
Mail program splits link over two lines

Hi, In C#, I'm sending a mail with an activation link to users after they have registered. However, the link is split over two lines in the mail and thus doesn't work. I've checked in Visual Studio and the string containing the link looks fine. I've also tried: strMessage.Replace("\r", ""); strMessage.Replace("\n", ""...

Flash caroussel xml parse html link

Hello I am trying to modify a carousel script I have in flash. Its normal function is making some icons rotate and when clicked they zoom in, fade all others and display a little text. On that text I would like to have a link like a "read more". If I use CDATA it wont display a thing, if I use alt char like <a href="www.googl...

jQuery Hover Panes Flickering on child

OK. Here's my basic HTML structure: <ul class="tabNavigation"> <li> <a href="#">Main Button</a> <div class="hoverTab"> <a href="#">Link Within Div</a> </div> </li> </ul> And here's my jQuery command: $('ul.tabNavigation li').mouseenter(function() { $('ul.tabNavigation div.hoverTab').hide(); $(this).children...

Use jQuery on a variable instead on the DOM ? [solved]

In jQuery you can do : $("a[href$='.img']").each(function(index) { alert($(this).attr('href')); } I want to write a jQuery function which crawls x-levels from a website and collects all hrefs to gif images. So when I use the the get function to retrieve another page, $.get(href, function(data) { }); I want to be able to do s...

Sending someone a Link in Outlook that refers to a local application with a param

Hi I want to send someone a HTML Mail via my application (c#). This Mail contains should contain a clickable html link that refers to a local application. f.e. : <a href="c:\myapplication.exe -1234">click</a> It already works to send the mail but the link does not appear as a link. I also tried the "file:/// ... " thing but it does n...

CSS: remove stubborn underline from link

I am attempting to have a link show up in white, without an underline. The text color shows up correctly as white, but the blue underline is stubbornly persisting. I tried text-decoration: none; and text-decoration: none !important; in the CSS to remove the link underline. Neither worked. The html: <div class="boxhead"><h2><span class...

How do I launch the Mac Address Book from my app and select a specific person?

I have an app and I am reading in the address book information using the ABAddressBook APIs and selecting a person. I would like to provide a link from my app to launch the Mac address book and pre-select a specific user. I'm sure there are several ways to do it - I came up with one that seems to work but it feels a little clunky. I l...

Simple HTML problem with href

I am trying to create images hyperlinked to some URL's and hyperlinks donot seem to work. I am using the code as given below at http://windchimes.co.in/index_w%20-%20Copy.html Can you tell me why the hyperlinks to the icons are not workking? <td width="29" style="padding-bottom: 42px;><a href="http://windchimes.co.in/blog" target="_bl...

Drupal 6 / Views2 Grid style: whole cells link to nodes

On my Drupal site, I have made a Users page using the Views module, which is simply a nicely styled grid (HTML table) of users. I'm displaying a few fields for each one, and both the name and the profile picture have been set to link to the user node. What is the best way to change it so that the whole cell (HTML td) links to the user n...

User clicks on Image, video starts playing

I have an image, and I would like to make the image link to an embedded YouTube video, such that if the user clicks on the image, it starts playing in the place where the picture used to be. <div id="myvideo"> <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Msef24JErmU&amp;playnext_from=TL&amp;videos=dgzKE_Lyv7o"&gt; <img src="starryeye...

How do I make a hyperlink to a local executable?

We have an Intranet website, and a WPF windows executable installed on every workstation. How can we create a hyperlink on the intranet website that will launch the locally installed executable? Ideally we want the launch to be seamless. Is there a way of setting the browsers trust settings so that it won't display a security warning d...

Wicket link - is adding a label necessary to set the text?

Currently, I do this: <li><a wicket:id="link" href="#"><span wicket:id="name">jawa01</span></a></li> and item.add( new BookmarkablePageLink("link", ResourcePage.class) .setParameter("name", item.getModelObject().getName()) .add( new Label("name", item.getModelObject().getName()) ) ); I want to do ommit the element: <li><a w...

SEO with image link alt text vs standard text-based link

Hi, I'm currently developing a website and the main navigation is made up of image links because the font used for them isn't standard. My client's only worry is will this mess up search engine optimization? Can I just add alt text to the images like "link 1" or use the name attribute of the anchor tag? Or would it be better to just ha...

how can i have a working dropdownlist with links from a csv in php

I have a website that loads a CSV, divides it into parts, and shows these parts. There are 7 parts, and since it is for a music store it is sliced like this: the name of the product the subname the price the stock in one shop the stock of the other shop the group name the brandname What i have now is that it shows 12 products on 1 p...

How do you change the link color in a UITextField?

Anyone know how to change the link color or the phone number color in a UITextField? It's nice that the detection option automatically changes the color of these things to blue and underlines them. But come on, fluorescent blue? Really? OK, it looks fine on a white background, I guess. Wishful thinking ... textField.linkColor = [UIColo...

Adding hyperlink button column in silverlight grid from codebehind?

Hi Since I am building the columns from code-behind, I need to attach hyperlink into one of the columns from code behind. And also, I need to add the click event. How can I do that and its data-binding in code behind? Please advise. Thanks AJ ...

ms pie chatrs with hyperlink

i have a pie chart but i am not able to put a hyperlink on that chart. i have put an on-click event to navigate to a new page but that also does not work.. please suggest.. thanks.. my code: HTML <asp:Chart ID="Chart1" runat="server" Height="252px" onclick="Chart1_Click"> <Series> <asp:Series ChartType="Pie" Name...

Flex: How can I use the @ContextRoot in a Button or LinkButton

I'm trying to create a button that will simply link back to the context root. I noticed flex has a @ContextRoot attribute that appears to work only in certain cases. For example, if I try to use it in the following mxml: <mx:Button label="Back to Root" click="navigateToURL(new URLRequest(@ContextRoot()), '_parent')"/> I get the foll...

Hyperlinks to download files without stopping the current page load

I've got an ASP.NET page that takes a long time to download and returns partial results as it's loading (as per my previous question). On the page I have some links to download files, ie. the response headers contain "Content-Disposition: attachment", so that the browser doesn't navigate away from the page. However, if the user clicks on...

jquery href link

i have link <a id='id'>text1</a> how can i set <a id='id'>text2</a> ? ...