
Hyperlink to specific page in MS Word document

Is it possible to link to a specific page in an MS Word document via a hyperlink in a webpage? The best information I have been able to find is this article from Microsoft Support, but it only outlines how to link to a bookmark within a MS Word document rather than a page. I am hoping that there is a method similar to linking to a page...

Can anybody point me to a link that describes what the url (dots) mean for example?...

what does ./CoverFlows_files/coverflow.js mean? I understand ../CoverFlows_files/coverflow.js means [move up one directory] And /CoverFlows_files/coverflow.js means [go down from here] Also is there are way to get to the root like in asp.net its ~/ ...? The other thing I dont quite understand is where to put <link rel="stylesheet" t...

Is there a out of the box Javascript "Tweet this" link solution around, which does not eagerly load files from other domains while loading the page, but still features URL shortening?

Requests to third party servers keep slowing my site down, so I am trying to have as few as possible. In my book, the ideal "tweet this" solution should be a small javascript snippet to be hosted on my own site not have any activity while loading the page (at least as few as possible, but no additional HTTP requests) just when clicked...

How to safely link to data processing pages in PHP

Let me explain the title: Take the "flag as inappropriate" link on any youtube video as an example. That's basically a link to a page that processes the request (such as, is the person who clicked it a logged-in user, what's the id of the video flagged, etc). If everything goes well, the video is flagged and a right output is given to th...

Creating Link with Ruby on Rails

Obviously, I am new to this. I need to make a link using rails to something within the model. The code I have is this. It is probably not even the correct syntax: <li id="nav_home"><%= link_to 'SOMETHING', {:controller => 'inventories', :action => 'home'} %></li> This code defaults to creating a text link, but I want the link elemen...

How do I open links in a WebView rather than Safari?

I have a text view, which has links to web pages, like Wikipedia. Usually when I click on the links it closes my app and opens up Safari. How do I control the hyperlink, so it loads the web page in the UIWebView instead of Safari? Putting a button over the link isn't what I want, because it is a scrollable text view. Is there a Void I...

How to renew Google's information about my site

I have changed a structure of my site. I have changed a sitemap file on googleWebmasters. But Google still gives me old information on search. old links. How I can solve this problem? I mean, how to make Google to show new information from site? ...

the best way to "link" two web pages

I was planing to make two web pages (different domains) which deal with similar subject. On the first page there would be published articles and I would like to show those articles on the other page also (here would be displayed for example only last 10 articles). What is the best way to realize this? EDIT: I use php/mysql ...

XML links not working inside Flash

Hello, I have an XML which should display a simple link inside of my Flash site: <U><a href='http://dat.erobertparker.com/WAStore/shopdisplayproducts.asp?id=1&amp;cat=Books'&gt;Purchase Here</a></U> I am leaving the link as it may be relevant; it is not a simple path i.e. www.google.com. Anyway, you can check the problem by going to h...

How do I add a hyperlink in my app?

I've tried a number of methods: A UIWebView doesn't do the trick because I've got a textured background, and the UIWebView doesn't do transparent backgrounds. A UITextView - seems like a really good option. I've got it auto detecting my hyperlink, but it overrides my link colour with blue. :( I've looked at the Three20 code - this look...

Replace non-html links with <A> tags

I have a block of code that will take a block of text like the following: Sample text sample text http://www.google.com sample text Using the preg_replace_callback method and the following regular expression: preg_replace_callback('/http:\/\/([,\%\w.\-_\/\?\=\+\&\~\#\$]+)/', create_function( '$matches', '$url =...

Character encoding changes after window.open()

The site from where I'm calling the window.open() function is in UTF-8, using the <meta> tag, everything works well, but once I call the function and open another window with the same tag, the new window shows weird characters even thought in page info it shows that the encoding stays the same (UTF-8). This is the same problem as mine: ...

SSRS Open report link URL in new window

Group, I am struggling with syntax. I have dynamic links in my report and when the link is clicked I want the window to open up target="_blank" I have tried the following, but I must be missing a ' or " somewhere because I am having no luck. The parameters are throwing me off. ="javascript:void(window.open('http://server/folder/filen...

How to set a active link as default when page first time load.

Hi all, I need some help to set a link as active as default when the page load the first time. <style type="text/css"> a{ color:black; } a:hover{ color:white; } a:active{ color:blue; } </style> <div> <!--I want this fisrt link to be set as active by default--> <a href="#"/> <!--I want this one as normal--> <a href="#"/> </div> I d...

I found a jquery image rotatation script and adding hyperlinks to the images breaks the animation.

Found this great article on using jquery for image swapping: http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com/2009/05/replacing-images-at-time-intervals.html How do you suggest I hyperlink the images? ...

html hyperlinks show URL in brackets in Entourage

I have an email script written in .Net that sends html emails. The email uses normal html hyperlinks to insert a link in the email, like this: <a href="http://www.stackoverflow.com/"&gt;StackOverflow&lt;/a&gt; The problem is that in Entourage, a hyperlink like this always shows up for me like this: StackOverflow < http://www.stackove...

Is encoding email links in unicode still useful ?

Many sites advise to encode email links in Unicode, to prevent robots from getting your contact email address. You get something like : <a href="&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;&#109;&#121;&#101;&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#64;&#103;&#111;&#111;&#103;&#108;&#101;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;">&#109;&#121;&#101;&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#64;...

Modify hyperlinks with PHP

I'm using a regular expression to turn URLs in blog comments into clickable hyperlinks. However, i also want to do the opposite: Since i allow certain html tags (but not <a>), if somebody types in a hyperlink, i'd like to change it from: <a href="http://www.example.com"&gt;My Link</a> into My Link: http://www.example.com where the ...

Keep link as active when I move arround page, till I select another link.

Hi all, I have a problem with the links, I have created a menu made by links, which at the same time, indicates the user in what section he is. The menu works fine, but when I start doing things on the section under that link ( which it is pseudo-class active, as its been selected) then the link selected change to a normal link, therefor...

ASP.NET footer control : Links breaking when using across different folders

I have an ASP .NET Website where i have an index.aspx page and 3 Folders along with it.ie;My Root has index.aspx ,FolderA,FolderB and then FolderCommon(these 3 are folders). I have got few asp pages in FolderA and FolderB.FolderCommon stores js files ,CSS files and common code etcc.... I have a user control called pageFooter , inside w...