

Howto create a facelet-hyperlink with variable data as parameter?

Hi, I have two facelet-pages: customers.xhtml (with a list of customers) and customer.xhtml for detail-view of just one customer. I use a h:dataTable component inside the customers.xhtml: <h:dataTable var="customer" value="#{customerBackingBean.customers}">...</h:dataTable> Now I want to create a hyperlink for each customer in the ta...

Extra padding at bottom of HTML linked image in Chrome, IE6, and Firefox

I am having a problem with a linked image. <TR class="a"> <TD><A href="http://CA_NB_1_1-pr.jpg" rel="lightbox"><IMG src="CA_NB_1_1-th-pr.jpg"><BR><BR></A></TD> <TD class="hdsmlbr"><A href=""&gt;35 Savoie Drive, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada</A></TD> </TR> This image has padding at the bo...

Hyperlink to an Excel Cell

Quick Summary How can I create a hyperlink to a specific cell in Excel that will work from Firefox, or achieve the same result in javascript? Detailed Description I have an excel spreadsheet that users enter data into. This spreadsheet is then used to generate some diagrams in SVG. The diagrams are displayed in Firefox (though this ...

Symfony: Is it possible to put elements inside a link_to tag?

Hi, I'm using Symfony 1.4 and wondering whether it's possible to achieve the following: <a href="#"><span>Text</span></a> ... using Symfony's link_to helper? Of course, it's possible to do this: <a href="<?php echo url_for('#') ?>"><span>Text</span></a> But I'm wondering if there's a simpler way to do it, especially as combining...

Separate a HTML hyperlink

Is there a way to separate the URL name in a hyperlink so it continues onto the next line? In the application I am using I need to use a long URL and the space is limited so it wraps around to the next line. However, a space is automatically added to it and the link is then broken. Is there a continuation character to tell the applica...