
How to prevent a link's alt text from disappearing

Is it possible to prevent the text popup that happens when you mouseover a link from disappearing after a certain amount of time. I don't wish to create a completely different text popup solution and would only like to have to pass another attribute into the anchor tag or find out if this is browser controlled. ...

PHP - Highligh selected link

How do I "highlight" (turn to a different color, make bold, whatever..) a link that has been clicked on? Example is here: http://www.celebrything.com/ Trying to get the Today, Week, and Month links in the right sidebar to turn a different color once clicked. Here's the code I'm using to show the results in the right sidebar: <div id...

ASP LinkButton inside of JQueryUI Dialog closes it - how do I prevent that?

Hello all, On my website I have it setup where when someone clicks on one of my items, a modal JQuery dialog box pops up. Works great (thanks to Stackoverflow help)! So now I dynamically create linkbuttons and imagebuttons inside the dialog, depending on what was clicked on. When I created said buttons (all server side), this is what I ...

color of hyperlink in iphone

Hi everyone, is there a way to change hyperlink color in situations when UITextView and, for example, .dataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorTypePhoneNumber; are used? Thanks in advance! ...

Link Clicking Before Javascript Loads (Problem)

I'm using shadowbox for some html/iframe links, which effectively opens up the page in a lightbox. Everything works great - except when someone clicks before the javascript is done loading. Now, the obvious answer is to not use links as the targets of loading the shadowbox. But this poses usability problems if javascript is disabled. Do...

how to attach url link to an image?

Hi I am creating an website. It contains videos of different places. Now my problem is i need integrate an image on that with url link. when user taps on that link it has to go to that link. Even user downloads the video also it has to go to that link (same link above linked to image). thanks in advance ...

What would be a good way to direct users to different URLs from one link?

I've been working with PHP for a few months now. I've put together a small PHP site with three groups of users: admin, teacher, students. Here's what I would like to do: Students are in different groups. I have five different groups now. Each one of these five groups has access to a link that directs them to an online classroom. We can...

Hyperlinking the eclipse console - delayed writes causing BadLocationException?

I'm writing an eclipse plugin with a hyperlinked console, but I see BadLocationExceptions when creating the hyperlinks. To create the hyperlink, I followed the instructions on the related question How to write a hyperlink to an eclipse console from a plugin. Background: The issue appears to be that the underlying document is updated a...

JQuery: How to show text insite <td> through press link inside <td>

i have code: <table id="table_id"> <tr id="tr_id"> <td id="td_id"> <p id="tresc"> text </p> <a href="#" id="link">more1</a> <p id="tresc_more" style="display:none"> more text 1</p> </td> </tr> <tr id="tr_id"> <td id="td_id"> <p id="tresc"> text </p> <a href="#" id="link">...

How to open a link referencing to a file system

How i will open the following link <a href=file:///blablabla/folder>Open folder</a> It is not opening on clicking the anchor. I mean to say that if we want to access shared folder. Like from \\XYZ, then. ...

Jquery: mark links as visited without opening them?

I have no intention of just altering the link (I hear that's impossible, but if it's not I'd love to know how). I'm fine with adding it to the the browser history if that needs to be done. I'd like to loop through all <a>'s on a page and change their state to visited. For example: $("a").each(function(){ //mark as visited (somehow?)...

Convert Plain Text Hyperlinks into HTML Hyperlinks in PHP

I have a simple commenting system here... http://affbuzz.com/comments/7299a55137def55917a5dc6c4fe0f261af8a4217 ...and people can submit hyperlinks inside the plain text field. When I display these records back from the database and into the web page, what RegExp in PHP can I use to convert these links into HTML-type anchor links? Bonu...

How to get a simple hyperlink to work in XAML?

When I run this and click on the link, I would expect a browser to open and it go to google, but nothing happens: <Window x:Class="TestHyperlink2343.Window1" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300"> <...

New Window or New Tab -- Way to decide?

On a link, is there a way to specify whether the new _blank window is actually a new window or a new tab? Thanks ...

Code to have Wordpress display a monthly archive?

Hello, We am setting up a WP-MU at work and one of my tasks is to make a link in the sidebar that will will go to a page displaying a monthly archive. The sidebar must not contain the archive list just a link to a page (generated on the fly by WP) that shows the archive by month. This is probably simple, but I have spent hours going t...

Android: Clickable hyperlinks in AlertDialog

What I am trying to accomplish is to have clickable hyperlinks in the message text displayed by an AlertDialog. While the AlertDialog implementation happily underlines and colors any hyperlinks (defined using <a href="..."> in the string resource passed to Builder.setMessage) supplied the links do not become clickable. The code I am cur...

Maintain Links on a website

Hi all I want to know how you control on your webpage your links which link to external sites. Sometimes it can be that an external site just vanishes and you don't know that such an event occurred. I am thinking about making an excel sheet which holds all links and it's places from the website. Then I go manually monthly over all link...

Links in PHP help

Here is part of my my php code: while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) { printf("PDB Code: %s<br> Protein Name: %s<br> RCSB URL: %s <br> JMOL View: %s <br> Ligand Code: %s<br> Ligand Formula: %s<br> Ligand Name: %s<br> Smile String: %s<br><br> ", $row[0], $row[1], <a href='urlencode($row[2])'>, $row[3], $row[4], $row[5],$row[6],...

How to add style from code behind?

I want to add a style A:Hover to a HyperLink control from code behind. I can do like this : HyperLink hlRow = new HyperLink(); hlRow.Style.Add("color", "#000000"); hlRow.Style.Add("text-decoration", "none"); But how can I add styles for A:Hover for the hyperlink control? Do I need to define a class and associate that class with this ...

Button inside swing Rectangle2D.double

Hi Gurus, We have a swing application which displays a lot of rectangles. We use Rectangle2D.double class to draw the rectangles on a JPanel. My requirement is this. Upon clicking the rectangle, I have to pick an image from the local filesystem and show it in a popup window or a frame. My question is how can I provide a hyperlink or butt...