
How to close current tab in a browser window ?

I want to create a link on a webpage that close current active tab in a browser without closing other tabs in browser. When user click that close link a alert message should appear asking user to confirm with two buttons, "YES" and "NO". If user clicks "YES", close that page and If "NO", do nothing. How it will be done? Thanks ...

Outbound links and iFrame

I want to replicate how digg.com treats their outbound links. They generate a short link like this: http://digg.com/d31F24Q which loads the outbound link's web page in an iFrame with a bar on top of the frame. I think there's a page template with the bar and iframe for all outbound links point to there. So how would I make all links poin...

Wicket page links do not use mounted URL coding strategy?

In the Wicket Application class I have mounted a page at the location /about mountBookmarkablePage("about", AboutPage.class); I verify that the about page is available at /about. Then in the page which needs a link to the about page, I use the Wicket Link class: add(new Link("link") { @Override public void on...

What does <link> tag do besides including stylesheets?

I know that the HTML <link> tag is used for attatching stylesheets, but looking at the W3CSchools tag reference, it has many other values for the rel attribute. I've looked all over the place, but I can't for the life of me find a place that describes in detail what the other values do and how they work. Can anyone send me to the right p...

HTML : Make <object> a link.

I have HTML code I got from a designer of the form: <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=5,0,0,0" width="100" height="20"> <param name="movie" value="PRODUCTS.swf" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> ...

jquery submit form from text link

Hi all, I'm trying to create a small form that submits a form and passes a value from a text link.. Here's what I've got so far.. <form id="calendar" name="calendar" action="" method="post"> <a href="<?php echo $next_month; ?>" class="submitCal">&raquo;</a> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery.noConflict(); jQuery('.submitCal...

Extract links from a webpage using lxml, xpath and python

I've got this xpath query: /html/body//tbody/tr[*]/td[*]/a[@title]/@href It extracts all the links with the title attribute - and gives the href in FireFox's Xpath checker add-on. However, I cannot seem to use it with lxml. from lxml import etree parsedPage = etree.HTML(page) # Create parse tree from valid page. hyperlinks = parsedP...

Create Download Link

Hi, I want to send a mail that containts special downlaod link for download a file. for examples; http://localhost:14403/atrom/ I have a file that game.rar Now I don't want to download directly using this link http://localhost:14403/atrom/game.rar I will send a mail to users that like this; Your download link is ; http://localhost:144...

Can Google Chrome open local links?

I am linking on an intranet page to a local file on a shared drive: <a href="file:///s:/test.xls"> Test</a> This works in IE and Firefox with an addon called local link. How can i get this to open in google chrome? Thanks ...

Textblock with link to text file inside

Hi everyone, I am setting different text to a textblock depending on what control has been selected as a way of providing help for the user. What I would like to do is in the code behind file, when one control is selected, provide a brief explanation in text, then provide a link to a text file within that textblock. It might look lik...

What's the right way to define an anchor tag in rails?

It's obvious from the documentation (and google) how to generate a link with a segment e.g. podcast/5#comments. You just pass a value for :anchor to link_to. My concern is about the much simpler task of generating the <a name="comments">Comments</a> tag i.e. the destination of the first link. I've tried the following, and although the...

Replace link location (jQuery)

<a href="http://www.google.com"&gt;link&lt;/a&gt; How do I replace link location from google.com to say "#"? $('a').attr( 'href', '#' ); isn't working. ...

Find and Hide element (jQuery)

<a href="#">Hide Me</a> How do I find a link with text "hide" in it. I know how to find links by attributes but can't figure out how to find link by its text. ...

jQuery Linking vs. Download?

Which way is better? To link to the jQuery Pack at http://ajax.googleapis.com. Or to download the appropriate file and link locally? Does it matter? Is there a chance the link may disappear? Or is there a chance the file online will be updated, and it's better to link to it? Curious. Thanks, Tracy ...

Change Link Image when active

I have 3 links that represent the content for one iFrame in my page. When you click each link, it'll reload the contents of that iFrame without reloading the page. how do i set the image of my link to change when it's active? here's my code: <div id="tabs"> <div id="overview"> <a id="overviewtab" t...

menu - if has children ->turn off links; if doesn't has children -> link on?

Hi, how do I do something like that in a menu? If has children → turn off links; if doesn't has children → link on? Can anyone help me????! :) I was trying like that: over = function(){ var $$ = $(this), menu = getMenu($$); if ("li:has(ul)") { clearTimeout(menu.sfTimer); $$.showSuperfishUl().siblings().hideSup...

problem (IE8) inserting 'alternate rss link ' in "head" section fails. (Succeeds in Firefox 3.5)

We wish to use jquery/javascript to add 'alternate link rss' elements in the section of a resulting html document, i.e. so the orange 'rss' icon shows up on the right side of the browser's url-bar (aka "awesome bar" in FF) Such an approach simplifies adding the 'subscribe' links in the section. Each chunk of the page could add rss lin...

Finding links in raw text string

Hi all, I'm in a situation where I have a string of raw text where I want to find all links (starting with Http://) and place <a href="thelink"> before the start of the link and then a </a> after the link. The problem is, that I don't know when the link ends. I.e.: (http://www.mylink.com) In the above example, I am able to find th...

jQuery Tabs. Linking within tabs to tab

Update Hi guys! Got the linking working but now im facing another problem. When i've clicked the link within the tab and clicks on the "Menu"-tab again, the tabs look like shit. See working example link and code below. Rgds muttmagandi http://www.vallatravet.se/thetabs/ $(document).ready(function(){ $(".fadeOut").fadeTo(0, 0.5); ...

Add mime type to HTML link

I know how to change the MIME type in a webserver. I used this to make sure the browser downloads my .scrpt file instead of opening the plain text version. So far so good but is it possible to do the same with a link? I would like to link to a file on GitHub but this will open as a plain text file. Can I add a "MIME type attribute" to th...