
Replace links from specific domain with text (PHP)

Hi guys. I have : <a href="http://abc.com"&gt;Title&lt;/a&gt; And : <a href="http://xyz.com"&gt;Title&lt;/a&gt; I want to replace link to text "Title", but only from http://abc.com. But I don't know how ( I tried Google ), can you explain for me. I'm not good in PHP. Thanks in advance. ...

how to not use relative links in html, but everytime starting from the domain.

Hi, I'm trying to make a page for use with wordpress and it's almost working, The page I want to use is an HTML page with designated space for it within certain DIVs. I'm encountering the problem of wordpress using the wrong links to kind of everything. I will probably have to change every link to http://www.mydomain.com/sub/folder/imag...

ASP.NET CSS file in master page

Hi All, In my application I have next problem. I created master page and some content pages, some of which are located in the nested folders. In the master page I added the link to .css file <link href="default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> But pages are located in the nested folders can't use this .css file. How can I f...

Loading a file from the browser, without a web server

So I need to load a file from disk somehow, and access its contents.. Sort of like how <link rel="stylesheet"> works. Is there a way to do this? XHR requires a web server.. and using something like the above doesn't let me access the contents of the file.. ...

"Share this on..." URLs

I have to create a bunch of these "Share this on" Technorati, Digg, Facebook, Reddit, del.icio.us, StumbleUpon, MySpace and so on. It is very easy to find online icons for this task, but it is a little more difficult to find what URLs I should link. Is there any updated list of all these services? Of course I could copy them from other ...

What am i doing wrong with this in asp.net-mvc?

I gave this in my site.master <li><%= Html.ActionLink("Material", "Index", "Material")%></li> But my link doesnt seem to get my material controller Index method... I have this in my global asax file, public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { routes.IgnoreRoute("{resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}"); ...

How to enable indexing of pages with dynamic data?

I have a site that has certain urls that point to pages with permanent data and others that point to dynamic web pages. Google indexes both these regularly. By the time a user finds one of the dynamic content urls, the data on the page has already changed and the user does not find what he was looking for. Further, the dynamic url pages ...

How to get link_to in Rails output an SEO friendly url?

Hi, My link_to tag is: <%= link_to("My test title",{:controller=>"search", :action=>"for-sale", :id=> listing.id, :title => listing.title, :search_term => search_term}) %> and produces this ugly URL: http://mysite.com/search/for-sale/12345?title=premium+ad+%2B+photo+%5Btest%5D How can I get link_to to generate: http://mysite.com/...

a href nested in DIV element in ASP.NET C#

Hello all, My question is quite simple, I created a DIV, with a HyperLink control in it. As following: <div id="divOne" style="width: 500px;"> <asp:HyperLink runat="server" id="hlOne" Text="hlOne" NavigateUrl="http://www.StackOverflow.com" /> </div> I created an onclick event in jQuery for the DIV as well: $('#divOne').c...

Put Google Analytics code on a link?

Hello there. How do you put google analytics code on a link, for example a link on your page to a download file. Is there a way to call the analytics function from a link? Cheers. ...

Making only part of an image a hot spot link.

I have a large image and only want a rectangle portion of it to be a hot spot link that goes "Home". Here is my code that is not working. Any help on what I am missing or have done wrong? Thanks! <div id="defaultPic" runat="server"> <img src="Images/boardwise-home.jpg" alt="Boardwise Home" usemap="#map" /> <map name=...

Linking to a section of a site that is hidden by a hide/show JavaScript function

I am using a bit of JavaScript to show/hide sections of a site when a tab is clicked. I'm trying to figure out if there is a way I can link back to the page and have a certain tab open based on that link. Here is the JS: var ids=new Array('section1','section2','section3','section4'); function switchid(id, el){ hideallids(); ...

link to extern php-file where the link also contains javascript which is executed on the linked website

hi i have a page x which is nothing special. i also have a page y with a form -> dropdown-field. Now i want to place a link link from page x to page y whose link will also select the third value of the dropdown. The sample is descriped easier than it is in reality just to get to the point. How is that doable? Regards ...

Drupal - no self-linking

I'm using the built-in Path module to change Drupal Page links from a format like "/node/1234" to "/about-us". The latter link format is easier to read and is SEO friendly. At the top of every page is the primary navigation. Currently when viewing the /about-us page the primary navigation links are displayed as follows: Home | About...

Add a :filter param to the end of a url

Hello, I am building an application that requires a search to go deeper than the initial level. I am using nested scopes to accomplish this and params in the URL For example, when a user searches for "handbag" it creates a query like the following. http://localhost:3000/junks?search=handbag&amp;condition=&amp;category=&amp;main_submit=...

displaying special characters in hyperlink text

I have used HTML in my Java class and in one case I have used <a href="...">username</a>. Username is a variable that gets values dynamically. In one case its value is 'rg@bg' but here instead of the name I'm getting the URL to which it is directed in my jsp. How do I ensure that the value of username comes on the display page as it is. ...

Hyperlink to a cell?

I want to retrieve a hyperlink to a cell in Excel and then paste this hyperlink in a third party app. Clicking the hyperlink should load Excel with the appropriate workbook and that cell should be selected with the cursor. The hyperlink should work in Microsoft-related products like OneNote; for example, if I have a workbook "D:\abc....

Not sure how to link json 100% in php

Im trying to create an rss feed that my droid app reads but i have some holes that i can figure how to fix the json link page is http://www.mandarich.com/mandarichServer/mlb/indexbaseball.php when reading the json i can see where the icon is missing on some and cant figure out why. mainly only for citys like ney york and chicago(cities w...

iframe refreshes main page

I am currently using a iframe on my main web page. When i click on a link in the iframe I would like it to display the content on the main web page. Any thoughts? ...

Markdown implementation in PHP parses text within <a> tags — how does one disable this behavior?

I'm using the Markdown library for PHP by Michel Fortin. I started noticing that it formats the text in tags with markdown rules, like so: http://foo.com/My_Url_With_Underscores essentially becomes: <a href="...">http://foo.com/My&lt;em&gt;Url&lt;/em&gt;With_Underscores&lt;/a&gt; How do I disable that behavior or otherwise prevent...