
link with image

i have list of links link1 link2 link3 how can i add an image left on each link with css style not html tags? ...

Passing variables from a function to a query string on link click

Hi Guys. I need to pass some variables in a query string after it's run through a function once I click on a link. So this is what I thought should happen: <a href="/Print.aspx& + 'vars'" onclick="collectPrintOptions();" target="_blank"><strong>PRINT MY COVERAGE OPTIONS</strong></a> And my javascript function: function collectPrin...

how to remove border of a hyper-link image?

<li><a href="#" ><img src="images/hospitality.png" title="" /></a> Problem- image is getting displayed inside a blue rectangle box in IE and Mozilla but not in Chrome.How can I remove that blue box from IE also? ...

Qt - image-link

How to place an image on a QWidget that will open a browser and go to Google when you click on the picture? ...

Where are good place to get links from ?

hi all, I'm just playing around with some aggregation scripts... what are some good sites to get popular links from each day? I'm thinking digg reddit sites like those, any others you can think of? ...

How do you make an Image View a Hyperlink on the iPhone?

My question is this: in many free iPhone apps adds which are basically imageViews are buttons. When pressed, they bring you to the iphone App store to buy whichever app was advertised. Can this be tweaked to open a hyperlink in the iphone's safari browser? and if so, how? ...

Rails / omitted from link_to?

Hi Everyone, I am using a Gem to communicate with FreeagentCentral via their API. I have the following code to display a link to the relevant freeagent project: <%= link_to "#{image_tag('/images/icons/Spinning Beach Ball.png')} Freeagent Project", "#{Freeagent::Base.site.to_s + Freeagent::Project.element_path(@kase.freeagent_id).gsub(...

HyperLink on the mail send from Unix

I am sending some text messages from the unix box to the normal internet mail id. I Wanted to add a hyper link in those mails, but link to a file on the system not to a URL. I'm doing it on local machine and i'm sending mail to my email-id. In that mail, I need a link to file which resides on my system itself. How I can do this? ...

jQuery cut link

Here is html: <a href="http://site.com/any/different/folders/picture_name.jpg"&gt;Go and win</a> <a href="http://site.com/not/similar/links/some_other_name.png"&gt;Go and win</a> How to cut all the data from a href, except picture_name.jpg? There can be any length of the link, we must take just the value from last / to last " And any...

jquery accessibility option

what do you guys think of this code to help with some lazy people out there :) $('a').each(function (i,n){ $title = $(n).attr('title'); if(!$title){ $(n).attr('title',$(n).html()); } }); Considering that most links have the same title as their text so... let me knwo if any of you out there like this? So we can te...

Adding a query string to a hyperlink in a asp.net data grid (c#)

Hey, I have a hyperlink column. I need to add just one query string to the url. It needs to pass the string located in the first column of the same row. Let me know if you need more info. Thanks Edit: Also, if you don't mind it might be useful if I was able to pass the primary key of the object bound to that row, instead of the string ...

target="_blank" link using jQuery UI Tabs

Hello, I would like to use my existing Jquery UI tabs to shoot my users off to a new browser window Unfortunately adding a target="_blank" to the jquery tab code doesn't work. Does anyone have any ideas? Here is the default Tab Code found here <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="#tabs-1">Nunc tincidunt</a></li> <li><a href="#t...

Good link checking tool?

Hi all Can anyone recommend a good, free link checker to check all pages within a domain? Ideally a browser add-on or a web app (otherwise something that runs on OSX). Crucially it needs to follow links recursively within a domain. Links outside the domain should be followed to a depth of 1, but not checked recursively. This is for th...

CSS not working correctly on IE 7

Hi people, I am working on a website curently. Here is the link for it. Good News : The site is fine on FireFox, Chrome and IE 8. Bad News: It is not fine on IE 7. Alignment problems, hyperlink colour problems, etc. What should i do to make things normal on IE7 too. Any amount of help would be appreciated. Thanks ...

Quick question. Html.ActionLink and creating Internal Links ( #home, #about, etc. )

Hi there, quick question... How can I best create internal links? This is the markup I want to achieve: <h3>Title</h3> <ul> <li><a href="#prod1">Product 1</li> <li><a href="#prod2">Product 2</li> <li><a href="#prod3">Product 3</li> ... <li><a href="#prod100">Product 100</li> </ul> <div id="prod1"> <!-- content here --> </d...

Adding link to a label ASP.NET (VB)

Hello, I have a label and I want to add to it a link. I want to use javascript like : MyLabel.Attributes.Add("`onclick`", "javascript:`SOME_CODE`") What must I add in (SOME_CODE) to redirect the user to another link. Thanks. ...

CSS 'active' does not work when converting HTML to PHP include

I realize a 'similar' question was asked but the other user is using a much different approach than I am. I am simply trying to include an HTML navigation on my PHP pages for easier modification down the road. When you hover over a button, it is highlighted while the 'active' page is always highlighted. The hover works on both the html a...

Link in input text field

HI All, I know this is bit strange question, but please suggest. I want to create a link on website url content in input type"text" field not any other html tag,Is it possible and if yes how. Regards & Thanks Amit ...

Hyperlink and targetname in wpf

Hi All, I want to display the pages in the frame by using the hyperlink control. but it is not working. Code: <Window x:Class="WPFNavigation.Window1" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" Title="Window1" Height="400" Width="500"> <Grid> <Grid.Colum...

Generating a link with Markdown (BlueCloth) that opens in a new window

Hey, I'd like to have a link generated with BlueCloth that opens in a new window. All I could find was the ordinary [Google](http://www.google.com/) syntax but nothing with a new window. Ideas? Regards Tom ...