
How can I provide temporary links to web pages ?

I intend to give my users the ability to share a link to their profile with other people, however this link should not be the usual link. Instead : it should not give out the real landing page the user should be able to deactivate it if they wish Is this possible ? ...

Obtaining file type from Google URLs via search, docs or Gmail with iOS 3 or 4

I'd like to use the UIDocumentInteractionController (iOS 3.2 or higher) to display linked online files in a modal view with the option to open in external apps on the device. I've figured out the coding to make this happen, but I'm being stymied by Google's links that do not disclose the direct file URL or file type, thus making it impo...

How to get rid of border around and image used as a link in Firefox?

Weird question I think its more of I am not sure what it is called. But I have an img wrapped in an link example ...<li> <a href="#link"> <img ...> </a> </li> ..... Now I have the css border rules all to 0. So their is no Blue border. But in Firefox their seems to be a pink mini dashed border only when I click on the image? ...

JQuery assigning a newly created link to a variable?

Hello! How do i assign this newly created link to the local variable? tblOutput += '<td>'; tblOutput += $('<a></a>') .click(function (e) { $.fancybox({ 'autoDimension': true, 'showCloseButton': true, 'type': 'iframe', 'href': 'WordManagerForm.aspx?cmd=updateword&amp;categoryNodeID=' + nodeID + '&amp;nodeID=' + id_text }); ...

Add links to PHP that pulls latest tweet from Twitter Account.

I've got a nice little twitter widget on my website that was created using php. I'd like to be able to make sure that when a link appears it is clickable or when I @reply someone it links to their profile. Any help is greatly appreciated. <?php function getTwitterStatus($userid){ $url = "http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/$useri...

PDF: hyperlink/position

Hello, Is there a "console way" to find out the position and target of hyperlinks within PDF-documents? The popular tools for converting pdf-to-* end up with text or very broken html documents. That's why I wonder if there is a way to know where (exact position) within the PDF we can find a link and where it is pointing to. Looking for...

How to place a hyperlink field in a web page at runtime?

Hi friends, I am trying to display contents of a folder in a hyperlink. I am using masterpage also. The hyperlinks are not shown into the content page. what to do for that? I know in windows forms we can use like TextBox.Location=new Point(100,100); But how to do in web page...please anybody suggest me.. my coding in page_load is pr...

hyperlink tag active state not working

whenever i've tried using the hyperlink/anchor tag active state, it doesn't work. even if i click on the link, it should show it as in active state, but there's no effect. is there something i'm missing? this is a basic example- html: <ul> <li><a class="main" href="">Home</a></li> <li...

How to open a new page (internal link) in GWT?

Hi! I have built a small webform for registration (username, password,email...). I want to open a new webpage(whose html is inside my project) that displays all the relevant data to the user after the successful registration (Thank you for your registration.... ,your username is ....bla bla). I found this (http://google-web-toolkit.goo...

How to add a row hyperlink for an extJS Grid?

Can someone please throw some light on how to go about rendering an hyperlink in the cells of a particular column in ExtJS? I have tried binding the column to a render function in my JS, from which I send back the html: <a href="ControllerName/viewName">SELECT</a> However, with this, the problem is that, once I hit the controller thro...

how to make a td a link

I have the following: <td> some text <div>a div</div> </td> I'd like to make the entire td a hyperlink. I'd prefer without javascript. Is this possible? ...

Change a relative URL to absolute URL

hi everyone. for example i've got a string like this: $html = ' <a href="test.html">test</a> <a href="http://mydomain.com/test.html"&gt;test&lt;/a&gt; <a href="http://otherdomain.com/test.html"&gt;test&lt;/a&gt; <a href="someothertest/otherdir/hi.html">hi</a> '; and i want to ap...

How to use the "post" parameter with the Excel's 2003 hyperlink "follow(...)" method?

If you look at Excel's help for the Follow Method of the hyperlink object, you'll see that it accepts POST as a way to send the data. How should I fill the "Extra Info" String or byte array? How should I format the data? What is the limit for the data to be sent? Please see below: expression.Follow(NewWindow, AddHistory, ExtraInfo, Meth...

Make a link to DIV on site only

Is it possible to link to ONLY a div on a web page? For example, <html> <body> Here is some content I don't care about <div class="stuff"> Here is some content I want. Blah blah. It may change from time to time </div> Here is more content I don't care about and do not want to see when this...

ASP.NET MVC - Using HtmlHelpers to create hyperlink image

What's the best practice method for creating images that are hyperlinks in ASP.NET MVC with the html helpers (because I want to supply the controller/action parameters and let Routing create the full URL for me)? This is what I've ended up with but I feel it's a bit rubbish and is the result of ages staring at it not being able to see t...

CSS :hover attribute behaving inconsistently

Greetings, I am making a site with :hover images as backgrounds of links. But oddly enough, only the first link is working at all. The others don't act like links, and don't react to the :hover event. Here is the germane HTML: <a href="/" id="home-link" class="icon">Home</a> <a href="skills/" id="skills-link" class="icon">What I Can...

Links and Image Links move down sometimes when active

I have page with a bunch of links. The user is to click on the "Pick" link or the red X image. It works just fine. However, sometimes, the "Pick" links and red X image move half-way down when active. This only happens when they are clicked on and active. In these images, I am clicking and holding on the links: While just annoying ...

Stand alone "SEO Smart Links" plugin functionality

Anybody can provide code snippet how to implement something like "SEO Smart Links" does ? Here is what it does: SEO Smart Links can automatically link keywords and phrases in your posts and comments with corresponding posts, pages, categories and tags on your blog. So e.g. I will provide array of keywords + links, pass it to the funct...

How to find hyperlink in a webpage using java?

hey friends how we can find out the no of hyperlinks in a page. and how to find out what all are they?? i need to develop the stuff in plan java not in any frame work which means,by usingJAVA.NET.*; method,any scope?how can i do that? can you guys give me a proper example?? i need to get all the links in the page and i need to save that...

HTML hyperlinked images moving etc.

This is the site I'm working on and the CSS is in the same directory called saucy.css (sorry I can only post one hyperlink). First of all, apologies for my awfully invalid HTML and CSS. I promise I'm going to fix it all once the site is up and running! However if this is causing the problems of course I will do it now. My current probl...