
django link to any user profile in social comunity

i am trying to build a virtual comunity, and i have a profile page, and a personal page. In the profile page, one can see only the posts of one user(the user whos profile is checked), in the personal page one can see his posts, plus all the posts he has subscribed to (just like in Facebook) it's a little confusing for me how i can link ...

Jquery Tab link to another tab from content within a tab

I'm using the JQuery tabs plugin. I'd like to link content within tab 1 to take me to tab 3 instead of having to click Tab 3 to get to it. How do I do this? @redsquare... So, i modified it based on your suggestion that way I can make all the tabs interact with each other. This change works, thanks again, so I guess I'm wondering if the...

post values to external page explicitly PHP

Hi, I want to post values to a page through a hyperlink in another page. Is it possible to do that? Let's say I have a page results.php which has the starting line, <?php if(isset($_POST['posted_value'])) { echo "expected value"; // do something with the data } else { echo "no the value expected"; } If from another page say link....

django url - link problem

i have an application, and in my urls.py i have something like that: urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^profile_view/(?P<id>\d+)/$', profile_view, name='profile_view'),) meaning that the profile_view function has id as a parameter. Now, i want to call that functio...

making links with out anchor tag using dojo

I have a image with link <div id="img"><a href="src/blah.html"><img src="/src/img.png"/></a></div> but i don't wanna use tag for linking.the page has multiple entries like this in a page as it is being populated for a search result.Some 10 or more entries will be there in a page.its all inside a <div id="result"></div> have an idea f...

Jumping link in ie6 and 7

Hi, I've created an online instant messenger which works fine in theory ( the programming is spot on ) but the visual is lacking in ie 6 and 7. basicaly today I've decided to strip it back and start again but still i run into the same problem of the link/button that shows the contacts jumbs 5px when clicked on. I just can't figure it ou...

<a href=...> syntax

I am trying to append a link to the text as shown below: <a href=\"http://blog.sysil.com/?page_id=5\"&gt;Contact Us</a> <br />Copyright © 2010 Stanley Lee. All Rights Reserved. However, it is not linking properly. Do you know what is causing the linking error? Thanks in advance for your help! ...

Fix internal links in JS

I just created a script which extracts the article out of a webpage via server-side JS. (If your interested: it's used for http://pipes.yahoo.com/fb55/expandr .) I just got a little problem with internal links. Some pages include links like: /subfolder/subpage.html What I would need to do is fixing them and setting there root, like t...

link to iPad app in appstore from an iPhone version

Hi, I can't seem to get this to work. I can link to other iphone apps in appstore and they will take the user to the appstore. But iPad links do not seem to work? Has anyone managed to get a working link to an iPad app in appstore? ...

How to open link to pdf file in new tab using html

I have an html page which contains link to open pdf file. however this link opens in adobe reader when i click on it. I have set target property to blank. but it doesnt work either. I want to open this pdf file in new tab in the same window. ...

Links in UINavigationController

What is the class type used to create items that look like HTML links in iPhone apps? Is it just a label with formatted text? How is the selection detected? I am looking to have a Navigation Controller and have some text links on the root page. The user can then select any of the links, and the controller will go to the page for that...

Is directly linking to an image okay for images uploaded to the server with a custom PHP script?

For an image file (JPEG) that has been uploaded to the server via a PHP script (to a directory such as http://www.somedomain.com/images, is it a good idea to allow the client to get the image's direct address (such as http://www.somedomain.com/images/someimage.jpg and paste it into a WYWSIWYG text editor (such as TinyMCE)? I am wonderin...

jquery to grab link and text based on class

Hi all, I'm trying to use jquery to grab the entire link depending on it's class. Here's my code: <ul class="vm_catTigra"> <li><a class="mainlevel" href="/index.php&amp;category_id=6">AAAAA</a></li> <li><a class="mainlevel" href="/index.php&amp;category_id=10">BBBBB</a></li> <li><a class="sublevel" href="/index.php&amp;category...

Pairing Links with PHP Randomized Ads

So I have the following code with works great for randomly generating position for 5 different sidebar ads, my problem is how to give the ads a link that will always be paired with them. I'm looking for suggestions from some PHP gurus as to best practices for doing this... <ul class="top_ads"> <?php ...

To read the hyperlink path of a text from Excel file via JAVA?

I have done upto reading text (String) from Excel file i could leverage the same into my JAVA. But now i have an other querry. Supposing if the text in excel is a hyperlink i need the link path of that text. Say: "hyperlink text" path manually mapped to say ("C:\Folder\iamge.jpg") I want this path in java. Can any one help me with th...

Associated models in Rails?

Hi Everyone, In my rails application I have two models called Kases and Notes. They work in the same way comments do with blog posts, I.e. each Kase entry can have multiple notes attached to it. I have got everything working, but for some reason I cannot get the destroy link to work for the Notes. I think I am overlooking something tha...

jquery to recognize and make hyper links

Anyone have a clue how I can use Jquery to find: http:// or www. and ends with .com, .org, .edu store that as a variable and wrap it in <a href="variable"> <a/> So I have a textarea and when people put in links, I would like to then make them into hyperlinks once they are posted. Make sense? ...

Hyperlinks and iPad videos

Hello everybody, I'm trying to develop something in the cloud incorporating video, text and images. However, any hyperlinked content that appears above or below the video is unclickable, as the video takes the focus on the iPad. This isn't a problem with Safari in general, as it works on Desktop Safari. Thankyou, BH ...

How to Load a page in a dynamically generated iFrame when a link is clicked like a lighbox in jQuery?

Hello, I have a list of links eg : <ul> <li><a href="http://google.com"&gt;Link1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; <li><a href="http://example.com"&gt;Link2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; <li><a href="http://example.com/sdf"&gt;Link3&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; </ul> When a link is clicked, a iFrame should be generated in the middle of the screen loading the pag...

javascript apply #hash to all links

How can I append #somehash to all links on a page without depending on a JS framework? Or is it possible to catch when someone clicks on a link and attach #somehash? ...